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1x1 with kokirigaming

Princess Zelda

Curious | In the Happy Mask Shop | Gale


entered the Happy Mask Shop with Gale, finally letting out a breath she had been holding the whole way here. She had been trying to stay inconspicuous she traveled to the shop, which wasn't difficult for the first leg. The only thing she had really been worrying about was the few steps it took to get from castle grounds to the small shop, as it exposed her to the public completely.

Curiously, the public didn't seem to take too much notice of her today. Maybe they didn't recognize her in her yukata, or maybe the hustle and bustle of the festival cloaked her. It was also possible that they were choosing to ignore it, and felt like everyone deserved a nice night.

She shut the door behind her, muffling the chatter and noise outside. There were few people inside the shop, but that didn't particularly surprise the princess. After all, the festival had started rather long ago, so most of the guests already had their masks. This was advantageous due to the lack of crowding, but it also meant that most of the good masks were taken. As she approached the counter, this was made more and more apparent. Her face fell slightly as she scanned the remaining load.

There were no more bunny hoods, which was disappointing, but also fortunate. A long mental debate was had about whether she would wear a Keaton mask or a bunny hood, as she realized the bunny hood would not cover her face and she still had a chance of being mobbed...

As she looked on, a few faded Zora and Goron masks stared down at her, along with a pile of defect Gerudo masks with pale complexions. The only other one remaining on the higher shelves was a singular Mask of Truth. Zelda's gaze lingered on the empty spot where the Keaton masks would normally be. She bit her lip, twirling one of her sidelocks around her finger as a nervous habit. Of course there would be no more Keaton masks...it's so popular. It had probably been sold out since the shortly after the very beginning of the night.

The Mask Salesman seemed to notice her staring, and he chuckled quietly. Looking at her through his narrowed eyes, he nodded to her.

"Princess Zelda. I notice that you've taken a liking to the Keaton masks, but alas, they are not there. A disappointment, but I have a solution for you."

The princess straightened, somehow having not noticed the salesman there before. She looked at him, eyebrows raised in curiosity. The salesman's eerie smile stretched a little bit as she acknowledged him, and he went below the table. A few seconds later, he emerged with a Keaton mask. Or...most of one, anyway. The bottom piece of the mask, right below the snout, appeared to be missing. She blinked, not knowing what to make of it. She couldn't quite tell whether the clean cut was made on purpose or if it had just broken off on its own.

"Now, I know it doesn't quite look like the rest, but all the better for you, Princess. It still functions as a regular mask. I believe it should do you fine for the night."

he said, presenting the mask to her. Zelda hesitated for a moment before lifting it out of his hands. She raised the mask to her face, somehow still being able to see out of the eyes of the Keaton even though it looked solid from the outside. Light came in from the bottom, and she could see her feet along with the floorboards.

"I...I will take it. Thank you."

she said, smiling politely. The mask salesman bowed at her, his ever-smiling expression unchanging.

As Gale entered the mask shop, she quickly noticed there was still a Mask of Truth​

left. The cheerful yet unnerving smile on the mask salesman's face widened as she

picked it up without a word. She stood in front of one of the mirrors while trying it

on in different places. No way was she going to wear it right on her face, that would

look a little weird. And terrifying.


Gale perched it on the right side of her

head and smiled a little. It looked much better this way. She looked behind her to see

if Zelda had chosen something, despite the limited selection. The Sheikah watched

the man with a wary eye as he was digging around under the counter. She turned her

attention the mask he pulled out.

"Oh, there's still a Keaton mask left?

I remember I

used to get in fights over one with other kids when I was younger."

Gale smiled slightly.
Princess Zelda

Unnerved | In the Happy Mask Shop | Gale


looked at Gale as she continued to fiddle with the mask. Apparently, she didn't like the look of it on her face, so she had settled to having it perched on the side of her head. Zelda grinned at her. Of course she wouldn't want to freak children out--that mask was pretty scary. She also stood little to no danger of people recognizing her and inquiring about the castle. Not many people would recognize her, and those who did would probably respect her privacy as castle attendant.

She turned to look back at the mask salesman, who was still in the same position that he was in when she left him; wide, eerie smile, and narrow eyes darting around every which way. The shopkeeper gave her chills whenever his gaze fell upon her, however briefly it might be. She shifted a bit, slightly nervous. Straightening her posture once more and clearing her throat, she began to speak again.

"Er...right then. How much will it be?"

she asked, pulling out her wallet. Silently, she hoped the castle would just cover it, as she didn't have a lot of room in her wallet and she was saving rupees for attractions.

The salesman appeared to ponder this, staring at her all the while. She

tried not to show any response to this, but it was difficult. Sure, most people couldn't see your eyes through the mask, but somehow, she felt like this salesman could. She concluded that she would not back down, even if he was just messing with her head. Determined, she held his gaze, her deep blue eyes unwavering through her mask.

After what felt like an eternity,

the salesman chuckled at her, his normally-rigid back shuddering as he did. He briefly looked towards the wall, and then back at her again.

"I won't charge you, fair Princess Zelda. You have taken a defective mask, who am I to be such a stickler? It is free for you and your friend. Enjoy yourselves."

he said, his face, body, and demeanor returning to their normal, frighteningly stiff positions.

The princess smiled a little, but it was quite forced, as she wasn't sure what to make of the situation. What had all the staring been about? She tore her eyes away from the man, turning her attention back to her attendant. She raised her eyebrows in curiosity, as if to ask if she was ready to go. The combination of dim lighting and heavy, perfume-like scents in the store were starting to make her lightheaded.
Gale nodded slightly in response to the look Zelda had given her. She didn't mind the dim lighting as much, that actually did something to put her at ease a little, but the smell was overbearing. "Sure. Do you want to go check out what dishes there are at the food stalls?" The thought of what there could possibly be excited her. Earlier, just before they entered the mask shop, she swore she smelled something very familiar coming from the stalls. Gale was dying to find out if it was what she thought it was. "I hear that there are some interesting foods being served." She grinned at the though again as she opened the door to a crowded castle town. Citizens and tourists alike were either talking in smaller separate groups over food, trying some of the games, or mobbing one of the stalls that sold souvenirs, jewelry and other trinket, and a pack of children were chasing a cuccoo in the midst of the chaos. It was hard to keep track of everything that was going on. And it was so much louder than usual.

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