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1x1 with Zee Captain


New Member
Nicole Micheals was having a great time. Her flight had touched down a little over two weeks ago, and ever since then Nicole had been enjoying the L.A. life. Every night she hit the city. From the bright lights to the raging parties, she enjoyed everything about the big city. She was living it up, or so she thought.

Tonight Nicole was at another big party . The room she was currently in was filled with smoke from various people, and the stench of beer was in the air. The large room was already full, so the party was in full swing. Nicole quickly drained the lukewarm liquid in her cup and made her way over to the area where the drinks were.

The small bar was packed with people. Nicole was having trouble getting close enough to even get a drink, so when the random guy came up to her and offered her a drink, she took it. All the warnings about not taking drinks from stranger and the danger of being drugged we're not in her mind. Nicole didn't even fully believe that people did that anyway. It had to be some kind of scare tactic, right? She smilied at the guy and nodded along to what he was saying. Soon, Nicole had drank half of the extremely sweet drink. Her mind began to get fuzzy and the guy she was with began to lead her out of the crowded room and into a more secluded area. Nicole didn't try to fight him, and her arms and legs felt heavy.
The same place. The same corner. With the same fucking weak ass beer.

The woman in the black leather jacket sat alone in the sofa as far removed from the loud music of the speakers as humanly possible. The pounding house music was a sin to grate to be forgiven and she asked herself why the hell she had ended up here again. All though she knew why. Because this was the only place in town where you could sell bad joints to seventeen year old aspiring fratbro´s for double the price. And because she needed the money. Badly.

The kids where all fucked up on one substance or another. She spent her time watching them discover the rules of destruction. Vodka and mixed with redbull with no dinner equals puking once guts out in the lap of your sweetheart. Alcohol and your brothers adhd medication equals sleeping the whole party through, not even noticing the previous guy puking all over you.

She watched a group of girls excitedly do shoots that the bartender made with one part gingerbeer, one part soodawater and two parts light cider. Like drinking sugerwater. Still they seemed to get proportionally drunk and giggle their asses of. "I can´t even taste the alcohol! This is so good!"

But so a quiet scene caught her eye close to the bar. A small girl all on her own. She looked blissfully unaware of the guy who was going straight at her.

Something about him made her frown. He was not a commoner. And all to old for this place. Older than herself even.

And now he was talking to her. And... was he handing her a drink?

She hated perverts who hit on the spring breaker´s. They where so easy to impress that it was just cheap. She had promised herself never to do it. Never to hit it up with one of those kids from the country, just trying to enjoy the first sniff of freedom in their life.

But so suddenly. The girl seemed to slow down. Her eyes stopped jumping around. The giggle subdued. The woman had seen that look before. And was not about to let it go.

"Oh Hell no." The woman stood in the back entrance as the man was about to leave the place with the sagging girl on the arm.

She was tall, almost as tall as he was and with the broad shoulders and head held high she was an intimidating view. "Uh, no. No. This aint happening for you tonight, little fucker. Don´t think so."
Nicole was slumped against the older guy when a woman appeared. The drugged girl briefly wondered where she came from, but the thought was soon lost in the fogginess of her mind. She did realize that the woman looked threatening in her black leather jacket with a few tattoos showing.

The guy sneered at whatever the other woman said and tightened his grip on Nicole. "I do what I want, and I dare you to stop me." He harshly said. As far as he was concerned, this woman was all talk. He wasn't going to let his target for the night get away just because some bitch was in his way.

Nicole took a longer look at the woman, and suddenly decided that maybe she should've listened to the warnings. Something wasn't right about this, and she now just wanted to get away from the guy. Maybe go and sleep off whatever the drink he gave her was. She tried to get away, but the combination of the drugs and the strong grip he had on her made it useless. He used his brute strength to pull her closer, and the younger girl slumped even farther against him. For a moment panic flared to life inside her, and she started to shake slightly. She looked up at the disgusting man and hoped the strange woman could help her out of this. She seemed a lot nicer then the sleazy man that currently held her tight enough to start a dull pain.
The woman was obviously not someone with the authority to arrest or restraint anyone. Her clothes made her look more nineties heroin chic than someone of the club security. Still she did not seem bothered with the mans obvious lack of admiration for her person.

She had never seen the guy here before. How had he even been let in? No one but the teens and a few stray regulars usually came here and she knew the owner. How could he have missed this creep?

"You know I will not even have this discussion with you. We both know what you are doing so lets not be stupid about this. And if you insist I will take your dare!"

Without a warning or hesitation the powerful woman suddenly stepped up to the man. As he held on to the girl and was taken by surprise he had no chance of bracing himself for the pain. With in the second he had taken a fist to the temple and a knee to the groin. The punch was not a perfect strike and landed dull and with mild potency. But the kick hit just where it was meant to go, and that with a furious force.

The man lost all control over the body and folded at the middle like a paper.

The female stumbled backwards a few step before finding her footing again, obviously impressed by her own handy work. Without missing another beat she grabbed a hold of the girl and simultaneously used her shoe against the guys hip to kick him out of balance. He feel in to a pile, only halfheartedly swinging his arm trying to catch something.

The woman started walking the girl as quickly as she could back through the maze of party and dancing bodies. She half walked her, half carried the smaller one on her shoulder. The guy was obviously a beginner at drugging and raping chicks, she thought to herself. Way to much Rohyphenol in that little body. She had went down to quick to not be suspicious before they left the building.

"Common, Lolita. We have to get out before he gets up and finds his buddies in the bar."

She calmly started started palming at her jacket pocket after her keys.
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Things were happening to quick for Nicole to fully comprehend. She watched with glazed eyes as the woman stepped up and attacked. She quickly seemed to take the guy down, and the younger girl was impressed. Nicole stumbled when the guys grip suddenly wasn't on her, but the other woman grabbed her before she fell.

Nicole leaned heavily on the older woman and let her partly drag her out. The sounds of the people laughing and partying faded in her ears. A relief washed over the girl and a lopsided smile graced her face. She looked up at her newfound savior and the dopey grin on her face got bigger. She leaned her head on the woman's shoulder and closed her eyes briefly.

Once the woman started to speak, her eyes snapped back open. Her gaze turned up to look at her and the words settled in her mind after a moment. That feeling of unease started again. Her arm tightened where it had landed around the woman's neck and Nicole hoped the guy wouldn't come running out of the building. She didn't know what he was going to do, but if somebody stepped in it probably wasn't good. She would've turned to look back at the building, but the young girl's body didn't fully want to cooperate with her. She leaned more fully against the woman, hoping that she could keep her safe for the moment.
"Fuck." The woman halted to a stop in front of her crocker. "You will fall off in the same moment I put you on the saddle, wont you? And where do you even live?"

She stood pondering for a moment, looking back at the entrance and back at the girl. She looked even smaller than before. Something about the way she looked back at her made her worry that she would start crying at her. She would not be able to keep it together if she did. Obviously she didn´t get an answer. The first thing that goes on the roofies are the ability to remember anything useful, quickly followed by the speech. She had seen it all before.

"Okay. Lolita. You just try to keep awake and sit upright, could you do that for me?"

The woman suddenly leaped back in to action and after having draped the other over a trashcan she kicked the motorcycle to a roaring start. The old sound was deafening and completely drowned out the sound from inside the nightclub. As the motor calmed down and in idle she then started the ordeal of trying to get the girls leg over the machine and in to a sitting position in front of her. She truly hoped the fabric of the clothes would keep the heat from siting on the tank bearable for the short ride to come. Just in case she lay her gloves under the girl too. Then she took her vintage helmet and secured it over the head of the other. She wished for the first time that she would have bought one with a hefty visor and neck support. But this had to do for now.

She reached over from her sitting position on the seat, getting an extra wide, windproof bomber jacket from out of the saddle bags. After some hesitation she pulled the girl closer to her body, zipping it up around them both and securing it with the straps that went across the waistline.

The body pressed against hers felt limp and tired. But all the dancing and drinking had made the others skin warm against her own. Something calm came over her. It was a feeling of... Yes what was this feeling? A sense of patronage. Of care for something so fragile.

She may have forgotten the urgency of the operation, if not a worrying sound of shouts and discussions had started poring out of the building. Time to take off.

With a careful start, the bike turned of the side of the street and slowly built up the speed as it drove out in the night.
Nicole's mind slowly became more fuzzy. She recognized that a question was asked, but she wasn't sure what the question was. She let the older woman move her around and watched silently as she started up the motorcycle. Her eyelids started to drop and the young girl realized she was slightly tired. Before this really became an issue, her saviour had somehow managed to get her on the bike.

A helmet was quickly shoved on the girl's head. Nicole didn't even have time to process before she was pulled towards the other girl. Once the jacket was secured, the drugged girl leaned against the warm body in front of hers. She registered that they were probably about to move and somehow managed to loosely grip women around the waist. The young girl felt safe somehow, almost like her rescuer would protect her. Once the motorcycle began moving, Nicole closed her hazel eyes. Not quite asleep, but not fully awake either.
The bike drove through the starkly lit Street of the big city. L.A never sleept and the strange woman drove ut in an even and pulling manor, careful not to make the girl lose her grip by driving to jerky.

The lights flashed by like falling stars and the streetwalks was full of waking, dresses up peoples on the way from one establishment to another.

They arrived just in time, as the driver could feel the girl's body get more limp by the minute and by the point of her parking the bike in the underground garage she was Holding on to the girl with one arm and manoverred the heavy machine with the other.

When she turned around, the girl was unconcious when she moved the body fell towards the floor. The woman manager to Catch it before hitting the floor or against the heated exhaustpipes that ran along the side of the bike.

She sighed as she watched the sleeping, inocent face infront of her.

And so, she hung her bag over one shoulder, draped the girl's arm over the other and started the heavy task of carrying her up the six floor appartment building. The elevator had not been functional this side of the holiday's. "At least I got an excuse not to pay last month's bills..."


The Sun stood high and yellow light sippered in through the blinders. The small bedroom was cold, but the blankets of the bed was wrapped around Nicole's body and keept her warm. There was the room of someone creative. That much was obvious.

The walls and roof was covered in Pictures. It was black, White and grey photos, small scale artwork. There was Pictures of people walking on the Street. Close ups of unsuspecting or surpriced personalities. There was Pictures of a familia woman. Tall, thin yet strong. The Short black hair was wild and the pictures was more often than not strange, distorted and rendered in the darkroom.

But most of all there was strange details of buildings. Empty rooms, old industry and Places haunted by neglect. Dark Places.

On the floor lay more piles photos along side some discarded clothes and an gramophone player. On a chair next to the bed lay clean, folded clothes as put out for use. There was an oversized t-shirt and a pair of washed out bluejeans.
Nicole was slowly waking up. Most of last night was fuzzy in her mind. Something about a man and a woman. Sitting up slowly, she ran a hand through her long hair. Sunlight filtered in and hazel eyes quickly looked around the strange room.

The first thing the newly awakened girl saw were photos. Black and white photos covered everything in sight. They were good too, even if they were dark. The pictures her gaze lingered on were the ones of the woman. She vaguely recognized her from somewhere, but couldn't quite put her finger on it. The gramophone player caught her next. The young girl had never seen one before and couldn't help but be excited.

The search around her surroundings finally landed on the fresh clothes by the bed. Nicole bit her lip, thinking hard on if they were meant for her or not. She decided that she didn't care in the moment and got out of the comfy bed. Pulling the clean clothes on, Nicole realized that the pants barely fit and the shirt was baggy on her. At the moment, she didn't care about how they fit. The young girl was more worried about where she was and who she was with. "Hello?" She softly called put while approaching a door in the room.
The door leading out of the bedroom stood slightly ajar.

Through the slot one could see a part of what seemed to be a bigger room A small kitchenette with a kitchen island stood next to a window. Outside was only other grey houses and walls visible. A hefty desk poked out from inside a long drape that divided the room in two. Also this room was covered in pictures from floor to roof. Strings with photocopies hung up to dry was stretched across the room. Cartons of paper and tools stood piled on the desk and on the kitchen bench stood big jugs with strange names on weird chemicals on the labels.

Otherwise the room was spartan in it´s furnishing. A group of a sofa and a couple of beanbag-chairs stood in the middle of the room positioned around a wooden crate doubling as a coffee table.

And on the sofa lay a woman.

She lay stretched out with her arms under her head. The thin blanket had fallen to the floor, and now she was only dressed in a to big tank top with some obscure band name on it, and a couple of sporty hotpants. With more of the skin exposed, one could see the tattoos spread out over of her body. There where mainly small symbols and pictures, but ne cryptic and strange text, typed big along the left arm as if printed with the help of an old typewriter, stood out from the rest. It said simply "7 time's the charm".

The black bangs covered part of the strangers face, but to all purposes she looked to be in deep sleep. Only the two big, empty cups of coffee and the opened book on the table mouthed of recent activity. The room was tired and calm in the afternoon stillness. Outside a siren shouted somewhere far away but inside the apartment all was quiet. Only the slight breathing of the woman and a low murmur of a lazy fan in the roof was filling the silence.
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Nicole looked through the slightly open door and smiled at what she saw. Whoever lived here obviously loved taking photographs. The younger girl decided to get a better look at the room and gently pushed the door open. She stepped inside and her bright eyes took in everything. The still drying photos made her think that someone was here, and when she turned toward the couch she saw the vaguely familiar woman from before. She looked almost peaceful sleeping, and Nicole was hesitant to wake her just yet.

Instead, Nicole continued her search around this new room. The beanbag looked used, but comfortable. The crate table was unique, and brought a real smile to her face. When Nicole's eyes landed on the chemicals, she assumed that they were used for some kind of photography thing. The young girl wouldn't know, she had chosen advanced art over photography in school. She walked over to s string of photos and was impressed with the style. Whoever the woman on the couch was, she had a good eye for abandoned buildings and dark alleys. It was interesting to look at the different photos. Even though the room had a somewhat dark vibe, Nicole felt safe here.

Nicole wandered back to the couch and looked down on the sleeping woman. She could almost recognize her, and the young girl wondered if she had met her the night before. Her eyes widened when seeing the various tattoos covering her body. She almost wanted to reach out and trace some of the more stranger ones. Nicole bit her lip and briefly wondered what she should do. A snap decision was made. "Hey. Who are you and is this your cool place?" she announced herself. She hoped this would wake the woman up, because Nicole was kinda fuzzy on how she got here.
"Hey. Who are you and is this your cool place?"

The high voice cut through the silenced and the strangers every layer of sleep at once.

She flew up to a sittning position, holding a bracing arm before her face as if expecting a punch in it.

"Who! Fuck! Is the house burning?! Stop with the jumpscares!" The woman looked not so much irretated as sulky and tierd. "What's the time? 14.15? Shit gurl. You where out cold! I thought you would never wake up. And me who stayed awake all night incase you would wake up, and then you had to go and get up the same minute I had decided to take a nap? Bad manors!"

The woman looked at Nicole as she looked to be gathering her thoughts.

"I'm Gea. This is my place. Are you feeling okay? Is the head hurting bad? If you are going to throw up, do it in the bin and not on my floor. The wood is untreated and sucks up liquids like a dehydrated sponge."

She scratched her head and looked at the started getting up from the sofa.
Nicole wasn't expecting the reaction she got. She took a step back, afraid for a moment that she had wandered into a stranger's place uninvited. Once the woman started speaking, She realized her head did kinda hurt and her stomach was hurting. Then it clicked that she truly had no idea what happened the night before. Panic flashed on her face and she stumbled back into a beanbag. Thankfully, Nicole fell on it and was unharmed.

She tried to recall last night's events, but all she really remember was a guy handing her a drink and then something about a woman. The woman must've been Gea, which meant she knew what happened. Her hands shook slightly and her head suddenly really started to hurt. "Wha..What happened?" She stuttered out. She glanced over at Gea and opened her mouth, only to close it again. She brought a hand up to her head and leaned on it, closing both her eyes. "Why does my head hurt?" She didn't remember drinking a lot the night before, but she easily could've been wrong. Nicole silently hoped the answer would be a simple answer, something like you drank too much or I found you passed out and brought you in. L.A. wasn't the somewhat small town she was use to, and she was honestly briefly afraid of what the answer was.
"Take it easy! Wait. I'll get you something for the head." The young woman named Gea walked over to the kitchenete and started rumbling through a box of small white cartons of pills. There was a whole box of them, and with strange, unfamiliar names.

"Don't freak out. sit down and take it easy. We both where on "Black Space", remember? That house club uptown? You took a drink from a stranger and drank a roofie of some sort. If you want we could get down to the hospital right now if you want to secure a drug test? It maycould still be able to prove you where druged? I would be a witness but with my record I'm afraid I will only damage your case. Also. I kicked him in the balls, did not take you to a hospital and my bag stinks of cheap weed." She handed the other a sparkling glass of water with a disovable tablet in it. "Don't worry. I don't smoke and drive. Just sell it to the teens. I'm a responsible adult after all"

She sat back down in the sofa, noticed that the thick screen television in the corners still screened an old chopy vhs version of Terry Gilliams dystopian "Brazil" from 1985. On the screen a bizzare and exchange of conversaton was held on the topic of bureaucratic terrorism. The sound was muted but Gea seemed to soundles mouth the last stated line to herself as she turned it of and turned her attention back to Nicole.
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Nicole stayed in the bean bag and listened to Gea explain the night before. Bits and pieces were coming back to her, like the way the dark haired woman had taken the guy out. Of course she got roofied, that was just her luck. She shook her head and replied to the older woman. "No hospital. They might decide to contact my parents and I really don't want to explain this." She said. That much she was pretty sure about. She may have been eighteen, but she was in a different state then her home state. Nicole grabbed the water and started to drink it.

Her head cleared up some and she felt better. She trusted Gea. Maybe she shouldn't, considering the woman sold weed, but everybody had smoked a little weed before. Nicole watched the woman mouth along to the tv and she smiled. Gea was interesting, and she wanted to know her better. "I really like all the photos." She blurted out when Gea looked back. Nicole hoped the woman didn't notice she was staring at her. It was hard not too, Gea was gorgeous.
Before answering to the compliment Gea reached out quick as a wink and gave the girl a smack in the back of her head.

"You´re doing it again! You must stop taking drinks from strange people! Your lucky I did not put something weird in that glass just to prove a point!" She sighed and fell back against the sofa. "But thank you. Anyway." She looked up and saw the other stare at her.

She must either be very stupid, very naive or both. Someone who had never gone hungry or had their shit stolen by a one night stand. One of those cute girls that so often past her by without even her reflecting up on them. She usually just felt like a pervert staring at them, so she just minded her own interests.

"Oh! Right! You must be hungry and hung over as no other. You want something to eat?" She once more got up from the furniture and walked over to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and stuck her head in. "I got a bottle of coke, some beer and a bag of potato´s to bake in the fridge. I now I got a packet of noodles in the cupboard and another plastic bag of dried dates I think. And in the freezer I got a packet of some vegan-soy shit my ex left here. But she has not been around for a couple of weeks now so I don´t know what the quality is on that thing. Oh and she left her rat here to, so If a the beast comes up to you It just want to say hi. He has a cage and everything but I gave up on catching him every time he escapes. I don´t remember what she named him but I just call him El Chapo after that Mexican drug lord."

The woman turned around and looked at Nicole. She spoke quick and with an even, dry tone in everything she said. Still she did not look to be in a bad mood. People often told Gea that they wanted her cheer up. She usually told them that she was running low on shits to give at the moment and refused to let their positivism affect her Gothic look on the world.
Unprepared for the whack she received, Nciole let out a squeak and held her head. It didn't hurt that much, but the point was made. Gea was right, she should probably stop trusting people like she did. It was a product of the small Ohio town she was raised in. It didn't help that she had always been a trusting person. Some people even called her naive, which was probably the truth. She rubbed the back of her head softly and winced.

At the mention of food, Nicole's stomach growled. She groaned and listened to Gea list food. The noodles sounded good, but vegan-soy food? She made a face and ultimately decided on the noodles. "If you're offering, those noodles sound good." She said with another smile. She was a happy person, and it took a lot for the smile to disappear from her face. It seemed like Gea didn't have much, but she got by with what she did. A small shape scurried around the edge of the room, and Nicole realized that she wasn't joking about the rat. It didn't creep her out too much, her little brother back home was weird and had a pet mouse. It wasn't the same, but it was close enough.
"I promise not to poison the noodle water either by the way. Not that you couldn´t with your learning speed... You´r not one of those that think it´s uncomfortable with me being gay, right? Because then I´ll feed you and have you on your way as soon as your done. My place, my space, my ethics."

Gea hated to eat. It felt like eating up dollar bills by the bowl. There was so much other, fun things one could do with money. Buy developing solvent, paper, booze, music, movies, equipment to brake an entrance... She laughed a silent giggle at her own thoughts. But it also awoke a feeling of there being something she had forgotten do do. What could it be? She never had a time to keep up with. The bills? No. She knew she was not going to pay does. The doctor? No. That was next week. There was something she had to do today. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Today. She frowned in to the dry bowl of noodles waiting for the water to boil.
Nicole blinked rapidly for a moment, briefly confused. Where had the gay comment come from? Thinking back on the earlier conversation, she realized all that Gea had said. Well shit, hopefully the older woman didn't think she was uncomfortable with that. She was just uncomfortable at the thought of soy food. "Oh no, I have no problem with that. I'm um...pretty gay myself." Nicole grimaced at her words. She really could've phrased that better, but she was hungry and newly awake. Hopefully, Gea would just overlook it.

The older woman seemed to be deep in thought and Nicole decided to look around the room again. It was really interesting with the photos strung up instead of in frames. The rat that was mentioned earlier made its way over to Nicole and sniffed her shoe. It really did remind the girl of her brother mouse, so she snatched it up in her hands and gently petted it. It didn't seem too uncomfortable, so Nicole dropped it in her lap. It scurried around her lap before attempting to climb up her arm. She chuckled slightly and petted El Chapo again.
The woman laughed out loud. She liked the girl. She was just as bad in choosing her words as Gea. `Pretty gay herself´. What did that even mean? "See see. Then we got no problem then, you moderately gay person. What´s your name anyway? Or should I just keep thinking of you as Lolita?"

She heard a choked giggle and looked over the shoulder and saw that the girl had scooped the rat up and now tried to pet it. The small rodent never liked her. She had done her best to try and woo it with food and love, but it had always had some kind of an unwarranted hatred towards her. The girl how ever seemed to have gotten off to a better start with El Chapo.

Was she supposed to meet Ben in town? Was it today he would help her out with the old laptop? No... That´s not it either.
Nicole blushed at Gea's words. She must have forgotten to tell the older woman her name. "Shit, I'm sorry. I'm Nicole." Nicole didn't actually mind nicknames, but her saviour at least deserved to know her name. She had managed to get her away from a bad situation, and it couldn't have been easy.

"This rat is kinda cute." Once again, the words left Nicole's mouth before she really thought about them. She picked up the rodent and set it on her shoulder, where he stayed for a minute before sliding down her arm. She giggled at El Chapo and put him back on the ground. He scurried off into the room Nicole woke up in and she smilied. She liked to think she made friends with the rat, but one could never know with them.
The woman started pouring the hot water over the dried pasta as she tried to keep up with the conversation absentmindedly. Was it Ben she had to meet after all? "Nicole, ha? Well then Nicole. Is this the first time you are in town? Do you come from a hole in the wall like me or from another city? You can not have been out and about much seeing how you struggled just to get to the bar tonight. You looked like a confused deer. The trick is to pretend that you know what you are doing, and look like you are sorry for shoving past people in the same time. They will think that you have some important business to handle." Gea looked to the roof for a moment as in deep thought. "Or they will elbow you in the stomach. It´s really a fifty fifty kind of a deal."

With that she walked over to Nicole, put the bowl in front of her and opened the beer she had brought for herself with a key from her pocket. Then she sat back and looked at the younger girl. From the other room came the sound of light claws on wooden parquet. The kind of noise that would be unsettling if it did not come from a pet. Now it sounded kind of homey. Or so thought Gea reluctantly in any case.
Nicole watched Gea pour water over the noodles and her stomach rumbled. She listened to the older woman's questions and thought about how to reply. "Well, I'm from this small city in Ohio. My parents agreed to let me spend the summer here, but I pretty much worked all year to pay for it," she paused here to think about all the work she did. She mowed lawns and kept a part-time job. Thankfully, when she ended up being short a few hundred buck, Nicole's grandmother blended her the money. She would have to pay her back of course, but it was still nice of the old lady to do that. "It was pretty much as close to a graduation gift as I got." She blushed again when Gea referred to her as a confused deer. The young girl had thought she was fitting well, but she still stuck out like a sore thumb. "I'll have to remember that for next time. I always seem to have trouble getting to the bar at places." It was the truth, she wasn't quite strong enough to just move people. She mostly relied on her slim body to fit through gaps in the crowd.

When Gea brought the food over, Nicole attacked it with relish. They may have just been noodles, but they smelled great to her. Sadly, this resulted in Nicole burning her tongue. "Fuck!" Quickly left her lips and she sent the noodles down to cool some more. She sheepishly grinned over at Gea, sure she had just come across as some kid.
Gea looked out of the window. The man on the seventh floor in the house opposite against her own apartment had not shown business for days now. Maybe he was away from home? They had never spoken but as he one time put one of his paintings in view of the window and she wrote a compliment on the window and answered with a picture of her own, they had become some kind of friends. He put up his amateur oilpainings and she her photos. He had taken to having a pair of binoculars in his window in order to see better in through her window. Something that would have been ridiculously creepy in another situation.

She did not want to laugh at the girls misfortune. She had heard that she had a kink of doing so a bit to much and did not want this lolita-person to think her mean.

"Well. I came from a real suburban fortress myself. It was the haven from crime, poverty and weirdness. Until my family moved in." She laughed a dry laugh and sipped on her beverage. "But I can respect you not getting the money from dads card! That builds character and prepare you for the grown up world of wholesome conservatism!" Gea took a look around the apartment. "Well.. You can take me as a bad example."
Nicole picked up her now cool noodles and began to eat them. She took a look around the place and wondered what Gea meant. Other then the fact that the other woman sold pot, it seemed like she managed to live on her own. "You might not be the best example not the worst either." Nicole said as she twirled some noodles on a fork. She didn't feel as bad now that there was food in her stomach. She pointed her noodle ccovered fork at Gea and began to speak, "You seem by to make it on your own."

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