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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"How ever long you want mommy." Danielle said, smiling at her mommy
Balaa nods, curls up into a ball for five seconds, then gets back up. "Done!" he says with a smile.

"I think Balaa must be happiest doing what he's told or something," says Akira telepathically. "It's a bit strange..."
"Yeah... but at least she's happy, right?" She asked her friend.
"I think so. Maybe we could ask...I'm just nervous, I guess."

Balaa waits curiously, then finally tilts his head. "Is all well?"
"Yeah everythings ok!" She said, finishing her meal. "Thanks again for the delicious food!"
"It's always a pleasure to serve my daughter," he replies warmly. "Is there anything else you'd like? Anything else you want to do?"

"Could you find us a pretty gem?" asks Akira.

"Of course!" replies Balaa, nodding and leaving once more.
Danielle smiled at her mommy, nuzzling her before she left. "She really is happier serving than sitting isn't she?" She asked, happy that mommy was content. "So what should we do now?" She asked springing in her friends direction.
"Well," replies Akira, "I think we should try to learn more about the stuff in this house. I think something happened to Balaa -- he's always been kind, but he didn't use to care quite so much about everything we wanted. I don't know for sure, but that seems odd to me. Like you said, he's happy -- but I want to know more about this place. I want to know what those collars were and how this tech works. And how the house was built!"
"Ok!"... but how do we do that?" She asked cocking her head. "Should we ask mommy when she gets back?"
"We can, but I think we should just explore on our own and see what everything is. After all, there's no humans around to hurt us, right? Might as well see what everything is for ourselves." The Pikamew giggles. "It might be fun, right?"
"Yeah! though we'll have to be careful." She replied, not wanting to turn into zombies or anything.
"Okay. Let's start upstairs."

Akira leads the way into a large room full of boxes.

"There's a lot of stuff in here. Think it's useful?"
"I guess we'll have to look and see!" Danielle said. "It's almost like treasure hunting!"
"I agree!" replies Akira, opening a box. Inside appears to be mostly papers and stuff. "Well...this is boring looking..."
"Awww yeah." Danielle said disappointed before opening another box with much the same results. "Wow there's lots of boring stuff up here."
"Maybe they put this stuff in here just to help them keep track of their work?"

Akira looks in another box. "It's more of the same..."
"Well that was kinda disappointing" Danielle said opening another box, hoping for something interesting
Danielle's box contains what seems to be another collar, similar to the one the Shaymin couple had.

"Hey...I think we saw those earlier."
"Yeah.... isn't this what Aunt Malea and Uncle Bryndle were wearing?" Danielle asked, picking it up.
"Yeah it is.." Danielle replied, staring at the gem. "Though we shouldn't mess aroung with it to much." She said putting it back down
"I don't know, though I guess we cant be sure how dangerous they, but considering who made them we should probably be careful." Danielle said before opening another box.
Akira nods. The box contains strange red and white orbs with tiny buttons.

"I feel like I've seen those somewhere," The Pikamew looks thoughtful.
"Didn't that human girl have some when we fought?" She asks, only half way remembering anything besides the battle.

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