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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"Th-thank you." Akira's eyes glisten a bit as it looks over the cave. "I promise protecting me isn't alw--always so hard."


"No, probably not. That said, we should probably get them to a health zone. You nailed the female right in the lungs, so breathing can't be too easy for her. At least their coats are still intact. We can probably get an interested buyer or two."

Balaa arrives moments after the truck has pulled away.
"Hey hitting her over the male was a crack shot thank you" He said, defending his pride. "Though you got a point, much more buyers for a live poemon than a skin sack."

Danielle chuckled slightly at this comment and fought off the urge to close her eyes.
Balaa smells the hunters and internally debates chasing them. After a moment's thought, she takes off.
Akira goes back to sleep, but the wound appears to be healing.
"It was a good shot. And...hey, do you see something in the mirror?"

"Bryndle? Honey...are you alright?" Malea's voice is strained.
Danielle used ember on the fire once more, and lost consciousness.

"Oh my gosh that's a ninetails.. chasing us?" He said, at first marvekung at the luck, then the absurdity.

"Yes my love.... i'm feeling lightheaded but I am well..but I am much more worried about you..." Bryndle said, clearly wanting to know if she was ok.
"That would make for an excellent finish to our bag for the day. Do you have a clear shot?" Asks the first, keeping an eye on the road ahead.
"I'm fine...just a little too warm...there's not enough air in here. I fear we may be at the mercy of those humans. We should conserve our energy...and if possible heal ourselves...hard as it is without sunlight."
I feel so useless Danielle thought too herself.

"Yeah, though with how bunny this road is "clear shot" is relative." He said popping out of the roof of the car with rifle in hand.

"My love, I will get us out of this." Bryndle said, conviction rubbing in his voice. He noticed she sounded allot worse than he. Her voice... It sounds wrong, and there is air in here, something is wrong.
Balaa sees the man with firearm and quickly zigzags behind the vehicle, zipping back and forth to make it harder to aim.

"If I can just reach the back of the truck and avoid getting hit, I may be able to free the two of them...come, Balaa...you still have strength -- run!"

She accelerates her pace.

"At the rate that thing is going it's gonna be us or her! Take her down, now!"

"Bryndle? Don't overexert yourself...we must conserve our strength..."


"You are not useless. You are helping me...you are helping the forest."
He aimed, slowing his breathing, feeling his heartbeat Bmp bmp bmp bmp... He fired praying that it struck true.

Bryndle flinched, that was the same noise that brought him and Malea down.....someone was in danger.

"Oops... I forgot that you can here everything I think." Said Danielle
"I can hear when you forget to block your thoughts," says Akira.

It's not a pretty shot, and in fact no one expects it when it hits Balaa square between the eyes. She drops like a leaf.

"You got it!"
"Darn right I did" He said "pull over we gotta collect before some predator gets it."

Bryndle weird what poor still had befallen the same fate, and posted it want anybody close.

Danielle sighed and shifted just a little. "If I really am so helpful how come aunt Malea and uncle Bryndle got hurt?"
Danielle asked, her voice shaking a little.
The truck comes to a screeching halt and both men jump out.

"I should never have doubted you. Look at her... she's gorgeous. That's gonna be worth several thousand easy even as just a pelt."

Malea has passed out.

"Being a guardian doesn't necessarily mean everyone is always safe. You shouldn't blame yourself for things outside your control."
He picked up the dead ninetails gently and inspected it "she's a 'bute to"

Bryndle soon couldn't think of much, he passed out, from stress and blood loss.

"Yeah I know but I could've helped! I could've levitate them with us I could've stopped Malea from going back I...."
The first one nods. "Maybe she'd be better stuffed. For now let's just get them back to the shop. You know, normally a Ninetales this age doesn't chase things. Huh. Well, let's go."

He helps the other hunter load Balaa into the back, and they tie the load down before continuing on.


"Stop replaying those things in your mind. We cannot change the past, and regret is not going to help now. I am feeling better...if you wish to make pursuit."
"No.. You need rest, you may be better but we need you to be completely well" Danielle said she wasn't going to let her friend get hurt. She tried to contract mommy. "Is everything ok mommy?"
"Okay...then I will stay put. Let me know if you wish to depart." Akira shifts, then closes the connection.

"Danielle? Sweetheart, I'm...sorry...getting back to you will be harder than I thought. I am coming, I promise -- but it will be slower than I anticipated."
A while after capturing the Ninetales, the two humans arrive at a strangely generic building.
"Are you ok? The mean men haven't hurt you have they?" Danielle asked, about the comment.

"I'll carry the cargo if you get the door." He said heading to the truck and loading the pokemon onto a small wagon
"Well...it didn't...hurt...exactly...Danielle -- they shot me dead. It was painless and instantaneous, but I didn't forget my promise and I am coming home...just it's going to take me a bit longer, since I don't have a body right now."

The other guy nods, holding the door open so the other can step into a large room. In one corner are a bunch of beds and cages. Another has strange machinery. Most of the rest of the room is not all that remarkable -- not that anyone sees.

"I'll get the medic."
"You're dead!? But...but" couldn't find words, tears springing from her face. "H..how we talking?"

"Where do I put'em?" He asked
"Set the two on the table there. They should be passed out, so you can open the bags now. As for the pelt, it depends. Think we should stuff it? Or would it be better if we skin it? Basically, trophy or for sale?"

"They killed my body, but I am still alive in spirit. I can sense your pain, sweetheart -- I know this is hard for both of us -- but...please know I love you dearly and I will find a way back home. In the meantime, stay safe. I'm very proud of you, Danielle. You mean more than anything to me -- I wouldn't be able to speak if we weren't so deeply connected."

A moment later the "Medic" arrives.

"What did you bring today, boys?"
"C...can I help? I.. we need to get you a body right?" Danielle asked.

"We got two shaymin, one took a bullet to the lung, the others a lot of blood." He said handing them to the doc.
"Well...I'm not sure exactly how, but yes, more or less I need a body. I'm not a ghost type, after all."

"Oh, I gotcha. Alright. Nice going." The new human picks up the small grass types and places them into one of the machines. "How much of a memory reset do they need, since we're already putting their bodies back together?"
"Use my body!" Danielle exclaimed needing to help mommy somehow. "We can share one like Akira."
"What are we using these guys for again?" He asked his partner.

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