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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"Alright!" Liese proceeds down the path at a gentle pace. She never looks over her shoulder, but Danielle knows the Lucario is watching her through back facing sensors.

"Do you like games?" she asks quietly. "As I mentioned, I didn't read all your files when I imported them."
Danielle smiled. "It's hard to be a friend of Akiras and not enjoy games, though I must say I don't enjoy them as much as I once did." She said. "It's gotten harder to hide as you could guess." She said chuckling.
"Do you think it's because you've...as they say...grown up? I noticed your brain chemistry is rapidly changing even as we speak, which is another sign of recent evolution -- which, I might add, suits you nicely from an aesthetic perspective."
" Heh I suppose so though what do you mean by, aesthetic perspective?" Danielle asked. heh I didn't even think about how my mind had changed..
"Um...I think organic creatures would use the word beautiful or attractive," says Liese hesitantly. "However, I preferred the more formal term as I did not want to give any accidental or discomfiting impressions."
Danielle blushed a bit. "Oh, thank you, two girls can complement rather can't they?" Danielle said jokingly "I think you and the way you work ate quite beautiful as well." She said.
"I am technically neither male nor female at this point -- however, I have an internal warning system alerting me that a robot complimenting the appearance of an organic is potentially risky."

At the compliment the LEDs flash pink.

"You're too kind!"
"Not at all, I meant every word, and your still girly in my book." She said. "Unless of course it makes you feel uncomfortable."
"It doesn't. I don't mind what you call me," says Liese honestly. "I am not capable of feeling discomfort."
"Heh, that would come in handy." Danielle said chuckling softly. "How close are we?" She asked.
"We are approximately 9 miles out, as our pace has been rather slow. If desired, I can accelerate my pacing and expedite our arrival."
"Well I'm afraid that you would arrive there while I was sweating three miles back." She said smiling.
"That's fine, I haven't had a nice, long walk in awhile" she said happy to attend the time with her friend.
"Alright," Liese keeps her pace slow and gentle. "It appears that we have observers -- Pokemon who noticed you and wonder what I am. It's interesting, being a curiosity. Liese never thought of herself as special aside from her training."
"Really? I think Liese was very special, even without the nuts and bolts." She said, even though she didn't know the meanings of these words until a few minutes ago.
"She sought self-improvement. Deep down, she hoped that allowing for the merger with the A.I.R. would make her a better Pokemon. Do you think this goal has been successfully achieved?" Liese turns with purple question marks in its LEDs to look at Danielle.
The question marks vanish and are replaced with what can best be described as a ";v;" face.

"Your kind evaluation is meaningful. I am very glad of it."

A moment later a noise echoes from the brush.
Danielle's ears perked. "Seems like we have an admirer." She said smiling, and turned toward the noise.
The bushes rustle again, but nothing emerges.

"Seems they're shy," says Liese. "I identify three Pokemon, roughly the same in size as myself."
"Hello? We knew you're there" Danielle said, her curiosity getting the best of her. "We won't hurt you."
"I don't suppose that you could at least tell us why you're watching us?" She asked, getting in a slightly defensive position.
There's still no response.

"Analysis indicates elevated heart rates -- the quarry may be considering whether to attack or flee."

Liese's LEDs shift to dark red. "Assuming alert status."

She pulls a rod from out of nowhere and wields it like a bone club, while the horn on her chest begins to glow.

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