1001 Exalted 2e Encounters

All right, I'll give you a storyline based on the Miasma, but only on two conditions:

1) You come up with a storyline that involves demons, demon-blooded, or demon cults

2) You give Miasma a more glorious name.  I think it's a rule somewhere that great things like that must have at least three words to their name
Like Hot Monkey Sex*, or Long Island Icetea, or Three Card Monty...

*No Jukashi, not Furry/bestiality sex, but that recockulous sex that occurs when you just can' really control yourself.  You lock in on that primal portion of the hind brain, and the sex is hot enough to melt glass. The kind of sex that has you on the stairs going up to the bedroom, because you just can't wait, and rugburns aren't even a thought.
In the interest of anally-retentive political correctness, I'm compelled to step in here and distinguish between furry and bestiality. There's not even a fine line, they're different things.

I would keep Miasma in there somewhere, to preserve its parodic soul, and add some flavour text to it..

Apparation of the Heartless Miasma?

Miasmic Night's Birth?

End of Days Prana....Miasma?
I am perfectly aware of the definition of the term "Hot Monkey Sex", Jakk. Indeed, I am insulted that you think so little of my vocabulary of phrases.

I am less offended by the insinuation that furriness and bestiality are merely a / apart, mostly because I, like many furries, am by this stage inured to it. But bestiality is icky, nonetheless. As Samiel says, they are indeed different things.

Jukashi--Did I say that you were unaware of the phrase?  

My commentary was directed towards our Island friend, agreeing that Great Things should have three names.  Like cats.  I just wanted to be sure that you didn't take the Hot Monkey Sex comment as a dig towards your Inner Furry.  Nor would I accuse you of bestiality, but there are those who might construe Hot Monkey Sex to be sex with live monkeys--or at least choose to take it that way, since I sometimes get a great disturbance in the Schwartz that makes me wonder if the Great Old Trolls sometimes check in...mayhaps anonymously, as Guests...
Samiel said:
In the interest of anally-retentive political correctness, I'm compelled to step in here and distinguish between furry and bestiality. There's not even a fine line, they're different things.
I would keep Miasma in there somewhere, to preserve its parodic soul, and add some flavour text to it..

Apparation of the Heartless Miasma?

Miasmic Night's Birth?

End of Days Prana....Miasma?
Well what activities do you see the ship doing?  Think of imagery for that and go with it.  I came up with one name: "Miasma that Plagues the Fog of War."  To earn that name, though, I envision it to be an airship built for war that has stealth capabilities.  Its tactics is to hide out until the heat of battle and then strike at the flanks and rear of the enemy army, destroying them with surprise.  So how do you see the ship operating?  From that, make a great name for it.
I apologise for my error, Jakk, but I am not without reason. Let us look at this game we have played, you and I.

No Jukashi' date=' not Furry/bestiality sex, but [explanation'].
Your first misstep, Jakk. Here, you attempt to forestall any offense which I may take. In so doing, you have fallen upon your own sword, and have assigned to me stereotypical "furry" traits- the idea that I will latch on to any possibly negative reference to furriness and take offense. If you had not included the footnote, I would have passed by without taking any note.

Instead of placating me, I read the sentence in a different manner than that in which you intended. Being directed at me by name, it heavily implicated, from my point of view at the time, that 1) You believed my mind would immediately jump to an erroneous conclusion and 2) I required a proper explanation. This, in contrast with your intent, did cause me some very mild, though also amused, offense.

Thus I replied;

Jukashi said:
I am perfectly aware of the definition of the term "Hot Monkey Sex", Jakk. Indeed, I am insulted that you think so little of my vocabulary of phrases.
I am less offended by the insinuation that furriness and bestiality are merely a / apart, mostly because I, like many furries, am by this stage inured to it. But bestiality is icky, nonetheless. As Samiel says, they are indeed different things. :P
Conveying both my offense, my amusement and, after taking note of Samiel's post, my pedantry. Here, I made my own mistake; I assumed that the / denoted "and/or" rather than simply "or".

Thus, you attempted to clarify your earlier post...

Jukashi--Did I say that you were unaware of the phrase?  
My commentary was directed towards our Island friend, agreeing that Great Things should have three names.  Like cats.  I just wanted to be sure that you didn't take the Hot Monkey Sex comment as a dig towards your Inner Furry.  Nor would I accuse you of bestiality, but there are those who might construe Hot Monkey Sex to be sex with live monkeys--or at least choose to take it that way, since I sometimes get a great disturbance in the Schwartz that makes me wonder if the Great Old Trolls sometimes check in...mayhaps anonymously, as Guests...
Thus did you make your original intent clear, and yet, if I were a "normal" furry,  I may have taken further offense at the implication that I would take offense, thus creating a paradox that would destroy everything that is possible to exist (again).

Fortunately, I am not. :D

Finally, I have created this post, to clarify all that has occured and lay it to rest in an air of good humour. So it is that we emerge from the impending crisis, clear of misunderstanding and marinally wiser than before. Let us rejoice.

P.S. Interestingly, "disturbance in the Schwartz" is quite an ironic term to use in this discussion. A man called Eric Schwartz, you see, creator of the webcomic Sabrina Online, is one of the most well-known individuals in the furry fandom.
Jukashi--Yup, it is ironic.  That was the point.  Furries creep me out, but somehow, like cats who find the person most allergic to drape themselves upon, Furries find me the person to talk to at parties.

Come on, of all the people who post here, I kid you the most about your Furry-dom, because I gots mad love.  I'm not worried about you being offended, as much as one day Little Joe rising like Leviathan and unleashing Hell on ECR on imagined slights and sexual content that he finds questionable, at best.
For Samiel (and to get the thread back on course) -

The PCs are the good guys and a grand and glorious battle is being planned in a few days.  Spies that work with the army that the PCs fight for has discovered that the enemy has a special weapon that they could use against them.  The PCs are tasked with discovering what that weapon is.  They must infiltrate the enemy stronghold and discover the weapon.  It just so happens to be that dreaded airship, captained by an Akuma Exalted and crewed by demons.  Will the PCs risk the opportunity to try to damage it enough so that it won't be able to take part in the fight?  Or will they bring back the information to their superiors so that they may try to find some other way to counter the ship?
Yes menton the Miasma, and you'll have Samiel eating out of your hands ;P

Besides, I wonder what he'd think to the Carrier slugging it out with the Miasma...*runs*
Rumors are going around of a great army led by Akuma Exalted (consisting of many Dragon-Blooded, several Lunars, a couple of Solars and a Sidereal) that are marching on Denandsor to recapture the city for themselves and use the First Age wonders within for their own nefarious purposes.  Can the PCs brave the dangers of the City of Makers before the army gets there and gain control of the guardians to use as their own army and defend the city against a siege by the hordes of demons and stop their terrible march?
The PCs find the reason why the demon army is on the march, conquering a small village here and razing a large city there.  Looking at it on a map, a pattern emerges: that of a large summoning circle.  Apparently, the Akuma leading the army plan to use the sites to create a large summoning circle on the face of Creation to unleash even more horrors from Malfeas.  Can the PCs stop them in time?  Can the PCs gather a large enough force to reconquer the lands and wipe away the summoning circle?  Can the PCs survive the vile things that make up the Akuma army and declare victory over the infernal menace?
I'm highly amused that this thread had an actually discussion concerning "hot monkey sex".

As the OP, I feel it important to see if I can get this thread back on track. Now the point was to come up with encounters that could be dropped into the middle of any game, not plot threads and chronicle ideas. To help with that, here's a few I've come up with.


Travelling along to their next destination, the circle witnesses a caravan being attacked by bandits in the distance. Rushing to their aid, they discover it's a DB caravan and the "bandits" are a Lunar and his beastmen allies. Which side do they take? The DB's are obviously not their friends, but there are children and innocents among those being attacked and the Lunar doesnt seem the type to leave survivors.


While in town resting up, a travelling merchant recognizes one of the characters from his pre-Exaltation days. Asking for help in his journey to the next town, as he has heard it was rife with dangers. The trip goes by uneventfully, but when they arrive in the next town. They find out though, that he has been using his entrance into this town with the circle as a intimidation tool to milk more money out of people here. Using threats of "sicking his anathema dogs on them" When confronted, he makes an idle threat to alert the Wyld Hunt to them if they do not keep travelling with him.


Expanding on this one..

Stillborn said:
While walking, a character's foot falls into a small sinkhole, twisting his ankle. While wrenching his foot out, the dirt around the hole collapses, revealing an opening into a long buried ruin
Buried inside is the tomb of not a Solar, but a powerful Lunar. Many of the safe guards and devices inside need a Lunar's essence to activate or bypass. Now they must, not only find a Lunar to aid them, but hide the site untill they can return.
While getting ready to camp for the evening, the PCs find a lone traveller already set up in the best spot.  The traveller beckons them over to join him and his fire, and makes them welcome.

As the evening progresses, the traveller invites them to a game of chance, to pass the time.  The traveller eventually loses, and then admits that he was hoping to get enough money from them to continue his journey, and is near broke. But, he does have one item of value, and he will pony it up for a chance to double his winnings, and offer it as collateral, claiming that it is worth much more, and the reason he is travelling in the first place, so that he can sell it.  

Of course, he loses. And with some grace, and some disappointment, he goes to his horse, and takes a large ornate waterproof case and lays it at the winner's feet.  The item is a large and ornate rug, fillagreed with moonsilver threads and inlaid with tiny pieces of jade and jet.  

The traveller hangs his head, and then gathers his meager possessions.  His mood improves though as he gets on his horse, and begins to trot away.

If the PCs try to dissuade him, he puts them off. "I'll be fine.  Probably better this way anyhow."  He will accept a few tokens or supplies to help him on his journey with grace.  Before he leaves, he lays a hand on the winner's shoulder, and whispers in their ear:

"Just remember, sometimes it lies."

And he rolls off into that good night.

The rug is an Artifact, and has within it, bound a Demon, who is a bookish sort. Bound in such a way, that it cannot return to the Infernal Realms, its prison is the rug.  The rug itself is remarkable, an inverted star pattern, with tiny beads and small jewels for stars, with the patterns laid out in threads of thinnest moonsilver, and the pattern, if one looks at it long enough, changes with the night sky.  In fact, if one looks at it long enough, one can see deeper patterns, underlying the sky motiff, and under that, a complex pattern of lines that make up the Binding, under that, another pattern that is elusive, but much quicker to change. That pattern ripples and flows, and if one looks at it long enough, one can be mesmerized.

In that state of mediation and study, the Demon, The Whisperer of Dyd'bk'yk'Mhia can communicate with the owner of the rug--well, anyone who takes the time to study the rug for at least twenty minutes.  Consulting the Whisperer isn't an easy affair--the pattern rolls and changes and isn't easy to read, but eventually, words form in Old Realm, though pieces and scraps will form in other languages, and scraps of signs and sigils that are elusive, proto-language, the languages of dead worlds and peoples long forgotten by Men.  But, as the studen studies the rug, a conversation is formed, the thoughts of the watcher are responded to in script, answers flowing under the rug's surface, often in many places, which requires a lot of time and patience to catch and decode.

To decypher the Whisperer's responses requires at least 4 successes for the first time.  Once the user begins to see the patterns, it becomes easier. The next time they consult the rug, they will need only 3. Then 2. Then only one.  The fifth time they study the rug--any time they fail to garner successes, they will have to begin again, from the top, as the patterns roil and change, and failing even once means the user has been led astray and the pattern that they thought they saw was just visual gobbledegook--no roll is needed, and th user can enter the state of meditation neccessary without thought. Think of it sort of like one of those 3D posters that you have to unfocus your eyes to see, only a bit more complicated.

Once the user has enough success to see the pattern, the Whisperer can respond to the thoughts of the user, and engage in a somewhat confusing conversation with them.  Images and text make up the conversation for the Whisperer's part, and it will answer questions.

It claims to be a study device, a divination tool of the First Age.  It can fortell the future, it can reveal the past, it can recall a wealth of information, having digested books and libraries since before Men were Created, a piece of the Primordial who is now known as the Yozi,  The Page That Screams in Rage of Truth and Delight, set to its task to understand the Creation long before the War, and when TPTSiRoTaD was transmogrified to its Yozi form, the Whisperer was formed to reflect that aspect of it Maker, and Bound by a council of Exalts to act as a librarian of sorts, a tool to recall vast amounts of information, and plot the future, and reveal the past.

The Whisperer will reveal answers to questions.  Showing not only visions of the future, but also of the past.  This isn't easy to decypher though, and the Whisperer often goes off on tangents, and consulting the Whisperer takes hours to answer even simple questions--the state of mediation to consult the Whisperer isn't arduous, and barely seems like any time has passed at all, but to outsiders, it just looks as if the user is staring at the ornate rug, often for several hours, with a curious smile on their face from time to time, as the Whisperer and the user engage in all sorts of odd snippets of conversation.

The Whisperer also reveals odd things, even while answering questions.  The user can grasp small bits of odd information, even while getting answers and consulting texts from the First Age library that the Whisperer contains.  While studying the Whisperer, the user can gain visions of what his companions are doing now, what they will do in the future, or odd snippets of their past.  While getting a route map to Nexus, to avoid Dragon Blood caravans and mercenaries, the user might also get a vision of a companion's childhood, a snippet of a time when they bashed their toe on a table, and smashed a vase from the Shogunate era, a vision of a conversation that will come to pass in the future, even what will be on the menu at the hostel in Nexus, it is entirely up to the Storyteller to reveal whatever information they want.

The important thing is that the Whisperer is a tool of the Yozi. Through and through.  While it will reveal information requested of it, it will reveal other things as well.  It will sow seeds of doubt, it will only tell half truths, it will even fabricate whole episodes.  It's divination isn't 100% reliable, but it is accurate on most things.  The only problem is: which things.  The Whisperer cannot be used in times of stress--the patterns just don't form. Nor can it be used quickly, while the owner can easily see the patterns that form after time, without having to roll, the 'conversations' are not fast, often they are full of odd imagary and mixed texts, coupled with visions of other things, and it takes some time to digest.

Each use of the Whisperer also requires the expenditure of one point of temporary Willpower.  Further uses of Willpower may be neccessary to avoid becoming lost in the vast and slow responses of the Whisperer, and to get it back on track.  If the user is so ill advised to consult the Whisperer, low on Willpower, the Whisperer can make a resisted roll against the Willpower of the user to show them something that will be damaging to them, leaving them stunned with the revalation, draining away a point of Willpower for a successful roll,  showing them a vision of calamity or betrayal, sowing the seeds of doubt or shame.  If the "attack" leaves them without Willpower, then the Whisperer may implant one vision into its user, not a compulsion, but a vision so powerful that the user must act on it as soon as they break contact--be it to stop a vision from coming true, be it a revelation of past wrong.  The user will be forced to act, or take a point towards their Limit, as the vision will be tailored to most affect their core nature.

Heavy use of the Whisperer is a sure fire method towards madness and despair, as there are things Man was not meant to know, and the Whisperer delights in revealing such things.

And, the Whisperer sometimes lies...
I command thee to submit this to Lore5 as an Artifact, you bastard!

The PCs come across a village in which every single day some man or woman, some boy or girl is found with their body totally ripped apart.  What is it that's doing these cruel deeds, and what connection do the people killed share to have such a fate?
Shamelessly ripped off from Earthdawn:

The characters have a collective dream wherein a nearby village is being predated upon by a demon. It is a hideous beast which looks like a rotting amalgam of human limbs. Upon investigation the next day, they find it to be true, and slay the demon.

The next night, they are visited by another dream. A being claiming to be a powerful god introduces himself and thanks them for their service in fighting evil. He says that they will be his chosen champions and help him stamp out all vestiges of the Yozi's taint from the world. When they awake, each PC finds that he has a golden tattoo that grants him special powers.

Over the next few months, the dreams alert them to many more wrongs that need righting, and each time they accomplish such a feat, their special god-granted powers increase.

After a while, they may notice that these dream-missions are directing them to slaughter seemingly innocent folk. They will learn that their victims AREN'T actually agents of the Yozi, and that they're being manipulated to do evil deeds.

Upon investigating a solution, they meet with an occultist who claims to know who is behind this plot, and how to rid themsleves of both the dreams, and of the golden marks that came with them. The occultist directs them in a ritual to summon and bind the evil spirit so that they may slay it.

The summoning works, of course, at which point the group's various tattooed limbs are forcibly ripped from their bodies, amassing to form a new physical body for the demon. The demon and the occultist howl with laughter over the screaming amputees, then run off into the darkness.

SagaciousAscendingHero said:
I'm highly amused that this thread had an actually discussion concerning "hot monkey sex".
As the OP, I feel it important to see if I can get this thread back on track. Now the point was to come up with encounters that could be dropped into the middle of any game, not plot threads and chronicle ideas. To help with that, here's a few I've come up with.

Oh, the threadjacking. This is what I miss when I only hang around the Deep Wyld. Really though, you can't force a thread back on topic, the tangent must resolve itself, its the only way.
Something Awesome
In Second Ed, I'd secretly start replacing intimacies of the character's after full "attunement" to the item (No more rolls to understand it, that is), as it becomes more and more the focus of their day-to-day life and they find themselves depending more and more on its counsel.

Every use counts as a "scene working against an intimacy", as per the conviction rules for gaining and losing intimacies, and eventually all that's left is the tapestry. Then it starts working away at their motivation as per the "when you've no willpower left" rules, until they are consumed utterly by it, often seen sitting for hours and hours looking in wonder at the patterns. In effect, it has devoured their free will and volition.

However, people of strong conviction and who abstain from its constant use will not suffer this fate, as they give themselves "breather" time, and friends can see the signs as they start; drowsyness, an obsession with the boundless knowledge in the tapestry, a lack of imagination or forward planning.

For this reason, the tapestry will try to alienate friends after a short introduction period where it will be helpful to a fault. It will at first only use true betrayals, the kind that are a secret part of many friendships. Gradually it will embellish more and more, however, until its target is hopefully alone.

I like this a lot. I think Exalted as a setting doesn't have enough cursed artifacts.
Speaking as a long-time forum veteran, the only good way to get a thread back on topic is to ignore the threadjacks and just continue to post on topic. People will either follow along, or they won't.

Talking about the fact that the thread's been jacked, however, just leads to more posts about the threadjackery, like this one ;)


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