2.1 - Back to Greyfalls [The Will of the Yozis]


It took several minutes for Jakow to stop laughing. The image of such a beast before them had soundly dashed all of the carefully organised plans he'd been forming (well.... almost; he could think of few better ways to distinguish themselves as heroes to Greyfalls) and the surprise of it all came as quite a delight to the Scourge. Looking over to the lizard as it retreated, he finally turned back to the others with a wide smile on his face.

"Well... this looks like it's going to be fun and entertaining. Shall we take some time to kill it or should we just be on our way?"


Perc+aware: 1d10=3, 1d10=6, 1d10=7, 1d10=5, 1d10=5, 1d10=10, 1d10=8 = 4 suxx
Standing on the shoulders of giants...

Upon the back of the giant lizard, just as it charges out of sight, Garan and Jakow notice a small creature, barely visible. However, they are fairly sure they can see pointed ears, and very long limbs... a raksha!

Since both of them are skilled occultists, they realize that can only mean one thing; the lizard is a gigantic raksha behemoth. Raksha invasion... a fairly predictable consequence of the destruction of the elemental pole of earth.

Garan (with his 4 successes) also notices something else troubling. Just before the giant lizard threw the steeple, a massive wasp-shaped shadow passed over the lizard.
"It's not the only thing out there," Garan says. "Could be another behemoth, could be something Yozi, I don't know."

He looks out of the window, indecision on his face. That thing's enormous and terribly dangerous... but people are going to suffer, and he can do something about it.


EDS up, as usual, so can I get their Essence ratings and types per Essence-Analysing Precision?

Offering a shrug, Jakow went for a cigar out of habit and then found himself suddenly repulsed by the idea. Growling a bit and shaking his hand away, he tapped on the window before turning back to the room in general. "Damn fae. I would say that they'd been hungrily waiting for this, but I doubt they'd be this far into Creation without some prior heads-up. Still.... doesn't change much, mates. There's still one bloody big reptile out there and several of us in here. If we're going to do this, we need to do this now."
Davion, clobberin' time

Davion nods to Jakow and moves to the door, leaving unless someone stops him.


It can be smashing time?
Clash of the... titans?

As Davion exits the manner, he is met with an incredibly strange sight, even compared to the previous spectacle. Perhaps three miles away, the giant lizard and its rider are locked in combat with a massive, 80 foot tall wasp, with a wingspan of perhaps a couple hundred feet. Squinting closely, you can also make out a rider sitting on the back of the enormous wasp.

Neither appear to be doing much damage to eachother, but they are quite thoroughly wrecking the central district of Grayfalls.

"Hmm, breaking things like central Greyfalls?" Cackling aloud for a moment, he steps through the door after Davion. Within a moment he's aloft on shadow-wings and heading for the battling pair. He figured a friendly chat couldn't hurt, and he was now becoming more than genuinely interested in what this particular fae-story was about.


Going to go over and have a chat if I can ;)
The giant lizard

The massive lizard and wasp do not seem to notice Jakow at all as he approaches. They continue their massive tussle, destroying buildings, wagons, and houses underfoot as they stomp about. The two massive beasts and their riders are clearly doing no damage at all to each other, at least as far as Jakow can see. That doesn't seem to be stopping them from throwing themselves at each other with gusto.

Seeing that he was unnoticed, Jakow tried to fly in as casually as he could. He felt quick on his toes enough to get to one of the riders and hold on while the gargantuan beasts duked it out. 'Hell,' he thought, 'if they can stay on, no reason I can't'. Darting between the blows, Jakow looked to the lizard-rider and made his way over, hoping to attach to the side of the beast like a bug and crawl up to the rider if no direct landing was available.


This reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus....
"They're breaking things," Garan mutters. Face set, he runs out of the house, covering the distance towards the monsters in a flash.


Dashing, woo.
The Lizard

As Jakow approaches the Lizard, the wasp launches a strong attack with its stinger. It does not appear to pierce the lizard's scaly hide, but it does send the lizard toppling over, onto what appears to be a small warehouse. A very small dust cloud rises from the collapsed building as the lizard rights itself and bellows once again. It starts to turn back to the wasp, but then looks in Jakow's direction and roars.

The fae on the Lizard's back can be seen gesturing wildly, and the Wasp halts its attack momentarily. The two massive creatures turn towards the Scourge.


Join Battle.
The Wasp

The wasp reacts incredibly quickly, it's rider shouting out a barely heard command, or perhaps a narration of sorts, "And then, the great Waspatox smote the foolish creation-born with its massive stinger, plunging right through his heart!"

Acting as if on queue, the great wasp aims its stinger for Jakow's chest. The stinger is a huge needle, large as a grand daiklave, aiming directly for him. The massive yellow wasp seems to move impossibly quickly as it attacks.


Wasp attacks!

1d10=2, 1d10=10, 1d10=6, 1d10=7, 1d10=7, 1d10=1, 1d10=5, 1d10=5, 1d10=6, 1d10=8, 1d10=3, 1d10=10, 1d10=10, 1d10=1, 1d10=3, 1d10=6, 1d10=10, 1d10=3, 1d10=7, 1d10=5, 1d10=5 = 12 successes

(Note: Due to fair-folk charm, if you do not use a stunt or charm to defend then the wasp's attacks completely ignore your DV's. If you use *any* stunt or charm, then your DV's apply normally)

Also, since Jakow was flying, he has more than enough speed to use Who Strikes the Wind, if you so choose.

Tick order:

0 - [Wasp behemoth]

1 - Lizard Behemoth / Yatagir

2 - X

3 - Jakow / Garan

Yatagir is up. The lizard will resolve after you have had a chance.

Just to clarify, is Who Strikes the Wind my only option here in terms of perfect defense? I might still use it for stunting reasons, but if the option is open for me to turn the wasp into dematerialized sand for an action I might alter how I do this. Of course, this relies on a) the wasp/rider not being 3+ essence ahead of me and b) the wasp/rider being able to be shaped as such (not sure what passive resistances are up). Just curious as to my options; if part of this scene is not knowing stuff like relative essence or hidden shaping defenses I'll just use Who Strikes the Wind to save a headache or two.

The rider and mount are Essence 5, so you could dematerialize if you so choose.

Shaping is more complicated, since they are fae. Short answer, yes, but it might cause unexpected interactions.

I was just clarifying that the defense was available, since it relies on your movement and combat just started.
Davion, to arms!

Davion lets out a battle cry and hurls himself into the fray...at least as best he can for a clash of the titans this large.


Join battle - 1d10=1, 1d10=5, 1d10=10, 1d10=7, 1d10=9, 1d10=4 = 4 successes!

In a related note, sorry about disappearing, Anime Central was this weekend, and I forgot to post that I would be gone for it.
Davion, a few miles behind

Davion, quite unfortunately, was left behind by the fast moving scourge and defiler, as well as the flying scourge. It will be a while before he is able to catch up with the others and join in the fray.

Despite the speed of the large creatures outdoing him as he approached, Jakow could see their attacks coming well in advance as he approached. More than that, such large beings were easy to pinpoint in where their main threats were; claws, teeth and a massive tail were obvious on the lizard and the wasp certainly had a large stinger and, aside from massive general strength, it was likely one of its only way of landing killing-blows.

With a smile as he headed towards the lizard, he could see the threat of the wasp looming and chuckled inwardly as he flitted onward to his original target. Flying between the two, he took a nosedive down to the lizard fully expecting the wasp to follow. As the wasp jolted towards him stinger-first with rider shrieking death wishes, the scourge simply let the attack go through and past him like a daiklave through a gust of wind. Excitedly, he watched the stinger continue its unabated motion onwards even as he flitted between the two massive beasts. With luck, he'd be able to use their large attacks against each other.


Using Who Strikes the Wind? while trying to place myself between the lizard and the wasp. With any luck, I'm trying to get the wasp to sting the lizard or at least make it look like it was possible to do so.

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