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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

Danielle was about to scream yes, but something stopped her. "Is it possible to bring back Absols mind instead?" She asked, not wanting to kill of the poor thing.
"No, I deleted everything associated with the Pokemon's original psyche when I converted its mind into coding using my digital consciousness rewrite utility. Absol now only exists in body, not in any other fashion."

Akira looks grim, but shakes its head as if to clear its thoughts.

"So then, Danielle...shall I?"
"Yeah..." She said, frowning just a little. The poor thing.
Akira nods, then takes the horn and makes it glow as Balaa's wandering mind is converted into code and placed on the device. Balaa remains silent through the process -- which is fair considering her entire consciousness is being reformatted, but after what seems like forever Akira places the horn back on the table.

"It's done. Now, what else do we do?"

"I have to input your program preferences," says the Doc, connecting a cable from a machine to the horn. "What do you wish?"
"What do you mean?" Danielle asked cocking her head. "I don't want to change anything about mommy, if that's what you mean." She confirmed, mommy was perfect the way she was.
"I simply meant that if desired I could modify her operating age, obedience levels, personality traits, command responsiveness, battle capacity, intelligence, and so forth. This is a highly sophisticated machine and anything can be done to reprogram a mind with it."

Akira looks from the Doc to the horn to the waiting Pokemon with an empty expression and emptier head.
"No, I want mommy to be the same." Danielle said stubbornly, shaking her head. "Though I hope that she does have her own free will?" She asked not wanting her mommy to be a slave.
"If you desire, the new robot will have complete free will, yes," replies the Doc. "This can be done by setting her as her own administrator alongside you."
"Yes please" Danielle said, relief in her voice, seemingly dodging a bullet. "She didn't like always being in charge, and she didn't want mommy to be a mindless slave.
"Very well," replies the controlled human, pushing a few buttons and then unplugging the horn from the machine. "To activate the robotic Absol unit simply plug the horn into its neural dock."

Akira picks up the horn and hands it to Danielle. "This would almost be fun if it weren't for how we got to it -- still...might as well get Balaa's mind plugged in -- she's probably just sleeping in here now."

"If desired, the Absol can be used to reprogram other living creatures."

"We'll get back to you," says Akira curtly.
"Hehe, yeah..." Danielle said trading the horn. Not using her powers, fit sine reason it felt better to do it herself. She walked up and inserted the horn, and stood back, wondering what would happen next.
The Absol's eyes flash and it shakes its head, then says in a somewhat dull tone, "Balaa_Absol.OS booting...stand by."

Akira watches with wonder and a few moments later the Absol seems to come fully to life.

"Hello, sweetheart," it says in a deep voice. "I have missed you dearly."
Danielle didn't expect the deep voice, it the fact that apparently the body was a he. "But in the moment she didn't care. "Mommy! Your back!" She yelled jumping at the Absol.
Balaa smiles broadly, tears in his eyes as he dashes to meet Danielle. For just a moment all can see the confusion as he suddenly realizes the gender swap and the fact he can no longer wrap his tails around his loved one, but rather than focus on that he simply flops on his side, giving the Vulpix space to just climb all over him and licking her as she goes.

"I am so very sorry I ever left, Danielle. I will never do it again."

Akira smiles at the reunion, then gives the human a very harsh look.
She takes the opportunity provided and climbs on, licking her mommy all over her face, before simply snuggling close happily. She wanted to console mommy but just wanted to soak in the moment so stayed silent.
Balaa takes it all in and begins to weep gently, partially from joy, partially from sadness.

"I suppose I'm not as beautiful or strong, but it hasn't changed how much I love you...even if I'm not even a proper mother anymore. Danielle, thank you for not giving up on me."

Akira smiles. "I'm very glad to have you back, Balaa. You'll make a fine Absol. As for this human..."
"If course mommy, I wouldn't be a very good father if I have up on you would I?" Danielle asked cycling a bit, her tears falling slowly. At Akira's mention of the human some of her levity vanished. "Yeah... What should we do with him?" She asked, wanting to do things she knew she shouldn't.
Balaa laughs. "Whatever did I do to deserve you?" he asks with a warm laugh.

"I dunno," says Akira, answering Danielle's question. "It seems like it'd be wrong to just let him keep doing stuff like this."
"Well..... we could just take all their stuff...though they could probably start again.." She tried to think of solutions but all of them ended with hypnosis...
"Right," says Akira sadly. "If we let them go free they'll probably kill more Pokemon...or worse."

Balaa doesn't add, too focused on his daughter to think about much else.
Danielle nuzzled mommy, (Yes I know, shes a he now but not wuite yet to Danielle) She wanted to just to stay there forever and forget everything else, but she was guardian. "I guess….our only option is hypnosis isn't it?"
"Well," Akira looks curious, "Maybe we could use these machines to, uh, make them do good things? I don't know what all of them do but maybe we could make them useful?"

Balaa continues to groom his daughter.
She soaked in mommies loving attention. "Hey, human, is there any way to give our friend memories back?" She asked him, maybe like akira said, maybe the machines could help their friends.
The human nods.

"The collars they wear are designed to modify their behaviors and memories. Removing them would result in the restoration their memories after a few minutes. Provided you input the restore settings."

Akira grins. "That's good to hear."
"Then we would like for you to do that." Danielle said smiling and nuzzling at mommy a little bit excitedly now.

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