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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"Yes...but that was...too fast," Malea says, dashing to where the fusion fell. Akira looks up at Danielle with a smile, but it's interrupted by a sudden grimace as it grabs a hold of its stomach and yelps.

Balaa is already there, having seen the disaster a split second before the others. "Danielle, we need to get out of here this minute." She picks up Akira. "Everyone, to the cave, please!" Her voice is nervous, but authoritative.
Danielle didn't quite understand, but when her friend yelped she knew to be worried. "Yes mommy." She said levitating her friend, she looked over the the pikamew. "Are you ok?"

Bryndle dashed to the group and followed, not sure what else to do he scanned the immediate area.
"I feel dizzy," replies Akira. "I'm okay, but...I fell...how did I fall?"

"That's less important than getting everyone away from the source of that shot," replies Balaa without looking back.

As Bryndle surveys the area, another bang can he heard. Malea spins around.

"Bryndle! Are you alright?!" She dashes back to the sound, against Balaa's advice.
Bryndle yelped and fell to his side for a moment. He could see Malea come towards him. "Yes my love I am fine." He said getting back to his feet only to whimper when he out weight on his shoulder.

Danielle looked back but followed mommies orders and charged ahead, getting her friend to safety.
The other Shaymin tries to support Bryndle, seeing his struggle -- only to get nailed herself. As she glances up to see what hurt her, she finds her and her mate obscured by a large shadow.

"Should fetch a pretty price, but we better patch them up soon. First one's losing a lot of blood."

Akira senses this. "We...have...to...return...they're..." and then passes out.
"Don't... you touch her." Said Bryndle, releasing an energy ball, his eyes showing nothing but righteous fury.

Danielle heard this and felt all of her, begging her to turn back and help, but she kept going, saving her friend, the heart of the forest.
The attack hits, but doesn't dissuade the shadow much. A moment later both black out -- or is it that another shadow descends over them, knocking them out?

A moment later the trio hits the cave. Balaa remains calm, but is trembling from head to toe.

"Sweetheart, place Akira there and fetch some water."

Akira's breathing is heavy.
Danielle does so, placing them down slowly and fetching water as fast as possible. "What happened? what were those... monsters?" She asked bringing the water.
"I think they're referred to as hunters," is all Balaa says, before picking up the Pikamew and placing all but its head in the water.

"C'mon Akira..." she mutters. "Use Recover...please..."

The Pikamew shudders a few times.

"Danielle, a cloth. I have them over there. Get the cleanest one you can find."
She ran to them and got the cleanest. "I....s Akira gonna be ok?" She asked, her voice trembling.
"I..I think so. Akira is a very old yet very young Pokemon. I think it'll bounce back...even if not...quite like we hope..." Balaa lifts out the fusion and wraps it in the rag.

For just a second Danielle can spot what seems to be a small round object apparently stuck in Akira, but the Pikamew's breathing has begun to steady.

"We need to keep them warm," says Balaa. "I trust you can do that while I...attempt to find the others?"

She begins to exit...then pauses, apparently unsure.

"Would...would it be better if I stayed here?"
"I.. I don't want you getting hurt" Danielle said, sniffling while she looked at Akira. "I'll go..."
"Absolutely not!" Balaa jumps in front of Danielle, blocking the entrance entirely. "Y-you need to stay here and...and protect the forest...and...and stay safe."

The Ninetales struggles to hold back tears. Losing her friends is heartbreaking, but the loss of her daughter would destroy her...she can't take that risk...and besides, it would be irresponsible.

"I will return. I promise. Even if I fail, I will come back. Understand? I love you -- now stay!"
Danielle flinched at mommies first exclamation, tears sprang from her face and her lips quavered. When mommy finished Danielle jumped at her hugging her tight, whimpering. "I....I love you too mommy." She said burying her face in her fur.
Balaa nods, nuzzles her daughter, then dashes out of the cave, leaving the two behind.

Akira groans, and suddenly a picture appears above its head. They seem to be humans...but with long sticks that seem foreign and dark. They have two bags they load into a strange machine.

"Bad...people..." Akira mumbles.
She watched the picture, the..humans, she realized, took her friends? "Bad people? they took Aunt Malea and Uncle Bryndle?" She asked with her mind, maybe it would be easier for her to think than speak.
"They...hurt...Pokemon...have...no...care..." Akira struggles. "Grave...danger..."

If the Pikamew was not injured, it's clear they'd be springing into action.
Danielle stood over her friend."W...what do I do?" Even in her mind her voice quavered a little. "M..mommy left and...what if she gets hurt?"
"She...won't...protecting...her...my...strength...but...the...others...can't...save...them..." Akira begins to shudder again. "So...cold..."
"oh no." Danielle said, running to gather wood and set it ablaze. She then got closer to Akira, maybe her natural body heat would help.
It does. Akira's breathing becomes more natural and it stops quavering. "I'm...sorry...I didn't...mean to...bring them here..."

Their eyes open, though they do not speak.
"No.. it's ok its not your fault." Dannielle said "Is there anyway I can help you?" Danielle asked cuddling a little closer.
"Stay...close...I'm...healing...slowly...but I...I haven't....felt this much pain...in a lo-long time..."


"They ought to fetch a pretty penny, especially as a pair. Still, pity we dropped that first one, don't you think?"
"Ok." Danielle said simply, staying close and praying her friend would be safe.

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