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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"Oh.." Danielle said dropping her front end, her tails splaying out. "Please announce yourselves" she pleaded, not wanting to fight.
"Ohmygosh" Danielle said running over to the hurt lucario, looking at his wounds. "Are you ok?"
Did..did he say? "Y...you're sister?.." Danielle panicked and looked at his wounds. "Liese! Come here, he needs help!"
Liese is instantly nearby.

"Subject has received multiple bone fractures and several organ failures due to a combination of Pokemon and firearm based attacks. Chance of survival at 18% and dropping."

"Who--oo-is that?"
"She's my friend, she can help." Danielle said, reaching through options. "Can you download him? Put him in your brain so we can transport him?"

(Gtg for a little, cya later!)
"Yes," replies Liese, preparing the action.

"Wait..." Lucario interrupts. "My...my brothers....are in the bush..."

Liese stops. "We should attend to each as quickly as possible..."
Danielle sighed slight relief, it wasn't her brother. "Yes, you help him i'll collect the others, you can store up a dozen right?" She said already running to the bush.
Liese nods, quickly placing her ears on the struggling Pokemon. He glows, then seems to vanish into them.

"Specimen stored."

The others are in equally bad shape.

"Who are you?" Asks the older looking one, trying to block his brother from potential attack.
"I am the guardian of the forest, im here to help." She said picking the two up with her power, but making sure to keep them still.
Liese approaches silently.

"Preparing specimens for download," she says. Two beams of light emanate from the spikes on her hand, and both seem to vanish into them.
"We need to get them home immediately, leave me behind travel as hard and fast as possible i'll try to catch up." Danielle said, looking at her friend.
"Please remain calm," says Liese. "I have saved them onto my hard drive, and as such they cannot die. There is no need to hurry, nor to fear. Please specify your destination for them. If desired, I can run analysis on the stored units."
Danielle tried to control her emotions. "Sorry..... forgive my fear, I cant be a very good guardian if I panic every time can I? Lets bring them to our home, we have advanced healing and more people there... unless you can think of any better alternatives."
Liese pauses. "Fear is normal, though I am not programmed to feel it. I can disable it on other Pokemon. However, these three Lucario have been severely damaged. Pokemon may not have the necessary tools to bring full healing to them. However, I can allow one access to my control systems, allowing you to converse more freely with them to understand the situation."

She places a hand on Danielle's head.

"Do not be worried -- we can figure out a solution."
She calmed and took a deep breath. "Ok.. let's just go home.. can you tell them that we're safe and that we wont hurt them? I don't want a whole bunch of lucario trying to make trouble as soon as they're healed." She said smirking.
Liese nods. "Programming units with recognition software. Programming complete."

She then looks around. "Are we to proceed in the original direction now? The danger for them is passed, as they no longer have physical forms and are in digital stasis."
"Well.... will they notice the time passing... I feel like even if they don't they wont like us waiting for them.... and it appears they had a sister, should we look for her?"
"I am their sister, or was," replies Liese simply. "They will not notice time's passage regardless of how long I contain them. In this mode they are essentially frozen in time and place, aside from modifications I make."
"You are?" She asked. I had an itching feeling... but she didn't react in the least. "Sorry i know.. stupid question, well.. I suppose logic dictates we head on but... don't you want to see your brothers?" Danielle queried.
"I am, and negative," replies Liese. "My function is to serve you -- they do not fill any action in that role. Their plight is unfortunate but does not affect my purpose."
Danielle thought about that and drooped her head some. "Have you turned on your emotional dampener again?" She asked, that seems sad to her.

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