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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"So you were once a human boy, right?" says Cassiopeia. "And then Balaa took all of that away and adopted you, right? No more human memories, just being happy to be someone's prized child."
"Yeah..." She let that sink in... she was a human boy? But... she was mommies daughter too?
"You learned how to use hypnosis, and met a friend, and then you helped Balaa hypnotize a Lucario into being her mate and your daddy, right?" The whole time Cass relates the series of events, her voice is calm and pleasant and gentle. If she is even a little upset, there's no way to know.
"Yeah... I did" She said, not sure what else there was to say, the last one still hurt a little.. it wasn't very good of her... but Cass kept her calm.
"Mommy loved me a lot...….Aunt Malea loved me too though not as much" She said half avoiding the question.
"Danielle," says Cass very gently, "Did Balaa do the right thing for you? And for your daddy?"

As she speaks, she finally rests her paws on Danielle's head.
She struggled with this so hard, mommy wasn't bad..."S..she did for me but..daddy I don't think so.." She admitted.
"So...if I could change it, what would you want me to do? I can do anything you want me to while we're all in here. So...what would you like?"
"I.... I don't know" She answered everything was so confusing, she got mommy back and now she knew she isn't even her mommy?
"That's fair. What if I gave each of you to a loving trainer and took away Balaa's psychic powers, but made it so that you really were all a family? I'd have to rearrange your memories forever, but I could do it."

She continues to pet the Vulpix the whole time.
The idea seemed strangely wrong. "No..i.. what I want and whats good are fighting in my head." She said, obviously conflicted.
"Well, what do you want, and what do you think is good?" asks Cassiopeia, clearly curious to see what the Vulpix is becoming internally and externally.
"I want to go back to how it was... me and mommy and daddy all a family and Simon being my best friend, but.... daddies not really my daddy and mommies not really my mommy, and Simon only my friend because I hypnotized him."
"Well, if you want I can make all those memories go away and you'll all be a family exactly for real and forever. Just because you didn't start that way doesn't mean it can't stay that way."

Cass nods.

"If you'd rather, I can turn you back into a human and have everyone go other ways. It's up to you, Danielle. This is your choice, and I want you to make it without being afraid."
"Why? why have me make the decision? I'm just.....me" She asked, wishing that it wasn't all up too her.
"Because it all began with you, Danielle, and I think it's time you got to make choices without anyone else telling you what to do. Don't be afraid to claim what you want. You can change anything you like about any of them, or yourself, or you can keep it all the same. You can make them plushes or robots, or make yourself one, or make them all younger or older or boys or girls or anything you like -- but no one is going to tell you what to do, least of all me."
She thought long and hard... she wanted her family, but she didn't want to change anybody unwillingly, that's what she was fighting against. "I.... I want things to be the same way they are now, but to let Liese choose whether or not to be my daddy." She said with determination.
Cassiopeia nods. "If I do that, I'll make everyone forever forget anything related to your transformation, and there will be no returning to the world of humans, unless you end up captured by one. Do you accept? And also...how do you feel about making Balaa your dad and leaving Liese as your mother? Just out of curiosity -- and adopting Simon as a brother -- by turning him into a Riolu?"

Considering what the Mew just said, this might seem a bit confusing, but her look is focused.
Adopting Simon as a brother sounded... amazing... but she didn't want to force anyone.. did she? "Can we ask the others?"
"No," says Cassiopeia. "Like I said, the decisions are completely yours to make. If we add in the others it's going to be much too complicated."
"I want everyone to be happy, I want everyone to come out o this the way they choose.... if that's possible." She added meekly.
Cass nods slowly.

"That's not a very simple way of doing it, ya know. Liese might want to go back to her life, and Balaa might go back to being all hypnosis-y...and Malea...well...huh." She looks a bit puzzled, as if thinking.
"I know but... what?" She started when she noticed the mew seemed confused.
"Well, I think I understand why you want to let everyone else choose...but it's so complicated...and...I guess I just want you to be happy, Danielle. Whatever that takes -- because once all the changes are made they'll be forever! I don't want you to be...unhappy...is all."

She continues petting the Vulpix as she speaks.

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