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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"Yes, Danielle," he replies, and then leaves the room. Some whirring and buzzing can be heard from the room over.

"I don't care much for him. I like him better mind controlled," says Akira flatly. "He gives a bad name to humans."

"I see they had managed to get my brains out," Balaa nods as he notices his old head lying on the table. "Made quick work of me."
Danielle flinched a little at this, the sight still scary, but she looked at mommy again and she settled down. "So... do you think we should hypnotize them? make help people instead of hurt them?" She asked.
"That's not really my decision, Danielle. Nonetheless, I believe they do deserve comeuppance, and being transformed into obedient servants would certainly fit that description. Considering they blew my brains out, though, I'm not sure I can be objective."

"If they were Pokemon they could be put to good use as healers. Maybe we could even combine them or something," says Akira, examining the various machines.
"They do seem really smart, maybe they would make good helpers if they were on our side." Danielle said pondering, though she wanted more of what mommy said. "But.. would turning them into pokemon and making them forget be any better than what they did to the poor absol before mommy was in it?"
"I...I suppose maybe not," Akira looks confused. "But we can't let them go free either. Gosh... what do we do?"
"Do... do we just let the human guardians take them?" She asked, not knowing the actual name for it. "I mean... what they're doing isn't right... surely the humans would see that and do something... what if we just barely hypnotize them and make them tell everyone about what they did then return to normal."
"That's not a bad idea," replies Balaa. "The other humans might be an excellent source of justice."

Akira nods. "I imagine they don't take kindly to killing Pokemon over there either. It does seem a pity, almost, but it's a good idea Danielle!"
She smiled at the praise and the new idea. "Yay! Then we can all go home again and play together!" Danielle exclaimed, life could finally return to normal again. "So.. should we do that now?" She asked, suddenly hyper
"It might not hurt to make sure these machines can't do anything else to others," says Balaa.

As he speaks, the Doc comes back with two Shaymin. Malea seems to have grown, in a sense.
"Aunt Malea, Uncle Bryndle!" Danielle says jumping from mommy and nearly dive bombing them.

When she did this Bryndle immediately panicked and intercepted the tackle-hug. "Hehe it's nice to see you too little one." He said, smiling and licking her off a little. "But i'm afraid you shouldn't be jumping on Males like that for awhile." He said, looking at his beautiful mate.
Malea smiles. "Dear Danielle and Akira. It's wonderful to see you both. Please excuse my not running to you. I... recently picked up some cargo. And who's this Absol of yours?"

Both are wearing the collars still. The Doc stands at the ready.
Danielle cocked her head at Malea's comment, obviously not understanding, but at her question she perked up. "This is mommy!" She said excitedly, but upon seeing Bryndles confused look she relized that didn't make any sense. "Well.. when the mean humans hurt mommy, her mind somehow stayed with us, so we put it in an empty body... and now shes back!"
Both Shaymin look surprised to hear this.

"It's true," Balaa says sheepishly. "My attempt to rescue you was ill fated. As a result," he gestures to his hide and head, "I was reduced to a dissected corpse. Danielle and Akira put me back."

"They seem to have put us back too," smiles Malea. "Though...I don't remember asking about children before..."
"Children?" Danielle asked, cocking her head once more, obviously not getting the meaning.

"Can I tell them my darling?" Bryndle asked, his face beaming with excitement. They could nearly see him restraining himself from moving erratically.
"It appears that me and my beloved are going to have a child!" Bryndle happily exclaimed for everybody, his smile as wide as his lips can be.

Danielle, finally understanding, jumps up and down with excitement. "Really!?"
"Congratulations!" Balaa smiles. "That's indeed a major milestone!"

Akira dashes about the room proclaiming how wonderful it is.

Malea blushes at all the attention.

The Doc...stands there.
Bryndle cheers with them at fist though seeing Malea's discomfort he snuggled closer to her and cleared his throat fairly loud. "So.. what are we doing with the humans?" He asked.

Danielle explained their current plan, though a bit fast due to her excitement.
"That seems reasonable," says Malea. "They certainly have caused a lot of trouble...not to mention pain."

"My only concern is whether the humans will actually penalize them..." Akira says with a sidelong glance. "We can't afford to have them return to cause more harm."
Bryndle winced a bit but stayed cheery. "Indeed, these Humans must be punished." He said looking over at Malea.

"Well.... is there any way we can gurantee that they will... without forcing them to?" Danielle asked.
"Not really," says Akira. "But...maybe that's okay. Maybe we just need to trust things will work out."

Balaa yawns. "I wonder if they have food here."
"Yeah.." Says Danielle , though wishing she could know for sure that the humans would get what was coming to them. "Mommy you're starting to sound like Akira" Said Danielle with a giggle.

Bryndle smirked at this, it was good to see everyone happy after all that.
"Sorry...this Absol was not fed very much while they were removing his brain..." Balaa says a little sadly. "I inherited that malnourishment, as a result."

Malea nods. "I think I saw a strange box of food. Perhaps the humans could make something for us."

Akira smiles.
Danielle smiles at this as well, the thought of having the humans as butlers for at least a little to tempting to give up. "That's a good idea." She said. Her eyes glowing the two other humans walked into the room and addressed Balaa "What can we do for you mistress?" They said in unison.

Bryndle watched with amusement, Danielle was etting her revenge in a much nicer way than they deserved, especially after what they did to his beloved..
Balaa chuckles. "I don't know what humans eat, but I can connect to something called the Internet and find out, if you want to try human food."

Akira giggles. "What kind of name is Internet?"

Malea's stomach grumbles. "I'd be happy for anything right now."

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