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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

Danielle frowns. "Think, can you remember anything? Anyhing besides eachother? Where were you before this place?" She asked

"That is irrelevant" Bryndle said. "We're happy where we are, and we have eachother." Bryndle said, use to not having enough memories.
Malea nods in agreement. "Now leave," she says, charging up an Energy Ball.

"We either have to fight them and defeat them, or control them," says Akira nervously. "What do we do?"
"I.. I don't know.... can we restore their memories if we c..control them?"

"You heard her my tiny friends, leave now please."
"I really don't know," replies Akira, only to be nailed a moment later by Malea's energy ball. The Shaymin is still encaged, but hits the Pikamew with stunning force, causing Akira to roll backward and collide with a strange machine, that then begins whirring and humming.

"That could be a problem."

Malea stands ready and takes aim at Danielle.
"Ohmygosh Akira you ok?" She asked running over to her friend, not expecting the attack.

"We asked nicely." Said Bryndle getting an energy ball ready. "Now please leave, last warning."
"I'm fine," says Akira, before suddenly shuddering as a strange device is attached to their neck by the odd whirring device. The fusion's eyes flash.

"Stay back!" Akira cries telepathically. "It's going to target you next and try to break your mind...stop those Shaymin from doing anything worse!"

Malea fires, breaking out of the cage as she does so. The programming is in full effect now, and both Shaymin think nothing of suddenly being programmed to fight off the "intruders" despite their young age. As far as they know, it's their idea.
Danielle pulled her and her friend out of the device and got ready for their next strike, taking the defensive.

Bryndle took to the sky and fired off another energy ball, that Danielle just barely dodged.

(Sorry about the response time :( )
Akira's eyes continue to shift colors as it fights back the codes that are attempting to take control of its brain. Sometimes Akira seems to be winning, other times not so much, but thanks to Malea and Bryndle's constant attacks, there's no time to step over and help. At least the humans remain asleep. And then Danielle sees the hide skinned from her mother.
Danielle's focus was immediately taken by the sight. Her eyes became as wide as dishplates. "M..mommy..." She said simply, it was so much worse seeing it with her eyes than in her mind, she stepped back slowly, starting to become afraid.
Akira suddenly snaps free, jumping in front of the Solar Beam both Shaymin have started to create, then dashes back to Danielle and sweeps her into the air before using Teleport. The few land a couple hundred feet away from the house.

"Y-you okay?" asks the fusion breathlessly.
Danielle takes some shaky breaths. "Y...Yeah, in sorry I should've helped but... I couldn't move... I'm sorry" she said her head drooping. "Are you ok? You got hit." Danielle said looking at her friend feeling rather guilty.
"It's okay," says Akira consolingly. "I saw it too. I'm not really hurt, just a little stunned. They really did a lot of damage in there. We need to think of a plan, but let's breathe."

The same warmth returns, but Balaa remains silent.
Danielle whined a bit and nuzzled at a comforting tail that wasn't there. "Thank you mommy".... Mommy! That was it. Her ears perked suddenly excited. "Hey Akira you remember that poor Absol we saw in there?"
"Sure," replies Akira. "The poor creature didn't even have a brain. Just some weird thing the humans made. Why?"
"Could mommy go inside that thingy that the humans made?" Danielle asked, suddenly bouncing with energy. Could have a body!
"What do you think mommy?" She asked. Obviously they would need her permission.
"That unfortunate creature would suffice, but only if you deem bringing its mind back is impossible," replies Balaa.

"Then we should go back soon and find out."
"Ok... Though we should avoid aunt Malea and uncle Bryndle until we help mommy." She said, a disappointed tone in her voice.
"Agreed," Akira nods, then teleports them back into the strange room with the Doc and the empty headed Absol.

The Pokemon is in the same spot as last time. Akira floats up and pulls on its horn, which to both their surprise comes right off.

"So this is where...whatever it is that replaced the Pokemon's mind is kept. Now we just need to get Balaa in it. Maybe we can make this human help?"
"Yeah, though we should be careful with him." Danielle said, constantly darting her eyes to one thing or another. "W..we don't want him to pull any tricks."
"He won't be able to after I'm through," says Akira with a hint of mischief. The Pikamew floats next to the man and places its hands on his head. A moment later he bolts upright, then stands up and stands at attention.

"What do you desire, Mistress Danielle?" he asks with notable respect in his tone.

"Now he'll behave just like we want him to," says Akira with a firm nod.
Danielle nodded to her friend, normally averse to this kind of thing, she strangely felt better about this one. "Could you upload a disembodied mind into a mechanical brain like this Absol?" She asked her servant.
"Yes, I could, if the mind were added to the augmented horn I installed on the Absol as a mind control. If a psychic Pokemon loaded it on, it would be converted to compatible code and then run as a program that would serve as the Absol's operating system. We'd then only have to adjust settings to make sure proper function was achieved."

Akira nods, and their hands begin to glow.

"I can summon Balaa and push her into the horn if you want, Danielle."

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