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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

Danielle nodded, that made more sense. "Well.... Let's get them home." She said, wanting her to be able to process the emotions, though they may be painful.
Liese nods. "I suppose my action is cowardly, but I needed to remain functional and the loss of three loved ones might be more than an AI could bear."

She turns and follows Danielle.
"No, I understand, you did wrist needed to be done." Danielle said. "Sometimes I wish I could do the same, you saw me earlier.."
"I can install an emotional inhibitor, if desired."

Thanks to their hurried pacing, the house can be seen nearby -- Akira is playing in the garden.
".....let me think on that one." She said as they appeared the house. "Akira, tell father to get anything we can use for medical purposes up and running asap." She messaged her friend.
Akira is at first overjoyed to see Danielle, but upon reception of the message immediately dashes back into the house.

"It should be nice to see them...though I could hope for better circumstances."

"Balaa has begun working -- I'm helping best as I can."
"Thank you my fa....friend" Danielle stumbled, did she almost use that word? That can wait for later She told herself. "Everything gonna be fine." She told Liese, and herself.
Liese nods. In mere minutes three tables have been laid out with various equipment on them.

"If she deposits the Pokemon here we can maintain their stasis while running a complete medical check and seeing what action would be needed to help them," says Balaa.

"That's because Balaa modified the analysis tables -- we learned that I can power them and give them healing or at least steadiness abilities!"

Liese nods. "Awaiting your command."
Akira nods, and a moment later the three Lucario can be seen on the tables. Akira is all over them in an instant.

"Poor creatures -- you all fought so bravely, but you never had a chance. I'm so sorry for each of you." Akira continues to speak comforting words. While they don't appear to immediately improve, their breathing becomes more regular and their pained expressions become more neutral. One even smiles a bit.

"This is a temporary solution," says Balaa. "We need those A.I.R.S if these Lucario are going to live full lives."

Liese looks at each of them and rubs a paw over each ones head. "I am sorry I was not with you, my brothers." Her LEDs flash a deep blue.
"Turn them all into robots like Liese?" Danielle asked before deciding it was the inky option, but still being careful. "Liese would your brothers go song with this?" She said already heading to the other room.
"I cannot see an alternative," replies Balaa, following along with Liese. "Akira can preserve their lives and take their pain, but it requires ongoing focus, and the wounds are so great that Akira could only heal them if it were to erase their minds and reset their bodies. At least an electronic conversion would keep their personalities in place."

"My brothers are too wounded to have much say in the matter -- but I will vouch that they would be willing to be like me." Liese looks back, her LED panel neutral.
"Alright, Liese since you have a connection to then could you collect the AIR's?" Danielle asked. "I'm not even sure where they are exactly."
"No, they're in secure non-digital storage," says Liese, hanging its head a bit. "We'd have to go physically retrieve them."

"Then perhaps you will encounter the humans as well," adds Balaa.
"Alright then, if we need to get then we had better hurry, so they can feel better sooner rather then later."
"I'll ensure Akira's safety while the two of you journey," says Balaa. "It was good to see you for even a short time. Now then...good luck!"

Liese nods gratefully. "Your kindness to my brothers is greatly appreciated."
"Alright then, lets go" Danielle said before cocking her head. "What would be the fastest way to get there, im willing to be transported by you if necessary." Danielle said
"I could store you and then travel using my airjet system -- it would take around fifteen minutes to reach our destination -- if desired you could control my body on the way up."

Balaa nods. "This is a surreal kind of day, huh?"
Danielle smiled." Hehe yeah, and it's ok Liese I trust your piloting skills might be better than mine anyway."
"Very well," replies Liese. "Downloading."

Danielle becomes a ball of light and then vanishes into Liese's chest horn.

"Now then, let's depart. Granting access to optics."

Danielle still has no physical form but can now see through Liese's vision sensors.
"Woah... This is, strange." Danielle said. "Being able to see through your eyes but yet it feels like their mine as well."
"In this state you are considered a part of my software and thus have access to my components as if they were your own," replies Liese. "Let's get going."
"Alright" Said, or rather thought Danielle. looking forward to this now, the robo-lucario could feel her excitement.
Two jet turbines emerge from Liese's hips. She steps outside, waves a final farewell, and then blasts off, her feet not even touching the ground.

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