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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

She followed the mew still confused about what happened but not speaking waiting for Cass to speak first.
"I think you must be very confused by all of this," says Cassiopeia, sitting by a log and smiling at the Vulpix. "Am I correct?"
"Yeah.. wha.. was that d.daddy?" She asked, starting to be afraid of the answer.
"Well, La'ir wasn't always La'ir. And he was once a she. And at one point you two didn't even know each other. You and Balaa changed all that." Cass picks a flower and begins to play with it as she speaks.
So... Daddy wasn't always daddy?" She said, knowing it was true but not wanting to believe. "And I did it?" She added feeling guilt wash over her.
"Well, yes and no. I think you know there's more to it than that, Danielle. Like how you came into the forest in the first place, right?" As she replies, Cassiopeia floats over Danielle and flops onto her back, which seems to fill the Vulpix with warmth.
This comment would cause her to panic if Cass hadn't been comforting her. "Wha..what do you mean.. I was always in the forest."
"Think further back, Danielle. Where were you born, hm? When did you and Balaa meet? Let's both think very hard for a bit. And don't be afraid -- I won't let anything hurt you. Promise."

Cass smiles as she speaks.
She tried to think of the things she suggested, but she couldn't find the answers, Cass's words kept her calm, and... at peace? "I...I don't know...." She finally answered though she wished so desperately to know the answers, but she couldn't find them.
"Does the name of 'Daniel' sound like something you might know?"

It suddenly occurs to Danielle that being inside the Mew's mind is what is helping her keep it together. The whole time, Cass remains gentle and pleasant.

"Let's think together. Think you've heard that name before?"
She did think, she thought very hard. "I...it sounds so familiar...." She said, the name scratching at her mind like a missing lyric to a song.
"H...he was a.. human? yeah, he was a human boy" She said still thinking, though not having to work as hard this time.
"Was he a happy human boy? Where did he come from? Did he come to the forest?" Cass continues to pet the Vulpix as she talks.
Danielle took in the attention she was getting but mainly focused on her words. "He came from a human city...he...he wasn't very happy... he didn't have anyone to love him." This last part made her feel a little sad for the boy.
"Y..yeah, he found....." When she remembered she became confused. "Mommy?"
"So he came to the forest and found Balaa? Then what happened to him?" The whole time, Cassiopeia continues to cuddle and pet the Vulpix, though it's not clear if it's to calm the latter down or if it's because Danielle is just really floofy.
She started to panic slightly, if it werent for the mew's strokes comforting her she probably would've broken down. "He... he talked to mommy … they made a deal."
"Oh? What was the deal they made?" asks the Mew, slightly speeding up the rate at which she pets the Vulpix and speaking even more gently. "Do you remember?"
Her eyes started to well slightly but her voice stayed steady "A deal... that neither of them would be lonely anymore....He....I" She couldn't finish, the truth dawning on her like a cold sunset.
"So after the deal was made, what happened to Daniel?" asks Cassiopeia, suddenly increasing her power and leveling out Danielle's emotions.
"He..became mommies daughter... me" She said, calmly though not without emotion.

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