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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"Hello. I am L.A.I.R. -- Liese as Artificially Intelligent Robot. In what way may I serve you today?"

Akira is stunned. "She's...all metal!"

Balaa's eyes flash as she analyzes the newly remade Lucario.
"Liese? It's still you but in robot form?" Danielle asked, curious as to how that works.
Liese's operating system has been modified to suit the operating parameters chosen by the creators of the hardware conversion AI.

"She's...what's a robot?" asks Akira, as the new machine Pokemon rises to its feet while remaining at attention.

"She's non-organic..." says Balaa. "Unlike me, where the horn is artificial, but the rest is not, Liese is fully electronic in build."
"Whatever that poor creature was, it had turned or friend into a machine of some sort." Danielle said looking at the metal lucario
I have been optimized as a service, battle, and care drone, via nanorobotic conversion. While my parameters are preset, they can be modified by any administrator. I am also capable of independent operation if requested to act in that fashion. I see that prior to conversion Liese had designated Ninetales as administrator -- updating settings!

"Is Liese dead?" asks Akira fearfully.

Negative. The Pokemon to which you refer has graciously agreed to a symbiotic relationship with the reformatting AI -- while none of this unit's organic body remains, it has gained new abilities and power and is significantly more optmimized for functional task management. Several data points of interest have been observed in the unit's original operating system, such as a romantic attraction. This data is still undergoing final processing.
"So, you rebuilt Liese's body and now you two share a mind?" Danielle asked, this was sounding a lot like Akira.
Negative. I internalized the Lucario's body, using molecular conversion protocols to reform the matter out of which it was constructed, then ran her consciousness through a series of conversion algorithms, resulting in the robot now standing in front of you. While the original data is present, it has been reformatted to better suit the body and optimize performance.

"Those humans were even further advanced than we realized..." Akira notes. "You suppose they planned to do this to many Pokemon?"
Those despicable evil.... She need insults in her mind about humans would create things like this, poor creatures who would suffer their entire lives unless they were making pokemon into machines, slaves for the humans.

She shook her head. "There's no way to tell for sure... But we should make sure there aren't any left.. Hey Liese, or la'ir whichever you rather be called, were there any more of those creatures left?"
The drone's LED panels replace her bright red pupils with question marks.

I do not understand the full meaning of your query, Administrator One. Please try rephrasing it. Over time I will learn to better accommodate your communication style. Thank you for your understanding.
"Well I mean, the creature or maybe, machine that... The non Liese part of your symbiotic relationship." Danielle explained not sure how to phrase it.
The LEDs revert back to what could best be described as "^^"

If you refer to the AI Reformatters, or AIRs, then yes -- several specimens were created with similar capacity and limitations.

"According to the scans I have, Liese is actually speaking to us right now...the reformatting has reassigned memory addresses and made her hardware compliant -- basically she's perfectly happy to be a robot." Balaa shakes her head. "It seems strange...in a sense, cruel..."
"Agreed.. though I suppose if she weren't happy this way then she would live in torment so... Maybe it's better that way?" She said before turning back to Liese. "Are the remaining A.I.R's all in pain like the one who attatched to you was?"
Negative. They are in stasis and will not wake unless prompted. However, upon their activation they will be in pain if they are unable to converge with an organic creature. Liese's kindness ensured my survival. I intend, to the best of my ability, to make her sacrifice a meaningful one. I am highly advanced in function and can be expanded and modified. I hope you will utilize me in all situations where I can be of service.

"So the other ones are inactive," says Akira. "Gosh...I wonder what woke this one up! I wasn't being that noisy..." Akira snuggles into Danielle's tails silently.
"I will try my best." She replied to the strange thing.

Danielle laughed gently at the pikamew, looking back at it. "Did you touch anything? We both know you're incurably curious." Danielle said smiling.
"No-no, I swear I didn't touch anything! I'm very curious but I know better than to touch strange things when you're not around -- I promise I didn't!"

Akira starts to cry, and no wonder -- it's hard not to connect Liese's new life to the Pikamew's absence. So everyone is rather surprised when the Robocario gets up, picks Akira up, and plugs two wires from its head into the fusion's. Akira instantly stops crying.

At one point you absorbed Liese's mind for study. I shall now do the same so as to have a safe backup of yours, as well as to expedite your emotional recovery.

Akira's lids begin to droop and the crying stops.

Fear not. I am programmed to do no harm except to enemies of my administrator.
"Your doing what to their brain? Sorry your speech can be hard to understand." Danielle said, confused and concerned for her friend. "Your making a backup? Like a second brain?"
Affirmative. I am copying the data inside Akira's consciousness and creating a backup so that if any data is lost it can be safely recovered.

Two more wires exit the Lucario and connect to Danielle's head.

I shall also backup the contents of your drive. Action in progress...

A moment later Balaa finds himself in the same condition.

Data backup in progress for three units. Please wait until the process is complete.
Danielle waited for the process to finish, figuring that it's better to just let it happen, she didn't know if moving disturbed the process. "This it's strange, I miss when the most puzzling thing of the day was figuring out how to spend it.
A few moments later all the cables retract and Liese's eyes go back to forming an "^^" shape.

Backup complete! In the event of fatality or brainwashing you can now be restored or rebuilt using this data backup. Thank you for your patience.

"That wasn't bad," says Balaa. "If anything, it felt somewhat nice."

"I feel like I just took a nap," adds Akira. "I do feel a lot better..."
"That seems infinitely helpful" Said Danielle looking at the robo-cario "thank for your help." She says smiling. "It did feel rather peaceful didn't it?"
That being said...I feel rather incomplete. I realize now I have certain settings adjustments that need to be made and I would greatly appreciate you making them so my user setup and unit protocols are in place.

"We should start by giving this robot a proper name...and perhaps by giving her a set routine and goals. As far as I can tell, the creature Liese has merged into is optimized for compliance -- and since it converted her mind to fit the new hardware, we can conclude that the more we program, the happier she will be."

"I just had a thought," says Akira. "If this is what humans can do -- then we need to find out if there were more like them doing this -- and stop them!"
"Good point Akira." Danielle said, wondering if there was any chance that these were the only ones. "Well, for a name.. Liese seems suitable, unless of course anyone has different ideas, I guess La'ir like you mentioned sounds kind if nice as well." Danielle added.

"Could you do as Akira suggested? Track down ... A.I.Rs?"
Yes. I am equipped with A.I.R. tracking technology and can locate any within a one hundred mile radius, active or otherwise. I will retain the designation Liese, per your request.

"Hold on," says Balaa. "I do agree this is important but...Danielle -- are you sure you and Akira want to do this? It sound almost more like looking for trouble...and...I'm a little worried for you..."
Danielle actually thought about it, her energy dying a little she saw folly in jumping in head first. "Youre right, I'm afraid I might've been carried away, I'm charged to protect the forest and Akira, not the world." Danielle said before sighing "And yet I still feel that this needs to be done somehow."
"I agree," says Balaa. "It does need to be done..."

"What if...what if Danielle and Liese went...and I stayed here with you, Balaa?"

Balaa looks stunned by the suggestion, but hearts appear in Liese's eyes.

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