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Fandom ~ A Certain Scientific School ~ R.O.S.E Academy ~

Eni nodded at water girl and started to wrap bandages around the boy's injured area. "Now, I'm sure you don't want to bleed any more, so Imma go and ignore that." He wrapped the bandages tightly to prevent further bleeding. "Now I suggest you don't move too much, don't want to agitate the wound even more do you?" He added as he finished. Then he looked up at the flying lady with pink eyes. He returned her gaze with one void of sanity and restraint before turning away. @HonestlySurviving @The 7th Bard @Venus
Jansen grumbled, his hands locked into fists, watching the scenario play out. He didn't expect serious injury occurring within the tournament. Man, he could really do with whacking a tree into that damn nurses face. He'd crack his knuckles, momentarily stepping a bit further, now standing in the first row of spectators. Focusing on Jormungandra movement and abilities, he'd try and figure out what he'll do when he's possibly called up with somebody, a thoughtful frown occurring.

(I may not reply for quite a while, seeing I posted this within school hours! Give it possibly two hours, at worst maybe more. My computer was sent for repairs, borrowing another might be difficult to do.)
Tatsu yawned as her attack was blocked once again by her own ability, this fight was so pointless it was beyond belief it was obvious they couldn't beat this nurse after all she just could counter with their own ability meaning that what she was basically immune what do they expect them to do hand to hand or something yeah right Tatsu and physical combat wouldn't go well. "Well this is pointless then isn't it." Tatsu said as she sat down and place a telekinetic bunker around her she was now basically immune to attacks so why the hell shouldn't she just rest hell fighting wasn't getting anywhere if her strongest well most destructive attack only singed her a little

Without moving Landon looked at him. "What do you need?" The strain of talking actually kind of hurt. He knew the kid meant his ability. "I don't have much use of my ability." As the shock subsided the pain was slowly starting to make itself evident. He cringed as Eni treated him. He quickly looked over at Anna. "It will be fine." he said with a forced smile. Looking back at Marvin he waited for an answer.
"Imagine if you will, the ability to clip her wings. Now, keeping with the same train of thought, that said ability is close ranged. So, I need to drag her down to ground level to have a chance, and if the metal flower is the source of all her powers then I will be able to disable her completely. Now then, issue, I need to get close enough to do any miracles, any ideas?
Anna thought for a second. "Only one, but it may not work..." she said slowly, biting her lip. She could push all of the water in the air that she could get down onto the nurse at once, and hopefully catch her enough by surprise to get her down towards them.
Looking over to Marvin "will that help?" Landon knew he was useless now and that all he could do was look around. No one else was stepping in. Not surprising this is supposed to be contained he felt useless and he was a level five.
Elizabeth stepped forward. Drawing a kukri from her bag. "My names Elizabeth, for now call me El, short and sweet, the issue is that, that thing is imitating our abilities. Since we don't know the range we have to figure out the source." She looks from face to face. "My ability is auto regeneration. Now who has any Ideas on what the source is, or do we have to observe some more?"



Taking into account how many people have been so far unresponsive , combined with my time Schedule and the amount of Rp's i'm participating in.

I will no longer be hosting or Rping on this Thread , Though I do thank people who did remain active and didn't leave!

I may try to start up another Rp similar to this but for now I'm going to be "closing" This down.

As I began creeping forward towards the immense gate from the background I thought and thought.. Is this really where I'm suppose to be? Should I simply go back now and wait a few years; as I said to myself with a blank expression on my face with no emotions due to a weird side effect of my ability. Will I even fit in like a normal being or will I simply fade away in the background like my ancestors did before me.. What is it that drives me to attend this academy; is it simply because my parents wished for me to? Or perhaps I wanted to deep down to try and get my emotions back.

But if I succeed will I change? Will I be the same person as I was; perhaps I shouldn't I mean who knows their might even be dire consequences that may not be worth it in thee end..

(sorry I know this is closed and I'm not even sure if I am doing this right.. I'm not trying to offend you or anything of the sorts. I read this and just really wanted to add to it... Hope you don't mind..) Also, if you don't mind I'd like to try to make the academy in unity but as I only know the basics I'm not sure how it would turn out or even if I can do it... Just thought it'd be a neat hobby to try.. )

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