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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"But, I couldn't leave the forest, it's my job to protect it...." Danielle said.
I have a potential solution, should each of you accept it. If desired, I could import each of you into my hard drive and digitally transfer you to a location near the closest A.I.R. Or, if preferred, could store you, approach said creature, and then release you to act as desired.

"Carry us?" Akira looks surprised.

I could even carry only a few, if preferred. I am capable of storing the minds and bodies of up to a dozen Pokemon at once, and allowing any one of them to gain control of me if necessary.

"That sounds crazy enough to almost work..." Balaa whispers to himself.
"Wow... You are amazingly powerful" Danielle said. "You could teleport us through machinery?"
Yes, or carry you inside my head. The old Liese could not do so -- but I have been equipped to accomplish tasks beyond any regular Pokemon's capacity. But perhaps...I sound as though I boast. If so, I apologize.

"Can you turn into another Pokemon? Or something else, like Ditto?" Akira asks playfully.

To answer her question, the Lucario lights up a moment, and in a flash -- becomes a robotic Braixen.
Danielle watched in awe, this new Liese was frighteningly powerful. "My weird. It seems there's nothing you can't do." She said, looking at the new braixen. "I do not believe you were boasting, but even if you were it's see good reason for it." She said mirthfully.
I do have several limitations, but am bulletproof, fireproof, and capable of withstanding many blows that would kill a standard Pokemon. Of course, due to my power levels I'm assigned an outside administrator by default so that I do not go mad with power.

"Yeah...imagine an evil Braixen bot..." Akira says quietly.

Do you wish for me to store any Pokemon?
Danielle looked at the group. "What do you guys think? Akira would have to stay here of course." Danielle said, none of these things would get to then if she could help it.
"It's up to you," replies Balaa. "We'll follow the lead you set."

I can store even Akira without dampening its power.
"Alright... Liese, you and me should go." Danielle said

(Ill be posting intermittedly)
Understood. Do you wish to be stored or to store other Pokemon, or are we to depart as is?

Akira and Balaa watch with mixed interest and concern.

(No worries, me too for a while at least ^^)
"Might as well do it the old fashioned way and walk huh? it'll give us time to chat." Danielle said smiling before going to Akira nd her father. "You'll keep eachother safe won't you?"
"Of course we will," replies Balaa. "I'll guard Akira with my life."

"And I'll keep Balaa in good shape," replies Akira.

You are all very kind. I look forward to traveling with you, Danielle.

The drone reverts to its Lucario shape after saying this.
"And I you Liese" Danielle said smiling before trning back again and placing her head on her fathers. "I hate leaving you two like this, but I wish you farewell." She said before walking to Liese. "Ready?"
"I know you'll do good things," replies Balaa with just a hint of a tear in his eyes.

Affirmative. Let us depart!
"Farewell both of you, I expect a message of some sort if Malea delivers her baby." She said with a hint of a smirk. "Keep well!" She said before trotting off with Liese.
Akira sends a message telepathically.

"If you ever need aid, let me know. I'll be thinking of you!"

Liese follows alongside Danielle silently, but the occasional change in her eyes makes it clear she's taking in the world around them.
"And I'll be thinking of you as well, just try not to get into any more trouble, I think father will enjoy your company if you don't get brainwashed." Danielle replied, chuckling even with her message. "You know, I just realised that I'm leading and I have no idea where we're going." She said looking at her robotic friend.
Danielle giggled with her, though was slightly taken aback by the unnerving tone. "So tell me more about yourself Liese."
"The personal side, the party that you had before transformation. What do you like? What don't you like? Do you have family? We only just met an hour or so ago and now we're on a quest it'll be nice to know you better." Danielle said with a smile.
"I see. That's logical! Prior to conversion,I enjoyed spicy foods, but disliked bitter ones. I have three brothers, each stronger than I was. I slept under the stars every night and my favorite place to train was the meadow. What else would you like to know?"
"Whatever you feel like telling." Danielle said happy to listen. "Feel free to ask me anything you would like, though I imagine you probably already know since you scanned my brain."
"Anything?" Liese thinks. "Well, okay. As a child I dreamed of travel. I got my first crush when I was four. Even before conversion I could outrun any Pokemon I met. I used to be strong willed and stubborn. I wished to meet the forest guardian one day and thank them for their service."

She stops there.
"Well then it seems you've gotten two of your wishes it seems I'm honored that you would want to see me like that, though I'm still fairly new I suppose."

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