1001 Exalted 2e Encounters

alohahaha said:
Well he did take a bite out of 9 after all...
I look forward to the day when technology has progressed to a point where I can smack people upside the head via the internet.

6 quaked in fear in his sanctum as the sound of the portal to it being battered shuddered the entire room.








The honeycomb door flew inside from the force of that last blow and nearly hit 6.  He was able to duck just in time, but not fast enough to hide when he walked in.


Menacingly, he strode through the place, filled with touchdown scores, guitar strings, and packs of beer.  He walked imperiously to where 6 was huddling, looming over him dangerously.  Grabbing 6 by his neck, he lifted him up with one hand.

"There's nowhere you can run.  Nowhere you can hide.  Serve me or you'll  be yourself feet under."

What could 6 do?  He was powerless before such might.  Before he answered, though, two voices of salvation called out.

"Put him down!"

There stands 8 and 9 together, defiant against 7.

"We've come to put a stop to your terror!" 9 says valiantly.

7's eyes become slits of quiet rage targeting the duo.  "I'd like to see you try..."

The battle joined, 9 attacks 7, barraging him innings and the atomic number of fluorine and love potions.  7 parries these with the spots of a ladybug, the scales in music, and the atomic number of nitrogen.  In the meantime, 8 focuses her power, letting it build up until she becomes infinity and thus unstoppable.

7, having a keen understanding of her virtues and vices, knows that even though she'll have such power she'll never be able to let out, for it will continually cycle within her causing her to be paralyzed by her own might.  Using this to his advantage, he takes her might for his own, draining her of all her energy.  Now a titan, he looms over 9, consuming him with a single bite.

His adversaries defeated, 7 turns back to his would-be lackey.  "Serve me or be destroyed."  Filled with fear, 6 had no choice but to and nodded in acquiescent terror.

Thus, why 6 is afraid of 7, for 7 ate 9.

adventure idea

a moonshadow, with serious amounts in presence stealth and dodge, in addition to the eclipse caste skills, is causing havok in the hundred kingdoms,  lookshy hires the PCs to investigate and stop
if you had high ranks in these skills







and the charms to go with them

tell me what kind of havok you could perform?
(Stolen from Hitchcock's Foreign Correspondent)

The PCs are traveling when they come across a field of windmills on a rather breezy day.  Oddly enough, they see one whose sails are going the opposite way of all the others...
(Stolen from the Hitchcock movie Rear Window)

The PC is an invalid in bed, broken his legs during some great (or shameful) incident and is laid up in bed for weeks, healing. When he notices outside his apartment, he begins watching his neighbors in boredom. But there's something awfully suspicious about that Abyssal across the way ;P

Can be humorous or serious as the movie was!
Based. on a Judge Dredd song.

Jakk and Jill went up a hill, to fetch a bowl of cheese. Jakk came down, a beaming smile, and his trousers 'round his knees...

OK, so it's pretty much the lyrics, but it does make for an interesting incident for travellers watching for an Abyssal meeting with her cultists.
I hate it and yet I can't look away O.o ...

Here's an interesting idea.

Biological warfare in Exated (sure Charms can get around it, but work with me here people). Period. Ideas!
I think biological warfare is much to icky and non-heroic for Exalted. However, that is pretty much what the Deathlords did.
Some possible sources of a plague:

Mice of the Sun (if I remember them right)

Abyssals, etc

A minor god of disease

Thaumaturgy gone wrong

An artifact

Some kind of Fair Folk plot
A small village that knows of the Solar's Circle and acts as a hideaway and place of rest becomes the target of a Bronze Faction Chosen of Serenity who poisons their water supply to rout the characters onto the road, where they find every village who has harboured them has become tainted.

(Stolen from one-part Ninja Scroll and two-parts Serenity)

The Grass Spiders were hired to assassinate a smuggler.  Little did the Grass Spiders know that the smuggler was actually an operative for the Lintha Family.  The Lintha Family retaliated by arranging for a shipment of food to the Grass Spiders to be laced with a terrible poison, one which caused scores of the assassins to be ill with pain for weeks and killed a few dozen.  The Grass Spiders, seeing this as a repayment that's too heavy-handed, arranged for accidents on several of the Lintha's ships, causing them and their crews to sink.  The Lintha retaliated by sending a sea monster upstream to attack one of the Grass Spider's stronghold that was on a river bank.

Thus, a shadow war between the two has been waged.

Thus, the reason why the PCs often see ninjas fighting pirates for seemingly no reason at all.
alohahaha said:

Thus, the reason why the PCs often see ninjas fighting pirates for seemingly no reason at all.
Nice!   ... though that was actually one of the most detailed reasons for ninjas fighting pirates I've seen :) .

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