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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"Right. You can make the choices you like here to change or not not change whatever and whoever. But there's no reason to be afraid of that!"
"Ok.. well, I've made up my mind then." She said, new boldness entering her.
"Yeah" She said taking a small pause. "I want everyone to stay how they want to stay... and I want Aunt Malea not to be so lonely anymore... and, I want to forget about Daniel, and Liese of she chooses to be Daddy again."
"Very well," replies Cassiopeia. "I shall begin."

The Mew's eyes flash, and all thoughts of humans are erased, even the meaning of the word vanishes. Daniel is forever gone, with no chance of ever returning. Liese and La'ir are erased too -- the Lucario has made her choice and wants her family back, so the others are programmed to forget her as well. Balaa's psychic powers are drained -- as well as all of her memories of ever having any, and Danielle becomes an adopted child in her memory.

Simon forgets all the hypnosis events but is otherwise left alone.

Malea suddenly finds another Shaymin near her, much like her -- and the two are instantly close to each other as their memories of each other come flooding in.

"How do you like my work?" asks the Mew with a slight smile.
She smiled, her thoughts already fading. "Why did mommy ....." She was about to ask something then realised that the question was silly, mommy never had powers. "Its perfect." She said.
Cass smiles a bit sadly. Even though this is well within her strength, she can't help but feel a little sorry for the Vulpix. But shortly enough, it's all over.

"Did you want to go back to the others?"
"Are you coming?" She asked, feeling rather attached to her.
"Oh yeah.." She said "ok then I'll leave you to your thoughts thoughts." She said running to everyone, but mainly mommy. She ran into her snuggling up closer to her.
Balaa is naturally overjoyed to see her daughter again. "Did you enjoy your walk with Cassiopeia, sweetheart?" There's still a warmth -- but it's purely natural now.
"Yeah! We had a nice talk." She said, loving just being there with her friends.
Then Simon runs up, tumbling over himself as he goes. "Danielle! I'm so happy to see you! Cassiopeia's mind is huge! There's like -- a whole CITY in here!"

The two Shaymin grin as they watch the exchange.
"I know right?! You know what it's perfect for?" She asked with mischievous grin.
"Tag!" She declares bopping him on the nose and running away. Her smile wider than it's been since she was adopted.
He's of course surprised, but quickly dashes after her, still getting used to his new legs, but keeping up a decent speed the whole time. Balaa watches with simple enjoyment -- she hasn't been this relaxed in some time.
She giggled during the chase,having so much fun She didn't know why, but everything seemed so great and she couldn't help but smile.

"Theyre awfully cute aren't they?" Asked Bryndle to Malea, licking her some.
"They're good kids. Balaa definitely lucked out with getting to have them. Simon, I imagine is gonna have to get used to his new body, but afterwards he could be very strong."

Cass, elsewhere, tries to think about how to come back to life.
He smiled sweetly. "Indeed, it makes you think huh?" He asked her still ataring at the two children.

Danielle starts to chase Simon back, now it.
"Hmmm... nothing" He said. "How could I think when looking into the face of the most beautiful woman in the forest?" He asked smirking at her.
"Oh, you big good," she says with a laugh. "You're always so silly. But I can't help but love it."

Simon and Danielle tumble into a pile.
"I can't seem to help myself, seeing you makes me too happy to be serious." He said licking her cheek.

Danielle just giggles as they try to untangle themselves.
"Sometimes I think I'm the only thing you think about, if you think at all," she jokes, nuzzling him back. "Are you ever gonna make it official? Hmm?"

Simon laughs. "I like being a Pikachu!"

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