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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"Yes," replies Balaa. "I wanted to make sure everyone was safe, and Absol tend to be more nocturnal. Additionally...he raises a paw to his horn...this puts energy into my body to make me able to stay up longer. So I'm not even tired!" he laughs.
(Hey, sorry I'll post one not a second, my internet shut down and is really slow right now XD)
"Wow.. that's really cool!" She said amazed by the new body. "Though if you're nocturnal does that mean you'll be sleepy at day time?" She asked.
"Not necessarily," Balaa says. "Technically the energy pack gives me the ability to go up to a week without sleep, as long as I eat well and drink water enough."

This is followed by a chuckle.

"I didn't even know these things existed two days ago and now they're a part of me. Strange, huh?"

(No worries! Internet can be wonky ^^)
"Yeah, its kinda weird, though, it's not bad is it?" She asked her mommy. I hope she doesnt mind..
"As long as I have my daughter I'm content in any form," replies the Absol earnestly. "It's not just programming that makes me love you so much."
Danielle licked her mommy, happy to have her back. "I love you too mommy, even though your an absol now." She replied honestly.
Danielle cocks her head. "Huh?..... oh... Only if you want to." She replied.
Akira begins to stir, then gets up and yawns.

"Good morning, Danielle and Balaa! It's a lovely day to clean and play!"

Balaa blushes. "Sorry. You keep calling me "Mommy" and so my software is offering to switch my self identification so I see myself as a female Absol."
"No it's ok, but I don't want to make you do anything that would make you feel weird" Danielle said.

Bryndle sliwly stirred, but upon seing his mate still asleep he decided to stay where he was.
"You aren't," says Balaa. "This is just the way I think now. All sorts of things about me can be changed, but I know you don't want to harm me, dearest. Still, since this is what I am, I hope you'll put me to good use."

Akira smirks. "I could use food! Can you help with that?"
Danielle smiled at Akiras question, they never changed did they? "Oh.." "Can you hear this mommy?" she didn't know whether or not her new mind could pick up on psychic signals yet
Balaa doesn't reply, indicating he did not hear.

Akira giggles and jokingly says "Make us a pretty breakfast!"

Balaa's eyes flash. "Certainly. Executing task. Estimated time, twenty minutes."

Akira is very surprised.
Danielle was surprised, though did not interfere, feeling it might've been rude to Akira.
Balaa leaves the room and soon enough nice smells come from the kitchen.

"H-he did that because he wanted, not because I said so, right?" Asks Akira.
"I... think maybe both? I feel like her programming would have us do anything we want...." Danielle said.
The two Shaymin stay asleep, but after nineteen minutes have passed, Balaa enters with several balanced trays of food.

"Enjoy!" He says with a hint of pride.

Akira glances at Danielle and then begins to eat.
Danielle notices mommies pride, and decides it wasn't to incredibly harmful and ate. "Wow mommy, this is so good!"
Balaa beams with pleasure. "Thank you. I learned the recipe just for you two!"

Akira is stunned. "Cassiopeia was really old, and I've still never had anything this good! Thank you so much."

"My pleasure," nods Balaa.
Danielle continues to munch on her food, taking in the flavor. She looked up from her food at mommy. "Do you want anything to eat?"
"I'll eat later," says Balaa. "I want to be absolutely certain you both are happy for the whole meal."

Akira giggles. "You always work so hard, Balaa, even when you're not the guardian."
"Yep! My mommy never stops working, even when she doesn't have a job to do, you should really take a break mommy, at least for a little." Danielle said.

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