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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"Well.... we could teleport. but it has to be somewhere without anybody there, just in case they keep searching for us." She said back.
"Okay...where would that be?"

Sure enough, Antoine dashes after them.

"I don't think they mean unkindly, but if we don't leave we might end up on the trainer's team!"
"Yeah.. Just teleport somewhere far away but still in the forest, somewhere where they cant smell us anymore."
"Alright!" There's a brilliant flash of light, and a moment later both Pokemon pop into a meadow surrounded by thornbushes on all sides.

"This should keep others away for quite some time. Those look sharp. I'm...sorry, Danielle. That must have been the Simon in me..."
"No, it's ok you saved us, plus you couldnt help it, anyway you cant apologise for something out of your control." She said, trying to comfort the poor pikamew.
"I...yeah...well...I'll try to be more responsible. So what now? Do we go back to sleep, or do you want to do something else?" If Akira is discouraged their face doesn't show it.
"Well, I'm still sleepy but I'm not sure if it's safe" She said verbally. "Can you tell how far we teleported."
"We're about three miles away," replies Akira. "I very much doubt we need to fear anything coming all the way -- that trainer will probably never see us again."

Akira looks thoughtful.

"Do you dislike humans, Danielle?"
"No.. it's just I want to keep you safe and you said she could capture us and that wouldn't be very good for keeping you safe." She said with a little bit of shakiness, she did feel uneasy about the entire situation.
"I met human trainers aplenty when I was a Mew," replies Akira. "Most of them were surprised to see me -- a few battled me, but I never lost. They wanted to see if they could catch me, but when they didn't they admitted defeat and went home. I liked to show them I appreciated them coming to see me, so I would always give them a little present -- a strand of my fur, but-- after a while they stopped coming...and then I became a plush...and then Simon and Cassiopeia became me, so..."

The Pikamew licks Danielle, rather than finishing the sentence.
She licked back. "So... you really think it's a good idea to fight them? I mean, I know we cant lose but.... what if we do?" She asked, not wanting to lose her friend.
"Well...then I guess we spend our lives as trained Pokemon. I dunno, it might not be bad. I've never tried it. And if all else failed, I could just make them be nice, right?" Akira giggles. "But we don't have to battle. It's not part of your job to do that, and you get to decide. After all, you're the first guardian to have a live Pokemon as your charge in a long long time."
"Well.. as guardian it's my job to keep you safe, but as a friend it would be stinky to make all the decisions and not let you do something you want to. You choose! we could go back or keep running."
"Ok." She said, preparing herself in case they weren't very friendly.
The two teleport back to where Antoine and Moira are, now visible.

"It's the forest guardian!" Moira looks stunned.

"I knew it!" Antoine mutters.
"H...hi" Danielle said rather timidly. "O...oh you probably couldn't understand me, hi I...im Danielle." She said telepathically.
This surprises Moira even more. "You know telepathy? That's...amazing! It's nice to meet you, Danielle. I'm Moira. Um...who is your friend? I've never seen that Pokemon before."
"T..this is my friend Akira." She said introducing them. "C''mon Akira, don't let me do all the talking...." She said rather bashfully.
"Danielle is my guardian. I'm Akira, the life of the forest. It's wonderful to meet you, Moira. You're the first human I've seen in a long time."

"You look...sort of like two Pokemon I've seen before," says Moira. "Danielle...I didn't expect the guardian to be a Vulpix. Would...would you care to battle me?"
"Su...sure" She said, still nervous about the prospect. "You akira?" She asked one more time, though she knew the answer.
"I have no objection," replies Akira gleefully. "Let's battle."

"Alright!" Moira laughs. "Antoine, Marlene! Go!"

The Houndoom takes a stance, and a Ribombee appears alongside.

"Well? How do we start?" asks Akira with a grin.
"Who goes first...I..i never really do this." She asked the trainer since she probably had the experience.

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