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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"N-no, Danielle...I...couldn't. It would harm you...I might overwhelm you...I don't want to do that...we must find something else. Akira is actually one personality now. If that happened to us both..." Balaa sounds stressed.

"Sale to the highest bidder was my first thought. We could keep them, of course, but we'd have to drone them first. Otherwise we'd turn a tidy profit -- to say nothing of the pelt."
The implications sunk in and she knew that it wouldn't be the same... "Well... What can I do? I..i want to help mommy" Danielle said becoming frustrated, she never was able to help.

"We have been needing some new equipment, right doc? To the highest bidder it is." He said, imagining the payday they would have.
"We need to either create a body...or find the means by which I can occupy one not in use," says Balaa, gently as she can.

"Perfect," replies the Doc. "So just a basic mindwipe then? Nothing fancy -- just make 'em docile."
"Yeah.. Though you might wanna keep sine if their memories, they look like a pair and Byers go crazy for two lovebirds."

" Ok mommy " Danielle said having am ideas if what to do.
"Alright," replies the Doc. "One memory rewrite and a bullet wound repair underway."

The machine begins to hum.

"Needless to say, I'll stay in touch. Don't be worried, okay? I know it sounds bad, but--"

Balaa is interrupted by Akira suddenly stirring.
"Akira? Are you feeling better?" Danielle asked, looking at her friend.

"Thanks doc" He said, without gratitude, walking back over to the ninetails. "Now what to do with you.."
"I am feeling better, yes...I've purged the projectile psychically, so I should be in full health soon -- and then we can begin the rescue mission."


"I'm thinking we skin it, separate the tails, mount the head, sell the coat. Standard protocol. Have a different idea?"

The machine, meanwhile, continues humming away as the Shaymin remain unconscious. As it goes, both lose details and information, just as they have their health restored.
"I don't know, some museum might like it whole, it's not often you get a ninetails with only one entry wound." He said, trying tho get the money.

"Yeah." Danielle said smply, hanging her head a little for her poor friends
"That's the problem. No self respecting museum is going to be willing to take it if they know we're hunters. We'd have to transport a whole dead Pokemon through back channels."

Akira gets up and looks around. "Sorry," it says.

The machine finishes its work, leaving two healthy but brainwashed Shaymin on the other side.
"Why are you sorry? you didn't do anything, the mean people were already looking for us." She said trying to comfort her friend.

"Heh fair enough chop her up then" He said looking over at the other two. "How are they Doc?"
"I mean...I'm sorry that this all happened -- I dunno whose fault it is -- it's just...a lot to take in."


"It is almost a pity, isn't it? Such a pretty beast -- anyway, I'll go get the cleaver. Say, is there anything edible on these? Just realized I've never thought about it."

The Doc calls, "They're done. Two very confused but very accommodating healthy Sky Forme Shaymin coming up. They're a little dazed, but otherwise unaware of there being anything different."
"Well.... we're gonna fix it." Danielle said, confidence coming to her. "Oh... um I should tell you...… mommy died." She said

"Well everyhings edible if you try hard enough, but this looks so lean I doubt theres a bit of fat on her, probably tastes awful." He said gruffly before going to the two Shaymin. "Hello you two."
"I know," says Akira. "I sensed her loss. Enough about that, though. Let's go get her back in place."
"Eh, fair enough. Leaving me to do the dirty work, eh?"

Malea watches the strange creature, confused about where she is and who is speaking to her. She looks at Bryndle and breathes a sigh of relief, then tries to take in the room.
"Alright!" Danielle exclaimed happy to get off topic. "Do you know where they are?" She asked head tilted

"Yep" He said happily, seeing that the pair didn't respond he went to his partner. "Fine i'll help"

Bryndle looked over at his partner. "My love?.... where are we?"
"I don't, but we could follow your mother's trail, right? And then their tracks afterwards?"
"Good. You start on the vitals. I'm going to start on removing the tails."

"I'm...not sure, but it seems to be a dreadful place. Look at that poor creature!"
"Good idea!" Said Danielle skipping in place a little. "Well are you ready then? Well still have to be really careful."

"Alright" He said pulling out a scalpel and going to work.

"The poor thing, but it will be ok, if they try to touch you they will know my wrath." Bryndle said, getting close to his mate, trying to comfort her.
Akira nods, then floats a little in the air.

"We can follow Balaa's tracks easily starting from over there. Let's see what we can find."


The two are skilled, and don't have much trouble separating Balaa into various components.

"I'm gonna have the doc stuff the head and we'll keep it -- why don't you begin cleaning the hide? I'm debating between coat and blanket." One of them lifts a tail to his nose, creating a fake mustache. "What do you think? Stylin'?"

"I'm not...afraid, per se, so much as sad. I feel like I've lost something, Bryndle. But...what?"
"Ok then let's go" she said before running to the tracks and following them.

He chuckled gruffly "yeah, your gone start a new trend I think." He said.

"I...I don't know darling, I feel it to. Something seems the matter by I can't put my mind on it." Said Bryndle
The two find Balaa's footprints, still fresh, without much effort.

"She was traveling fast," says Akira. "So they must have been. Let's follow the trail slowly -- haste might get us both caught."


"You know, we can both keep a tail, I think. Nobody buys them in sets. Hey, Doc! Get this head mounted, will you?"

The Doc attaches a collar to both Bryndle and Malea, then goes over to pick up Balaa's head.

"You one hit killed this one, I see. She probably didn't even feel it. Nice shot. Still, it's a pity you had to damage the brain tissue. Oh well, I'll work with it."


"These collars are...not...so bad..." says Malea, shifting her tone a bit. "I mean, the poor Ninetales is unfortunate, but perhaps we just need to stay calm, survey our situation. This might not be so grim as it seems."
Danielle slowed at this. "Yeah those mean guys might have left traps or something."

"Never satisfied with a good sky are ya 'doc?" He asked the man.

Bryndle smiled a little. "Indeed and we're still together as well, when I see you I struggle to find a dark side to anything." He said smirking.
"I would advise you use your psychic powers to trace Balaa's steps. I will boost you and we'll continue together."


"I am perfectly satisfied. The variety of organs and tissue to be harvested from this creature will suit my work nicely. Now then," he turns and points a remote at both Shaymin, then pushes a button labeled "Voice control." The next thing he says becomes a thought in both their heads that neither of them doubt.

"Go into your cages and sleep. You will be happy to do whatever we say."

Malea smiles at Bryndle's charm, then at the sudden comforting feeling of having a set idea of what to do, with which she happily complies.

"Anyways, I'm going to go clean the hide. Say, Doc -- what about baby Shaymin?"

The Doc frowns. "You just focus on getting them and that new skin of yours onto the market."
"Ok" she said, her eyes glowing blue. She felt the rush of power. "Oh wow that feels weird."

Bryndle happily went into his cage, it was nice, just following orders and not having to think for a little at least.

"Hey, he's got a point, completely untrained, babies do fetch a nice price, especially for a pokemon so rare."
"Well, if baby Pokemon are what you both want, then issue the command. I'm going to go stuff this head for mounting."


"Let's keep going."
Danielle followed the tracks dutifully, before halting. "Akira... What if they see us coming and they use their scary weapons? What do we do?"

"What's think? Make some quick cash or play the long game?" He asked his partner.
"We use our powers to stop them...and hope for the best," replies Akira.
"I mean, we can make quick cash from Ninetales. Sure, order up some babies."

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