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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"Akira?!" Danielle yelled and tried to pull her up with her powers.

"What is wrong?" Bryndle asked, not sure what hes supposed to do.
The three splash back onto the bank much to Balaa's surprise and concern.

"What happened?"

Akira looks peaceful but remains motionless.
Danielle panicked and stuttered." A...Akira ju….we ere playing tag.."

Bryndle interceded "They were both playing and It appears Akira has stopped moving." He said, getting closer to the pikamew,
Balaa nods concernedly. "Perhaps it's exhausted?"

It's strange. Akira is clearly alive, but is still entirely motionless.

"Perhaps it just needs to recover."
"You think their just tired?" Danielle asked, tilting her head. "And that she just needs to sleep a little?"

Bryndle looked over at the Ninetails with a concerened look, obviously poor Danielle was shook.
"I really do," replies Balaa reassuringly. "I mean, it is the result of two Pokemon smooshed together, remember?"

She nods at Bryndle.
"Yeah...." She said still standing over her friend looking down at her.

Bryndle Walked over to Danielle to comfort her a little and nuzzled her. "It'll be alright little one."
Akira begins to glow. As it does, the forest seems to brighten. Colors become richer and there's some noise from nearby Pokemon.

"Oh...it's recharging the forest...expending it's power. Wow..." Balaa is impressed.
"So their, recharging?" Danielle asked, the concept confusing her.

"It would appear so"" Bryndle said, feeling some of the power himself.
"Every once in a while, the orb would discharge a small amount of power to enliven the forest and restore strength and life to its living things. As Akira is a living breathing Pokemon, the process looks different, but is in principle the same. So there's nothing wrong with it -- but it can't do much else when it's recharging."

Balaa noses the Pikamew which flops onto its side.
(Hehe sorry had to take a short car ride.)

Danielle calmed down. "So.. what should we do? Do we just take them back to the cave?" She asked.
"I think...maybe just let them finish?" Balaa almost answers the question with a question. "I don't think it wise to disturb them..."
"Ok... so I guess we just sit here and wait." Danielle said, slightly disappointed that it was going to be so boring without Akira.

Bryndle, sensing this, without warning picked Danielle up on his back flew at highspeed. (This is sky forme right?) "Come on don't look so down" He said as he flew in circles and loop-de-loops, Danielle now giggling held on tight.
Balaa watches the flight with amusement, while keeping an eye on the immobile fusion.

"You know, your friend is waiting for you. The sooner you get up the happier she'll probably be."

"What's going on?" asks Malea, appearing near the edge of the pond. "Oh...I see Danielle is having a good time."
Bryndle kept performing tricks in the air, a cheesy grin in his face. "You having fun?" He asks, looking back for a second.

"Yeah you're really good at this!" Danielle stated, hanging on and smiling.
"Your companion is quite wonderful with children," Balaa chuckles.

"Yes, and he's also a big ham, but I love him all the same. Is Akira planning on joining them up there?"

"After they finish the power distribution, yes, I imagine so."
Danielle looked Den at the going in between tricks and giggles and saw the new arrival. "Aunt Malea is here!"

Bryndle, at the news spring and did an extra loop in the air that looked suspiciously like a heart and landed on the ground, letting Danielle off. "My love." Said Bryndle, walking up to her and licking her.

"Hi aunt Malea!"
"Hello, Bryndle. Good to see you again," she replies with a nod.

She similarly nods to Balaa, then smiles at Danielle.

"Hello, sweetheart! How are you?"

Akira lets out a deep sigh.
"Good! Uncle Bryndle and me went flying!" Danielle exclaimed before she heard Akira and stared at them. "Akira? Are you back?" She asked them, head tilted.

Bryndle smiled at Danielles use of the word 'uncle' that was new.
Malea offers Bryndle a high five, then one to Danielle. "Sounds like an excellent use of your time. And it looks like our friend is awakening!"

Akira stirs, looks up, yawns...then rockets up into the sky laughing.
Danielle and Bryndle both take the high five gladly, Danielle nearly falling over when she does so. Akira rocketed into the air and Danielle sprung up first out of fight then out of joy.

"It seems they've woken up." Bryndle said, smiling. They really do brighten up a day don't they? Always so happy......
The fusion might as well be a jet plane with its twists and turns throughout the sky, first dashing in a straight line, then suddenly darting to the side, making it almost impossible to keep track of them.

"Even faster by sky than by land," remarks Malea.

None of them expect the loud clap of what sounds like thunder, followed by the Pikamew hurtling to the ground.
Danielle smiled as wide as her face would let her. "Woah that was so cool!!" She said running over to her friend. "I didn't know you could fly so fast."

Bryndle walked back over to Malea, a smile on his face. "They certainly are happy aren't they?"

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