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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

The psychic attack fills the building, knocking out all the humans and leaving only the Pokemon present conscious.

"We have free reign of the house now," says Akira. "Let's see about freeing our friends."


"Bryndle? I sense something is amiss. Do you?"
"That was easier than I expected." Danielle said before skipping a bit. "Yeah, let's go get our friends!"

"Yes... Something is different." Bryndle said.
Akira floats after Danielle back to the main foyer, where cages can be found. Bryndle and Malea can see them already.

"I don't know those two -- they seem possibly hostile...should we hide? Or fight?" Malea whispers.
"We should hide, if the humans haven't stopped them yet then they might be dangerous." Bryndle stared before doing just that.

"Do you see them Akira?" asked Danielle, searching herself.
"I sense them," Akira shakes their head, "But...I can't see them. Perhaps they're hiding from those villains?"

Malea copies Bryndle, trying to keep hidden.
"Could be.... Should we call out for them?or I guess we should keep looking first." Danielle said, slightly anxious

Bryndle kept silent, though was prepared to spring left they going Malea.
Akira switches to telepathy. "There may be traps in here, or perhaps they've been muffled. Keep quiet but alert...I sense something in those boxes."


"They're coming this way," whispers Malea.
"Ok" Danielle replied waking towards the box's indicated, hoping dearly that her friend were there.

Bryndle waited to see what happened, though he tensed, ready to spring into action.
She sniffed the air.. they were there! "yeah! They must be close"

"Agreed, ready my love? On the count of one.. 3..2..1" He said jumping out and taking an offensive position energy ball already formed, he held it.. it seemed a child was one of the invaders.
Akira detects the move a moment before and darts out, ready to protect Danielle despite it supposedly being the other way around, but the hesitancy on both parts leads to a sharp breath.

"Who are you?" asks Malea. "Are you friend...or foe?"
"Aunt Malea? I..it's us Danielle and Akira." Danielle said before it dawned on her what must've happened.

Bryndles energy ball shrink some till it disappeared. "Those names don't sound familiar." He said, though he wondered how they knew his dearly beloved's name
Akira nods. "Brainwashing...has to be. Maybe we can reverse it, though?"

Malea shakes her head. "Do...I know you sweethearts?"
"Yeah, I hope so at least." Danielle said to Akira "Yeah, you and Uncle Bryndle are our family." Danielle said hoping to spark something.

Bryndle was incredibly confused by this.. "We don't know any Danielle or Akira.. why are you two here?"
"I don't recognize either of you," adds Malea.

"We're here to rescue you from your kidnappers!" Akira says. "They did something to you...we don't know what but...won't you please come with us?"

"Bryndle, I fear they're confused," Malea shakes her head.
"We are in no danger here, i'm sorry but im afraid you have the wrong people." Bryndle added.

"No we came here for you two! You don't belong here." Danielle said, raising her voice slightly.
Akira's eyes flash and she looks at Danielle.

"Empty. Completely empty. There's nothing there except each other."

Malea takes a step back. "Please leave us be."
"Is there anyway to fix them?" Danielle asked, starting to fidget a little.

"Fix? there's nothing wrong, and you're bothering my mate so I must also ask for you to leave." He said getting closer to Malea, putting himself between her and the two strangers.
Akira frowns. "We're not going anywhere. You need to come with us." The Pikamew hesitates, nervous about the possibility of creating more problems.

"We're content where we are," replies Malea stubbornly.

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