2.1 - Back to Greyfalls [The Will of the Yozis]

Unruly Mob

The raucus sound quickly grows larger, and after a few seconds, a cloud of dust is visible.

A large mob of people rounds the corner of the street. They appear disheveled, and clad mostly in various brown and grey clothes, or clothes that were formerly other colors and are now predominantly brown and grey. The mob wield pitch forks, crude swords or long knives, and other implements of farmers and tradesman.

For a moment, they bear down on the assembled Infernals, then abruptly halt. There is a cry from the middle of the mob, "Monsters!"

With that, the entire mob turns and flees back the way it came.

Davion bellows out to their retreating forms. "Halt! We want to talk."

His crown flares to life on his forehead, and he appears to not look too menacing.


I mean, it's why I have that charm >.>
The fleeing unruly mob

The mob continues its mad flight; it is quickly back around the corner it came from, and disappears from view.

A temporary silence descends on the street once more.
The absent dragonblooded

The Dragon Blooded, as mentioned previously, scuttled off down the alleyway well before the mob arrived. Hence he is unable to respond to your words, telepathic or otherwise.

Holding a hand to his head, Jakow communicates with his doppelganger waiting at the mansion and notifies him to prepare for their arrival and stay out of sight of the mob, making a safe guess that what could've ripped apart his other duplicate was this very rabble. Turning to the others after this quick lapse, he shakes his head and sighs but, oddly enough, wears a dagger-smile across his face. "Whole damned world's lost its mind." With that he whips back up to the rooftops with his shadow, chasing after the mob from up above.
Garan frowns, indecisively hopping from one foot to the other- the sets off at an incredible pace, following the mob, always staying one corner behind them so they don't catch sight of him.


Wind-Born Stride!
Davion, slowpoke

Davion looks toward where the Dragonblooded ran off to, then toward where Garan and Jakow ran off.

He turns toward the last person left, Yatagir, "Do you mind catching up with our Dragonblooded friend? I'm going after the others to make sure they don't get into anything they can't handle."

He turns and hustles off toward where Garan took off to, figuring it won't take long to catch up with the mob at least.

The unruly mob

Jakow is able to keep the mob easily in sight; they are fleeing towards one of the main thoroughfares of the city.

The mob keeps running for a handful of blocks, making many seemingly erratic, then begins to slow.

Garan is easily able to keep pace with the mob, however, he must work to ensure that the angry civilizations do not catch a glimpse of him. There is a distinct lack of cover in the open streets.

Davion, unfortunately, is quite quickly outpaced by the speeding Garan. The mob had a rather long head start, and the Slayer can not match the speed of the Defiler. In the dim light, it is hard to tell one block from the next in this unfamiliar city. You could continue to track Garan, or you could head back to the manor.

Jakow's Duplicate

Easily in telepathic contact, the duplicate confirms to its master that it has gained entrance to the mansion. It easily slipped through an improperly boarded up window. No one appears to be home; things still appear askew from the chaos at the end of the party almost two weeks ago.

As the minion is transmitting, it hears something from the rear of the house; a sound like a door opening and closing. It inquires of its master if you would like it to go investigate.


Garan, Dex+Stealth to hide from the mob.

Davion, if you want to follow, Perception+Investigation. Otherwise, you can head back to where you came from.
Davion, turning back

Davion turns back, unsure on where the mob is going, and not able to keep up with either of the other pursuing parties.

The Scourge nods and focuses himself, then follows after the errant Dragonling. He sticks with a mortal pace for now, although he readies the fragment of the Silent Wind within him in case it is needed.
The mob

Once they reach the main thoroughfare, the mob slows down from its flight. It gives no indication that it has yet seen Garan, but it begins making its way down the large street towards the upper districts of the city. Every where Garan looks there is more evidence of chaos and unrest in the city.

The Manor

Yatagir reaches the back door of the large manor. It is closed, but as the scourge approaches, it opens and the dragonblood sticks his head out. Nokkoxa gestures for the scourge to enter, looking cautiously from side to side, "C'mon, quick. Best to get under cover. Not safe to be outside." Nokoxxa pauses for a moment before continuing, "Where'd the rest of them go?"
As Garan follows, he almost subconciously counts the mob- always good to know exactly what you're up against.


Hearthstone, yo! I can autocount things like that. How many guys am I following?

Skittering from rooftop to rooftop at superhuman speed after the mob, Jakow gives a moment to let his doppelganger know his orders. "Go check it out, stay alive if you can. I want your memories exactly, so try not to die." Seeing the mob slow, he similarly drops his pace and begins to focus more on going through unnoticed; he was getting curious but simultaneously bored with the seeming purpose of the mob and the relatively slow speed it was achieving it. A smile crept past his mouth as he dropped down slightly, focusing more on being unseen and he began to scan the crowd for any stragglers.
Jakow's Doppelganger

As Yatagir proceeds into the mansion, Jakow's doppelganger comes into view. Nokkoxa turns, looking somewhat surprised, "Oh, good afternoon Jakow. I didn't hear you come in. Anyway, where'd your other friends go?"

Jakow and Garan

Garan and Jakow, both alert for stragglers, have only a few minutes to wait. A few men seem to break off from the mob, two heading south towards the falls, and one man heading east, towards the merchant district of town.


Where too guys?
The merchant district really isn't Garan's area of expertise- but on the other hand, there are two of them.

Still, it's not like they're going to be able to do much, and he's less likely to get ambushed in more open ground.

Garan follows the two heading for the falls.

Noting the separation of the individuals from the mob and Garan's chase after the pair, Jakow reserves himself to go after the lone target in the more open area. He slinks up and over buildings, skittering on shadow-graspers and waits until the man is far from the rest of the mob. Following from above, from aside, from behind... always changing and always hidden... Jakow waited until the right moment when no others were around and when the mark was unaware.

Several long tendrils extended down from above and quickly wrapped around the man, dragging him into darkness.


Let me know which rolls you want. Also, is my doppelganger under my control at this point (for semantic reasons) or is he/it still yours to play with?
A lone man

The man began to scream, but only managed to get a muted yelp as he was dragged into the air. An instant later, he is suspended, hanging from a beam, in the grasp of the black mass.

He swings back and forth, a look of terror in his eyes, as he kicks his legs futilely and pries at the tendrils covering his mouth and shoulders.

After a moment, his struggles slow, as he appears to give up his attempts to free himself.


As for the doppelganger, for ease of RP'ing, we'll assume you have control over it. Feel free to make posts for the doppelganger, just please differentiate which is the 'real' Jakow.

Also, Perception+Investigation.
The Doppelganger

Taking in a long sigh, the duplicate of Jakow gestured out the door and behind Nokoxxa. "Still on their way I reckon. Mighty odd terrain in the middle of here and where we started." It knocked around a few pieces of rubble and chuckled. "I see you haven't cleaned up much."


Perc+Inv for Jakow = 1d10=9, 1d10=8, 1d10=8, 1d10=9 = 4 suxx
The man jakow has captured

Jakow spots out of the corner of his eye that the ensnared man is drawing what looks like a flamepiece from a semi-concealed holster at his side.

Nokkoxa looks back and forth between the pair of infernals, and heads into the house. He mentions you to follow, as he picks between the rubble and heads up stairs. "Yeah, I didn't clean the bottom floors. I didn't have a chance to clean before, well, everything went crazy. Since then, I left it like this. Dissuades the looters if the place already looks like its trashed. A big group came through almost a week back, took some of the broken junk, and left without checking the upstairs or the basement."

Nokkoxa points down, indicating the stairs down to the basement. "I have enough food stored up for a couple months." He continues up the stairs to the balcony. "My room, well, I guess it used to be my uncle's room, is up here. The looters never bothered coming up here to check. If you want, I have some spare bedrooms up here that are in good condition still if you fellows need to stay the night."

The dragon blood disappears into a room momentarily, then swiftly reappears with a piece of paper in his hand. "A courier dropped this off the day after everything went crazy, a couple days after you all left." He looks around, slightly confused, "Wait, where'd that Garan fellow go? The note was left with his name on it."

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