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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"You can do that?" She asked, her head tilted up as if to see them better even though they were already in view.
"Of course! Part of my purpose is to reenergize you when you're ill or tired. We have a symbiotic relationship. You keep me safe, I keep you strong!" Akira's now green eyes sparkle with delight.
"Wow that's so cool!" She said jumping a little. "Your eyes are really pretty!" She said as well.
"Thank you," Akira says with a blush. "They change a lot, but I like them. They're also how I share my power. Here!"

The green eyes flash and a warm glow emanates from them, filling the Vulpix with power.
The power was sudden, and a lot more than she expected. "Woah.. I feel like I could run around the world!" She said springing into the air.
"Technically you could. Your strength
only gets enhanced by having me around. Of course, most guardians didn't have their power source talking back to them." Akira grins.
She smiled, the tilted her head. "Most? There are more like me?" She asked, she hadn't known that.
"Well, not exactly. I just meant that when Balaa was in charge, for example, I was an Orb, not a Pokemon. There are other guardians, but they have differences their jobs."

Akira flops onto the ground, a wide smile on its face.

"I really never expected to feel the leaves on my back again."
She smiled simply because Akira was happy. "I'm so happy that you came to life." She said. "You're the coolest friend ever!!" She said flopping on her back next to Akira.
The fusion giggles. "No, you are!" As it says this, Akira suddenly bolts upright and sniffs the air.

"Is someone cooking? I smell something nice."
Danielle smells it as well. "Mmmm I don't know but whatever it is it smells really good." She said, vigorously sniffing with her friend.
"I kinda want to follow it. Only half of me has eaten in over a thousand years, after all." Akira gets up and begins to slowly follow the trail.
She follows."Yeah, but we should be careful." She said not wanting to get into trouble, especially since she had a new Job.
"Okay," replies the fusion respectfully. "You're in charge."

The scent leads to a single Houndoom stirring what appears to be a makeshift soup. Despite it's dire appearance, it's face is pleasant enough.

"Oh, I can also taste it from here," groans Akira, licking its lips.
Danielle shifted nervously, it smelled really good but houndooms were scary. "We..we might not want to bother it.. it might be dangerous, and it has type advantage."
Akira looks surprised and a little disappointed, but does not argue. The Pikamew takes its responsibility to listen to its guardian seriously, so it keeps still.

"Someone there?" asks the dark type, suddenly darting a glance around.

Akira quickly turns transparent, then grabs Danielle, turning her transparent too.
"Eep" She yelped a little when houndoom said something. Her breathing intensified and her hear raced. Can we take the it?
"Don't worry," says the large canine. "I don't plan on hurting you."

"It's big, but...I don't think it's mean," Akira telepaths. "I don't think it means any harm."
She wanted to say hi... but she needed to keep Akira safe... "Are you sure? I...I don't want you to get hurt."
"I don't think a Houndoom ought to worry us too much," says Akira with a nearly silent giggle. "You're the guardian, remember? You're not the easiest to defeat."

As Akira speaks, however, a strange bidedal creature emerges from the brush.

"What do you smell, boy?" she asks the big dog. "Are you getting curious again, Antoine?"
Danielle looked at the creature, panic setting in, she didn't know what it was but she didn't like it. "What is that?"
"That's a human trainer," replies Akira. "That's its Houndoom. I didn't know there was a human so close by!"

The trainer nuzzles the Houndoom with a smile.
"We should leave" She told her friend, slowly backing away from the trainer and houndoom.

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