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Fandom A Chance Meeting at Ilex Forest

"I certainly hope so, though I was afraid that my goofiness might ruin you gloomy complexion." He said lightly teasing her.

"You're so much faster than me now, it's so cool" She said smiling.
"Aw, you big tease. You just don't know what you'd do without me. I don't think you'd even remember your species without me!"

"I am fast, but you're good too!" Says Simon with a blush.
"Well without you I wouldn't have the will too." He said still smirking

"But your cooler!" She said nuzzling him. (gtg)
"Silly Shaymin. We both know you're smarter than that." Nonetheless, she licks his face.

"Well... you're warmer!" He says with a big smile. "I love--er... you're great!"

(See you!)
"True, though after losing one's mate he's bound to do crazy things" He said, referencing their recent officiality.

She caught his comment gone awry.... this struck a memory though she couldn't tell which one. She blushed a little.
"Well, the real question is when we're getting a Danielle or Simon of our own." She stretches a bit, then looks around. "Want to go find Cass?"

"I, UM...I just meant that...I love having a friend like you. Heh..." Simon swallows hard.
He smiled, she totally didn't catch what he meant from before. "Of course, what would we do without her?" He asked. (Except not exist XD)

"Yeah.... it's ok" She said, new feelings entering her... she wouldn't want his love to be unrequited. "I.....Me too"
"If you lovebirds are planning on seeking out Cassiopeia, could you please inform her that the children most likely need to eat soon and we should probably leave soon?" Asks Balaa pleasantly.

"Anyway...uh...want to play again?" he says, trying to change the subject. "Or maybe hide and seek?"
Cassiopeia, meanwhile, is flying around in circles, looking kind of worried. "Not what..." she says, over and over.

Simon breathes a sigh of relief, then begins counting.
Bryndle walked towards the worried new, waiting for his mate to so the same, and noticed she was distressed. "Cassiopeia? Are you quite alright?"

Danielle giggles and runs off hiding under a Bush.
"Oh, hi, Bryndle. I'm...I'm fine. Just thinking, is all. It's been an interesting day for me."

"99...100!" shouts Simon, and scrambles off to find his friend.
Bryndle smirked. "I would imagine it has, being revived from your stuffed state would definitely be exciting I would imagine." He said "Is there anything we can do to assist you?"

Danielles breathing increased a little the chase was on and it was exciting!
"Well, that's the thing," says Cass quietly. "After you all leave I'll still be in a stuffed state. Much as I appreciate the visit, it doesn't change the fact that I'm still a toy. I'm trying to figure out how to overcome that."

He's faster as a searcher, too, and looks quickly from one place to another, searching trees, fields, tall grasses, but not having much luck.
"Well we have a particularly powerful young vulpix and a group of somewhat powerful friends together, is there anything we can do?" He asked the poor Mew.

Oh no he's close. She thought as she heard his foot steps close to the bush she was in.
"I'm still thinking. I have thought of just putting you all out into the real world again. I feel like perhaps that would be best for each of you. As long as we have a forest guardian, all is well -- but I hesitate to pass the responsibility on, and besides -- I...sort of miss being alive now that I think about it."

Simon begins sniffing around. He senses another presence.

Perhaps now some hypnotic suggestion would help?
"Well we all owe you a great deal, so believe that we would all help yo, whatever you need." He said smilng warmly at the mew.

Her eyes glowed dimly and she gave him a slight suggestion at where to look, all while smiling wide.
"Thanks, Bryndle. I can't help but appreciate all of you." Cass pauses. "I think maybe -- maybe it's time for you all to go home. I've kept you here long enough."

He looks around curiously until his ears perk up and his eyes glow. He looks just to the right of the Vulpix.

"I'm getting warmer!" he laughs.
Bryndle nods. "If that's what you wish, but we're all here for you." He said smiling looking at the small mew.

She let out an audible breath on accident, to exctied to contain it.
Cass nods. "Just... promise you'll bring me back to life from time to time?"

Simon giggles upon hearing the noise. "Ah ha!" He shouts.
Bryndle smiled warmly. "With the size of Danielle's heart and how much she loves you I doubt it'll he a problem." He said

She let him find her, seeing his smile when he won always made her happy.
Cassiopeia's eyes flash.

Simon laughs and laughs at finding his friend, but then begins to glow. He only has a moment to look surprised until he vanishes in a burst of light. One by one, the others follow, until they all find themselves back outside the Life Orb, with only a plush Mew to remind them of their adventure.
Bryndle loked around, then at Malea. "My you look more ravishing in real life than even in a dreamland." He said smiling at her.

"Woah.... that was cool!" Danielle announced, looking around then heading back to mommy.
Malea grins. "And you're twice as much of a big flirt!"

Simon looks stunned. "Where- where's Cassiopeia?"

Balaa nudges her daughter with a gentle smile, then looks to the glowing orb, on which the Mew still rests.

"It would seem you are in charge, my dear," she says calmly.

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