2.1 - Back to Greyfalls [The Will of the Yozis]


Given that it's getting increasingly light Jakow is going to stay where he is and hope to get a glimpse of whoever's following them. Going to the front of the house at the moment might not be the best idea. Then again, he can always de-materialize and fly away, but it's no fun to go ghost this early ;)
Garan heads carefully out of the back, keeping his eyes open for any threats, and moves towards the end of the alley.
Garan, in the Alley, with the Crowbar

Garan is easily able to slip into the deserted alley, just being light by the red light of dawn. He can catch a last glimpse of Jakow as the scourge skitters up the wall and onto the roof.


Do you wish to head into town, towards the manor where the party was, or some other specific destination.

Also, Yatagir and Davion, where too?

As Garan passes onto a side street, things appear to be in disarray.

Untended carts litter the street. An overturned carriage sits across the street, with a set of broken harnesses from where the horses presumably escaped.

A few of the houses along the street seem to have sustained minor damage, though it appears to be mostly superficial. A few broken windows and in one case a broken door.

Other than the signs of chaos, the street is completely empty of life. Not a single animal or person is visible.

Silence...normally very comforting these days, but in this case it was an indication that something was terribly amiss. Agreed. He casually flexes his hands, jadesteel shifting quietly.
Davion, backup

Davion moves behind Garan, slowly and waiting for the Defiler to give any warning of being assaulted, since none comes, he heads out behind him, keeping his charms up for the moment...and seeing outside, he grimaces.

"There's a lot of wreckage here...I'm guessing how I look won't be the biggest issue we run into here..."

He continues moving with Garan, taking a bit of a rear guard.


Just making sure there's no trouble.

As the infernals move down the deserted streets, they see neither sight nor sound of humans. After a moment, Jakow joins them from the rooftops.

There does not appear to be any sound of pursuit as the sun rises above the horizon. As the assembled green sun princes pick their way through the rubble and debris-strewn boulevard, a dim red sun rises above the city of Greyfalls. The air is thick with smoke and dust. Some of it from fires burning somewhere within the city, the greater part of it obscuring the sky to the west.

As the sun continues its inexorable rise, the group can see that it is not its normal, constant, bright yellow self. It has somehow been reduced to a dim red orb, whose light barely penetrates the haze and smoke.

From a side street, there comes a whisper from a hooded figure, "Hey! Jakow! Over here!"


The city is a mess. Any preferences on where too?
Garan's eyes quickly focus on the hooded figure, and he makes the familiar effort to read the currents of Essence flowing through him.

Who is this?


5 suxx.

I don't suppose I can use Essence-Dissecting Stare on the sun...?
Looking over at the figure for a moment, Jakow makes a mental note to his surviving doppelganger and checks to see what has become of his 'herald'. He crosses his arms on his chest and raises an eyebrow from under the hat, doubtful of who was beckoning him over. A sudden shiver came over him and he smiled, as if suddenly enjoying the surprise. Walking over to the figure, he gestured it out into the open. "Well, spit it out mate."


Checking with my living doppelganger for a second before going over to this figure.
Garan's Essence Sight

The daystar seems to be the same Artifact N/A construction that it has always been; a master edifice of churning roiling essence.

The man in front of you, however, is clearly a dragonblood.

Jakow's Clone

Jakow's duplicate has managed to reach the mansion unmolested, and has found it completely empty of people. It is strewn with overturned furniture and other signs of chaos.

The Hooded figure

The hooded figure beckons Jakow emphatically, "It's not safe in the streets, quick, this way."

A few seconds more of inspection confirms that the cloaked man is in fact the dragonblood man you met at the party, Nokkoxa. He glances furtively up and down the street, as though expecting something terrible to happen at any moment.
Quickly darting over to the man, Garan gives him a quiet look. "What's happened here?"

The way he looks around demonstrates quite clearly that "here" goes a little further than Greyfalls in this case.

Yatagir follows after Garan, giving the Dragonling a once-over before looking back to the silent city. Although there seems to be no one here, it is always best to keep an eye on one's surroundings just in case.

The young dragonblood wrings his hands anxiously, "Not out in the open, please, come this way. The sooner we get under cover, the better."

He spares a glance up at the sky before continuing further, "A couple days after you left, there was a huge explosion, like a volcano or something, and then the sun..." The dragon blood's voice trails off for a moment. He swallows hard and resumes, "Everyone went crazy; there were riots. People were looting, smashing things, fleeing, screaming. It was like the world went mad." He shrugs his shoulders, "I have no idea why. And without the governor or the guard captain, the city guard was in complete disarray. There was nobody to maintain order, so everything just went to shit." He stammers for a moment, "It's not been safe to go outside since, even for a Dragon Blood. Roving gangs, killing anyone that gets in their way, stealing anything salvageable or edible. It's madness!"

He turns, begins to head back down the alley and beckons for you all to follow him, "C'mon, this way. There's a back entrance to the manor, and I have plenty of food stocked up, at least for a while. Oh, and somebody left a note for one of you."

With a sigh, Jakow followed his soon-to-be disciple and looked to Garan with a coy smile. "A note from someone's friend, eh? Wonder if it includes another rock." Looking up to the sun as he followed Nokkoxa he gritted his teeth. "Guess any friend's about good right now, though. I reckon we showed up to the party late boys."

"Hmm? Oh, right."

He doesn't really seem to be paying all that much attention, suddenly. There's a distant look in his eyes- distant and calculating.

He's planning something.
Davion, looking up

Davion looks up at the red sun in shock, then frowns at the Dragonblooded's words. "In that case, we'll want to start organizing the city around us. If we meet any of these bands, they won't be a problem for us, and they could be potential new troops."

He flexes his verdigrised muscles and hefts his spear, calmly looking around as the Terrestrial leads the way.


Nothing here, just figuring I'll help restore order to the city, even if I have to beat it into them. This does raise the priority on my fealty-acknowledging Audience charm

The dragon blood beckons hurddily, and hisses out a whisper while looking back and forth, as though someone might jump him at any moment, "C'mon! It's not safe out here, we need to get under cover."

A buzzing sound momentarily fills the air, and the dragon blood ducks reflexively as something flits past in the sky.

"Fuck! Yeah, lets get moving. Also, which one of you is Garan? Got a really weird note addressed to you a couple days after all this bullshit started."

With that, that dragon blood begins to retreat swiftly down the alleyway.


Perception + Occult to identify the noise, if you feel like it.
The flying thing

The flying creature is relatively easily identified by the sounds its passage; it is an Agatae - a demon wasp.

Squinting overhead into the rising light, Jakow stops Nokoxxia for a moment. "That been common lately? The wasps, that is" He squinted again and thought about flying up to see just what was happening, but hesitated after realising he'd never be able to catch up to such a fast creature, even with his shadow as mount.

Nokkoxa disappeared back down the alley, and since he is not there, says nothing.

From somewhere nearby, a loud ruckus can be heard, of rather indeterminate nature.

"Oh, hell," he says looking over towards the sound of conflict. He almost starts walking over to see what's going on, but doesn't quite start moving.

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