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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"Yeah, you've never given me reason to think that" she said, an aura of warmth practically radiating from Danielle.
"Alright, let's go then," says Balaa, "I'm happy to carry you, if you like!"

"Field trip!" shouts Akira, jumping on Balaa's back and laughing.
"Yay!" Danielle exclaimed after Akiras display of excitement and jumped onto mommies back.
Balaa waits for both to get comfortable, then sets out, head held high.

"I think it's really cool how she used to guard the forest. It's nice she gets time off though, right?" Akira asks telepathically.
"Yeah, I think she's happier this way, just being mommy instead of having to be responsible for the entire forest all the time." Danielle responded
"What about you? Do you like being responsible for me?" asks Akira with a grin.

"You too can speak out loud, you know," chides Balaa.
"Sorry mommy" She said, in a slightly jovial way. "Sometimes it almost feels natural speaking with my mind." She said.

"I get to hang out with you all day!!! Of course."
"Here" Danielle said as her eyes glowed blue. She imagined roads connecting all of their brains. "Now we can all talk to whither however we want."
Balaa looks surprised a moment, but then chuckles.

"Well, I never expected to have my daughter so very much on my mind. Thank you!"

Akira gestures. "There's the water! Let's go!"
"You're welcome" she said smiling bright. At Akira mention of the water she nearly jumped, before remembering she was on mommies back.
Balaa sits down, letting the others slide off.

"Alright, then. Enjoy the water."

"Are you coming?" asks Akira.

"No...my coat would take a very long time to dry." Balaa shakes her head.
Danielle giggles at this. "Yeah last time I accidentally got mommy wet she was still wet for three days heehee" She said, heading towards the water with Akira.
Balaa chuckles uneasily, then takes her pose by the bank.

"I sense someone else coming," says Akira. "Is that Bryndle?"
"Indeed!!" Said Bryndle, making a grand entrance atop the waterfall, then canonballing from the top of it, speaking all of them, including Balaa.

Danielle giggles at the sight if it.
Balaa groans slightly, but Akira is delighted.

"How are you my legendary friend?" asks Akira. "Are the flowers in good shape today?"
"Good." He said walking out of the pool of water smile spreading wide. "Thanks to the hard work of my dearly beloved the flowers are nearly as beautiful as her, so she told me to take a break, so here I am." He said finishing.

Danielle looked over at her poor soaked mommy and smiled at her apologetically. "Sorry about that mommy."
"It's wonderful to see you," Akira says. "Do you plan to stay a while?"

"Yes," adds Balaa slightly more hesitantly, but smiling at Danielle all the same.
"Of course you can't just make a grand entrance like that and leave." Said Bryndle smiling at the pikamew. "Malea might arrive as well if she finishes her work"

"Yay then everyone will be here!" Danielle exclaims.
"Indeed," Balea says quietly, curling in a circle and watching as Akira jumps into the water.

The Pikamew creates a bubble and sinks intentionally to the bottom, then looks around curiously.

"I haven't done this in...forever! Anyone else coming down?"
"Yeah! I'm coming in!" Danielle exclaimed before diving down to the bottom and forming a bubble as well, seeing Brydles slightly dejected look she formed him a bubble as well.

"Woah... This is rather different." He said.
"It's fun though, right?" asks Akira. "I used to take a nap down here when I was Cassiopeia."

The fusion darts around in the water, startling some of the other water Pokemon nearby.
"Indeed!" He said chargin around, his bubble spinning like a hamster ball.

Danielle giggled and chased Akira around. "She caught up to them and tapped them on the shoulder "You're it!"
Akira laughs and turns, then suddenly seems to freeze in place. Balaa watches from the surface, unable to see exactly what's happening.
Danielle giggles runs away but notices Akira stop. "Akira? are you ok?"

Bryndle looks over as well and walks towards the pikamew "Do they do this normally?" He asked Danielle though she kept silent.

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