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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

Danielle floated the Mew plush down off of the orb, trying to bring life to it once more.

Bryndle simply watched, standing close enough to Malea so that they were touching eachother.
It doesn't budge, doesn't do anything other than lie there.

"She spent her power to help us. I think that's the form in which she will stay," Balaa whispers.

Simon's ears droop a bit.

Malea takes a deep breath.
Bryndle's head droops some as well and he tries to get a little closer to Malea comforting her.

Danielle looked visibly depressed. "Cass? you in there?"
There's no reply from the stuffed animal. The Mew has moved what was left of herself into the orb -- it contains the whole of her heart and her strength.

Simon looks over it anxiously, and over his friend. "Danielle? Is...it gonna be okay?"

Malea shivers. Balaa sighs.
"She.... shes in the orb now... now this is just a toy." She said, still depressed but also strangely at peace.

"Cass seemed to think that I would be possible to bring her back when we talked earlier" Bryndle said.
Balaa nods. "Cass spoke hopefully -- but I think deep down she knew her time had come. No one lives forever, not even the legends of old. I'm very sorry, Danielle. I know she meant a good deal to you."

"So...she's gone?" asks Simon with a tremor in his voice.

Malea nuzzles Bryndle. "It would seem so, I'm afraid."
Danielle shed a tear for her friend, but she didn't let her emotions control her. She snuggled closer to her mommy, nuzzling her a little.

Bryndle licked his mate then walked over to Simon to cuddle with him, the poor thing looked so shook up.
Simon bursts into tears, dashing over to the orb and jumping to it.

"Wait, Simon!" Balaa calls fearfully. "That's not for anyone to just--"

It's too late. The Pikachu makes contact and there's a blinding flash of light.
Bryndle is forced to look away the light to much, but Danielle looked on, not believing what Simon just did, it just happened so fast.
The light blinds the others, so that only the Vulpix can see as the Pikachu's body begins to float, then to change shape as his ears shorten and his tail and feet lengthen. His hair shortens, his body listens, and a deafening cry sounds throughout the entire room and then...the orb is gone. Simon, or what was him, maybe, floats around the room, eyes wide, expression confused, breathing quickly.
"S...simon?" She asked weakly, walking up slowly to the transformed mouse.

Bryndle looked back at what he thought would be the orb, but sees the strange looking creature floating there. He stays silent
"Not...not exactly," she says, a little shyly. "I mean, yes...and also no...I mean...I'm Simon...but I'm also Cassiopeia...we're the same Pokemon now...the same...body, mind...fused into one...inseparable."

Balaa takes a few strides forward and stands next to her daughter, mostly for support.
"Both? In the same... body?" She asked this was confusing... they got cass back but... was there going to be any side effects?

Bryndle also stayed silent, feeling it would be inappropriate to speak yet, he walked back to his partner.
"Y-yes..." the new Pokemon looks a bit confused. "He...he offered me his body...and I was touched by his offer...so I gave him my mind...and now we're one and the same. Young, yet...ancient. Playful, yet serious. Naive, but intelligent. This is our fate -- to be forever combined by the power of each others sacrifices."

Balaa smiles a little. "Well...it seems that we've discovered a Pikamew. A pleasure to meet you, forest heart."

The new Pokemon blushes.
Danielle smiled, she got her old friend back and Simon was still there. "We have both of you now!!" She declared.

Bryndle tilted his head, he had to admit, this was a tiny abit above his head. "So... what should we call you?"
"I'm not...sure, Bryndle," replies the tiny psychic/electric type with a slight chuckle. "Simon and Cassiopeia are not names that combine easily. But...as my guardian is right here, I think it would be wisest to allow her to name her charge."

Balaa chuckles. "It seems your job just became a tad harder, beloved."
Danielle thought about this, the implications didn't dawn on her until then. Ohhh she/they want me to name him I mean... this is really confusing. "Hmmmm, Well it would help if I knew to use a girls name or a boys name." She said, taking this apparently very seriously.

Bryndle smirked at this response, the little vulpix always seemed to make him smile.... though not as much as his love.
"I'm...not really a boy or a girl, I guess...so whatever you'd prefer is fine by me," says the Pikamew. "I mean, I was only a girl earlier because you said the plush was, and Simon, well, he was actually a boy, but...you know...whichever you'd prefer is really okay with me."

"I'm not supposed to laugh, but it's really tempting," Malea whispers to Bryndle. Even Balaa has a the hint of a grin on her face.
"It is all a bit confusing isn't it?" He whispered back, mirth in his voice.

Danielle scrunched up her face trying to think about what they just said. "Hmmm well Morgan is a name that works for both....." She said, truly clueless as to how to solve this puzzle.
"Mor...gan?" asks the Pikamew, looking just a little disappointed. "I...I mean...yeah..."

Balaa licks her daughter's head, as if to stimulate clearer thinking.

"If this is how they spend their lives together it's going to be hilarious," she manages with a hint of a giggle.
Her momies lick did bring clear her head a bit. She was then slightly saddened at her name choice, morgan was so lame. "Well... how about.. Akira?" She said rolling the R a bit, it sounded cool and gender neutral.

"I think if poor Danielle thinks any harder her brain might leak out her ears." He responded.
At this last part Malea has to cough to avoid cracking up. The Pikamew, however, perks up noticeably.

"Akira? I like that name. I'll be a very good Pokemon. I promise I'll listen to you and be as kind and helpful as I can. Akira the Pikamew and Danielle the Vulpix. I like that!" the psychic/electric would jump for joy if it wasn't already floating.

Balaa smiles at her daughter's learning.
Danielle smiled and jumped for joy, for the pikamew. "It'll be awesome!" She said glad that both her friends are back.

Bryndle smirked "Akira huh? That's a good name indeed, though it is nowhere as sweet as Malea." He said, his trademark flirtatioussness returning, even though this wasn't as smooth as the rest.
"Well," says Malea with a playful reproach, "You wouldn't think that if Akira had been your mate, but you ended up with me, so I daresay my name is sweeter to your pretty ears.

"I think," says Balaa, "That it may be wise for us to go home, and to leave the new guardian and her charge to learn of each other."

Malea nods. "Come, Bryndle."
Of course Bryndle would've come with her if she hadn't asked, but nevertheless he followed her.

Danielle felt slightly worried that mommy was leaving, but she would have Si.... Akira. She ran to mommy and licked her goodbye.

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