2.1 - Back to Greyfalls [The Will of the Yozis]


The duplicate begins to make itself at home and brushes past Nokoxxa and up the stairs. It seems eager to get the best room if for no other reason as to be a pleasant surprise for when the true Jakow returns.


A slithery tendril reaches to the flamepiece that the man is drawing and attempts to take it off of him. To help in this, the tendril wrapped around the man's mouth begins to seep into his nostrils, his teeth, his ears... his eyes. Chuckling almost below hearing, Jakow takes a small amount of pleasure in torturing the man until he gives up his flamepiece.


Let me know which rolls you want. Basically going to blind/distract the man while I try to disarm him at the same time.
The man in the web

The man is clearly attempting to get a shot off at Jakow.


Please give me a Disarm attack if you're simply trying to take the gun away. I'm not going to bother with Join Battle, you clearly have the initiative.

Alternatively, if you just want to kill him or otherwise wound him, you can attack normally.
The other two men

Garan stealthily tracks the other two men that broke off from the mob. They proceed quickly down the side streets of the city, glancing behind themselves frequently, and peering forward around each corner as they travel. They are obviously either very paranoid or very scared.

After perhaps 15 minutes of travel, one runs up to a house and unlocks the front door. He pokes his head in, glances back and forth, and then waves the other forward. The other man runs swiftly up to the house, and bounds through the door. A relieved looking woman can be seen momentarily as the door is closed behind the two men.

Garan hangs around for another moment, then shakes his head quickly and heads back to meet the Dragonblood et al.

"What did I miss?"

The dragon blood looks up, confused. After a second, he shakes his head to clear it, and waves to Garan, "Oh, there you are!

He extends a hand with a piece of paper in it, "Here, a courier dropped this off a couple days after you left. Said it was for Garan, and it has your name on it, so I guess its yours. No idea whats in it or who sent it. I asked the courier, but there was no return address or record of sender."
"Right, thanks." He reaches out a hand for it and heads off to a corner, leaning against the wall, before he opens it and reads what's written.
Jakow and his shadow

The ink black tendril rips the flame piece from the mans hand just as he pulls the trigger. A gout of flame erupts, but it is no-where near aimed properly. It succeeds only in lighting the mans sleeve on fire. A muffled scream is all the man can manage.

The Note

Dearest Garan,

I received a messenger from the Blessed Isle. The Imperial Mountain has been destroyed. I pray I am right about you and that Artorian was wrong.

I have gone to Gethamane. Please come if you can; the final fail safe is there. Otherwise, all may be lost.

If I fail, well, at least I will be remembered for my beautiful garden. I did love it so.

It had a path of Granite Flagstones.

It had three circles of flowers;

There were 20 Lilies, 15 Roses, and then another 5 Lilies.



A low chuckle echoed out of the Scourge as he tossed the now-spent flamepiece to the side. With some amusement he watched the flames move along the man's sleeve like a child would watch a stream trickle. Shaking his head with another chuckle, he patted it out with a tendril and clicked his tongue a few times disapprovingly towards the man's face. "Well mate, that wasn't wise now was it? Now you've gone and spent it and you've nothing to do but chat with me; perhaps if you're a good friend I'll even let you go. I just find it a little troubling that I have to go to such lengths to talk to someone around here, know what I mean?" The tendrils around the eyes and ears began to loosen a little, allowing the man to see Jakow but not yet speak. "Now, we're going to do this nice and quiet-like, alright? Head nods, blinks... you let me know if you agree with what's being said, alright?"

Waiting a moment for the prey to nod, Jakow looked over his shoulder and back to the man. "I'm going to guess you've had a rough few days, amiright?" Smiling with all canines glinting and his cat-eyes poking from under the large-brimmed hat, he stared into the man's soul and let the whispers of his 'tragedy' come to his ears. All he had to do was poke around a bit and stir up some memories...


Using hearthstone to hopefully get a reading on what the man's been up to the last few days.

Perc + aware: 1d10=5, 1d10=6, 1d10=9, 1d10=9, 1d10=4, 1d10=8, 1d10=7 = 4 suxx
Spider-Jakow, Spider-Jakow, doing whatever a Spider-Jakow Does.

The man nods, a look of fear in his eyes. From the gem of Surface thoughts, Jakow gets a mass of images. Riots, fires, looting, violence. Absolute chaos has reigned in the last week or so. The man stole food, and had food stolen from him in turn. Mobs have ruled the streets, with only the foolish braving the streets alone.

Jakow also gets flickering images of the flying wasps that he heard earlier, though very few and nothing clear or definitive.
Garan rolls the note up and slips it into one of the puches at his belt, then folds his hands as the drawstring knots tightly.

"The Imperial Mountain has been destroyed," he says, gravely, clearly deeply worried- and yet the anxiety seems slightly mixed. There's something else eating him.

"So friend, it's as I expected. Lots of killing, world gone crazy.... bet ten days ago you'd never seen a mob like that, eh?" He smiles for a moment, seeming to enjoy the recent happenings and an excited look passes his cats-eyes. "Now, next question, though I am enjoying the smalltalk.... you've seen the wasps, right?" Leaning in, he brings the man extra close to himself and gets a murderous glint in his eyes at the mention of wasps. "Because I want to know how they're involved.... so, have you seen them?"
The man in the web

The man's eyes get big and frightened, and he kicks his legs back and forth, vainly trying to escape. He makes a muted noise of fear, as he tries to escape the web.

His thoughts are little more instructive. All that Jakow can glean is that the man has seen the wasps, though only perhaps a handful of times, and that the man is very very scared of them. He hasn't seen them up close, only from afar, and they scare him silly.

The man wriggling and the negative feedback immediately bore Jakow and give him an overwhelming sense of tediousness. He tenses the tendrils for a moment, letting the man in his grasp feel his smoldered anger at having wasted his time, but loosens them eventually. "Go to your home, or lover's house, or work.... but don't be on the street. There are worse things than wasps about in the open nowadays. Some of us are starved-lions who hunt men for fun" With that, Jakow lets loose the man simultaneously as he rises up to the rooftops again. Cursing at the uselessness of the common man as he had his entire mortal life, he rushed back to the others.
Garan turns as Jakow enters. "I hope you found something useful, because things don't look good. The Imperial Mountain's been destroyed."

The enormity of the statement seems to be growing on him, and he lapses into a half-stunned silence.

"Well, isn't that something. Seems like someone's been busy... In any case, nah, nothing much new to gain. Scared little rabbits afraid that the world's at its end." He looked to Nokkoxa and nodded, turning back to his fellows and mentally making note of his doppelganger upstairs preparing for him. "I give it one week before we're in charge around here, should we want it. That is, unless someone steps in our way. Then again, between us and no need to hide things anymore, as far as I can tell we might do well to show some prowess for a change."

Davion, having been silent after arriving a bit behind Yatagir, is still taking in the house...and staying on guard, weapon and armor secure.

He puts a hand on Garan's shoulder, giving what small comfort he can even as he feels the weight of that statement himself. "Are you sure we can trust whoever sent the letter?"

He looks around at everyone else. "We should try to restore some order to this city. I would rather not lose people in this chaos who can be saved...and we can begin forming a resistance to The Dragon from here."


Sorry about lack of posts, work has been hectic.
He looks at Davion, considers for a few moments, and says simply, "Yes, I am."

A swift shake of the head to clear his mind, and he adds, but we can't worry about that too much right now. Start here, and now. I can give us a head start on keeping order..."

The Scourge gives his fellow Infernals an odd look. Bringing order to this place will mean nothing if Creation unravels from the inside out. He shakes his head. I am more interested in why this notewriter would go to Gethemane for a solution.
Jakow, kicking at the junk

"Seems to me that we could both look into Garan's friend and her city and take some charge around here. Get the ball rolling this side, leave some 'trusted' folk in charge" He looks to Nokoxxa as he does this and juts his head to the upstairs where his doppelganger waited. "I don't know about y'all, but I'm not exicted to hop to it just because someone told me so. Granted, it sounds important, but I've got my own interests to take care of before too long, know what I mean?" Kicking around the junk some more, he smiles wickedly to the others. "And, hey, give me some time and I'll have us a quick way to scoot about. Get us some 'wasps' of our own to take us to where we need."
Davion, enjoying working with competent and thoughtful people...er, well, whatever they are

Davion nods to the others. "I think that your plan makes the most sense Jakow. If we set up at least some amount of order here, leave behind some people we trust," he nods again to the Dragonblooded, "and find some way to get to Gethamane quickly, we can handle both problems at once."

He turns to Garan, "How quickly can your head start work? And do you think we could get any of the local spirits to give us some aid?"

He turns to Nokkoxa last, "Do you have any remaining contacts that you can organize? We should also secure food and weapon stores as we can. People will join us if we give them protection and something to eat."


I figure we can get some things done if we work quickly here...
He considers. "A week to get established, perhaps, on some people- the more belligerent ones will take longer." One hand toys with his belt as he adds, "If we can get some spirits on side, they can stop people destroying my work before it's got started. Not likely to be many sorcerers around, but it only takes one.

"And if we're lucky, this might even help hold off the Wyld- around here, at least."
The manor

Nokkoxa nods, "I have some food stores... enough for maybe a handful of people for a few months. Shorter for more people. If you wanted real quantities of food, you'll need to check the merchant districts near the river. Weapons... probably the realm armory up in the noble district."

He perks up at the mention of transport, "Oh! I know a spell that could help! Stormwind Rider, it could carry us all to where ever you want to go! I learned it ... umm..." The dragonblood looks sheepish for a moment before continuing, "I learned it at the Heptagram, but I was expelled for poor grades before I graduated. That's how I ended up here. Anyway, that could..."

The dragonblood is cut off by a sudden, ear-piercing high-pitched roar from outside.

"What the hell was that?"

The Scourge looks sharply outside as the roar echoes. He flexes his jade-covered hands and moves to a window to look outside. Now what do we have here...

Outside the window is a strange sight; one that none of the Infernals would believe were they not seeing it with their own eyes.

Perhaps two miles away, standing astride a manor house, is a gigantic bipedal lizard. Green, scaly, and perhaps 90 feet tall, the monstrous creature has what appears to be the broken off steeple of the city's immaculate temple in its hand. It is thrashing about, stomping on whatever happens to be underfoot. It appears less to be aiming its stomps, and more just causing wanton destruction.

After a moment, the lizard looks up from its destructive rampage. It pauses for a moment, and then the lizard unleashes another ear-splitting high pitched roar. It rears back slightly and then tosses the steeple at something unseen in the air. After a moment, the lizard charges forward and out of view, stomping on a number of houses as it moves, far more quickly than something that size as any right to be moving. It's tail knocks over a small building as it leaves the field of vision, and a number of small humans can be seen scurrying away.


Perception + awareness, to notice a couple small details...

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