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1x1 with Melody Frazier and Okapi

"... after all, you do have a B average... Clark, are you listening?"

The young shinigami blinked, his attention returning to reality. He turned his gaze from the window to his unhappy boss.

"Y-yes, sir." He replied hesitantly.

"I said, you have a B average grade, so you I may give you your final exam soon," the elder shinigami continued. "You do know what that is, don't you?"

"Yes, of course, sir. I have to investigate a human's life, then decide whether they live or not, because-"

"Yes, yes, I know. It is a very important part of a shinigami's job to observe a person's life carefully. It is our responsibility to determine whether a person will be allowed to live past their supposed date of death."

"I was actually going to say, 'because we can make exceptions.'" Clark mumbled, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"You're dismissed, Mr. Stevens."

"Thank you, senpai."

"Pay attention next time-" his teacher replied, but the door had already slammed shut.

(Why don't you introduce your character?)
Isabella Hartford had been planning her wedding day for years, since she was little, as a matter of fact. "Lady Hartford! Your affianced will be delighted to see you in this dress!" Her maid gushed.

"I know! He's always been wonderful to me." Isabella grinned from ear to ear, fingering her dress.

Later that evening, just before the wedding, the same woman came in. Her face was sullen. "M'lady, Edward is...." she couldn't finish her sentence.

"There was an accident, young Lady Hartford. Your...umm, Edward, didn't make it." The Undertaker laughed under his breath.

"You're a foul man! I hope you rot in hell!" Isabella left the grey haired man in his office, tears in her eyes as she slammed the door behind her.

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