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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"I.. I don't want anyone else getting hurt." She said before returning to the tracks.

"Ok then." He said smiling, doing so, though admittedly awkward doing so, passing it was weird. He wouldn't tell anyone by he had a soft spot for poke-babies.
"Me neither, but we need to try. Besides, it's not like we aren't strong! And...hey, look! Tire tracks!"


"Anyways, I'll go contact the sales guy."
Her head and ears perked up at the sight. "We're getting closer!" She said running to the tracks.

"Alright tell me if there are any bumps or surprises."
"Will do," replies the other, leaving only one hunter and two Shaymin in the room.


"From appearances, she chased them a good distance -- but even after her prints vanish, the tires continue!"
"Well my work it's dune, time for a nap " he said leaving back in a chair and folding his arms behind his head, he closed his eyes.

"Oh.. this must be where... Never mind let's keep going!"
The two dash until they find themselves near the same foreboding structure the Shaymin and Ninetales entered previously.

"Okay, now we need to be smart. Maybe we can create a distraction...or pretend to be something else!"
"What wouldn't they want to hurt?" Danielle asked, pondering the question. "We could pretend to be humans with your transform?"
"We could," replies Akira. "I feel like that might still be risky, though...what if they don't mind attacking humans?"

"If we can gain control of one of them, we might be able to disable the other two. Perhaps scan the perimeter?" Balaa's voice echoes.
Danielle was a little started at first at mommies voice appearing. "That would work... But I don't like hypnotizing people." Danielle said fidgeting some.
"Neither of us does," says Akira. "Let's see if there's another way. Balaa does have the right idea about checking the parameter, though."

"I'm sorry," adds Balaa. "I'm just...eager to have a life again, I suppose."
"I'm sorry mommy." She said before using her senses to scan the perimeter. "Do you see anything?"
"There are three humans," says Akira. "As well as a few Pokemon...including Bryndle and Malea, but neither seem to be struggling -- which is odd, considering. One human is napping, one is typing, and another..." Akira trails off.
"What?" Danielle queried. "What's he doing, is it safe?" Danielle asked before sending it herself. "They....." Danielle was sickened, seeing the image ..... She went to the nearest bush and threw up, some tears mixing with it. (Sorry if that's gross.)
Akira watches sadly. "I--I'm sorry, Danielle. I didn't..." the Pikamew trails off, waiting for the Vulpix to recover.

"Looks like we got a buyer," says the one, reentering the room. "You got the hide cleaned yet?"
Danielle's stomach settled a moment later but Danielle stood there shaking. "W...Why would they...." She posed at her head, trying to make the nasty pictures go away.
He flailed when the other enters the room, startling him awake.
"She's...valuable to humans," says Akira. "Cassiopeia used to have to avoid these types of humans who would catch Pokemon and do all sorts of cruel things to their bodies. Balaa must be made of things humans like to have in pieces. We shouldn't dwell on it," says the fusion, trembling slightly.
"I'm taking your snoring as a no. Get moving! This Ninetales isn't going to clean itself!"
Danielle could barely hear her friend words. "There so mean and evil! That's no excuse!" Danielle said, her sorrow turning to rage. "They wouldn't like it if..." Her eyes glowed blue.

"Alright I'll..." He never finished the thought, he got to his feet and came to the nearest gun and held it to his head, his finger tense on the finger. His eyes seemed glossy, and his finger strained on the trigger.
"Whoa, hey, man!" Shouts the first. "What the heck are you doing? Put that down!"

Akira senses what's happening. "No, Danielle...you mustn't! It's-- it's not right! It's not going to make things better! We have to do it differently!" Nonetheless, the fusion doesn't get closer, knowing it's not their place, and somewhat cowed by the sudden rage.
"They killed mommy.. and they... They." She couldn't say the rest, it was too horrible. Her face was cried with pain and grief. The hunters finger pulled back, but quite enough to fire though.
"I know," pleads Akira, "But if we do what they do -- then we aren't better than them, and...we have to be, for the forest! For Balaa! And Malea and Bryndle! We have to do things the right way!"

"Danielle? Sweetheart...please put the gun down. If you want to focus your anger -- focus on the person stuffing my head -- he may be what we need -- but don't do something you know is not you."
Danielle tried to have the man fire so many times, she wanted him to fire, to die. But she couldn't, Mommies and Akira's words soaking in. She knew this was wrong...

The man dropped his gun and Danielle's head hung low, tears hitting the ground. "I..I'm sorry... I've been bad"
"No, don't apologize...you did what I would have done," says Akira, quickly hugging the Vulpix to console her. Akira quickly turns the two transparent.

"The human over there would be a good temporary target, Akira. Can you bring them outside?" A warmth fills Danielle as Balaa focuses hard.

"I...yes...I'll try."


"Dude...I...what the heck happened to you?"
Danielle whimpers just a little at the sudden warmth, and the warmth of her friend. Her eyes dried and she shook her head, trying to focus. "Here, l...let me help" Danielle said, not trusting her own judgement, she wrapped some of her tails around her friend boosting their power.

He breathed heavily and his heart raced. "I.. I have no idea, I just.... there was something in my head, teeling me too.. too shoot myself." He tried to calm his breathing, with little success.
A few moments later, the Doc exits the building, looking slightly confused due to hypnotic suggestion.

"Okay, now we just have to pretend he caught us and go inside with him," Akira whispers.


"A psychic type. It had to be a psychic type, unless..." The one tries not to think about Ninetales' curse.

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