1001 Exalted 2e Encounters

The party, in their travels, come acrossa region where the locals enjoy a peculiar sport. Using old world artifacts plundered from a local (now defunct) factory cathedral, they capture local elementals and play them against one another in cockfights.

The party is quickly embroiled in a three way conflict, when they encounter a bandit employing such captured elementals against some merchants, who use their own. In the style of the sport, the bandit and the merchant king face off, releasing their favourite bound elementals and encouraging them to defeat the other. The loser's bound elemental slips back into the ball-shaped device. According to tradition, it seems, the bandit should now withdraw but instead calls on his lackies to attack the caravan anyway.

If the party intervene, the Merchant is grateful. He inquires about where they are from, and when he hears they know nothing of the sport he gladly offers them their first pokemental, a bound wood spider.

During their journeys they are forced to fight many others with their pokementals, occasionally finding empty balls or stealing or buying them, and beating wild elementals into their service. Only an incapacitated elemental can be bound thus, but many seem willing to fight alongside a suitable trainer..
The idea has merit, but I'd try to strip it of anything Poke'-ish. So drop the "pokelemental" name and I'd change the binding item to either a box or maybe a staff or ring. But otherwise very neat.
Oh, calling them pokementals is entirely for humour. And the ball is for theme! It's a TC exalted heroic mortals game for pokemon!

Although yea, alter as needed! :D
The PCs find the Five Metal Shrike and attune themselves to it, ready to use it on its first mission.  As it soars through the skies and all of its internal systems are fully activated for the first time since the Usurpation, a series of stasis cell open for the first time in millenia.  These cells hold the ophidian pets of one of the Twilights who worked on the Shrike, putting them in stasis to be safe just before he was killed.  The long exposure they've had in the Wyld have caused them to mutate into creatures deadly beyond imagination.  Once they are free, they can't help but hunt down the PCs and inadvertly disrupt the internal mechanisms of the Shrike.  This is how the PCs must deal with the deadly danger that is Snakes on a Skyship.
alohahaha said:
The PCs find the Five Metal Shrike and attune themselves to it, ready to use it on its first mission.  As it soars through the skies and all of its internal systems are fully activated for the first time since the Usurpation, a series of stasis cell open for the first time in millenia.  These cells hold the ophidian pets of one of the Twilights who worked on the Shrike, putting them in stasis to be safe just before he was killed.  The long exposure they've had in the Wyld have caused them to mutate into creatures deadly beyond imagination.  Once they are free, they can't help but hunt down the PCs and inadvertly disrupt the internal mechanisms of the Shrike.  This is how the PCs must deal with the deadly danger that is Snakes on a Skyship.
The PCs have gone on many adventures and have come through most conflicts unscathed.  They are then called to journey throughout the South. As they journey and fight,  they notice strange things and phenomena, such as deja vu, especially centered around fighting the same type of people over and over and over and over.

Then they meet a stranger by the name of Dreamer of Hope.  He tells them that what they see is not real and what is real must be seen.

The PCs discover that their adventures have all been in their minds and that everything they knew was a lie.  After they arrived in the South, they were captured by a band of Alchemical Exalted who were a part of the Locust Crusade.  An Alchemical artificer by the name of Architect of Grandiose Machines came up with a way to observe the power, tactics, and strategies of the different champions of Creation - by using Alchemical technology to control Wyld zones to create a matrix of false reality and force the Exalted they capture (of which there are many and of all types) to fight to see what they do in different scenarios.  The PCs discover that all of their adventures have not been real but have rather been simulated wargames fr the Alchemicals to observe and learn from to develop strategies to conquer the rest of Creation.

This worked and the Alchemicals have conquered nearly all of the South and has great influence over the West, East, and River Province.  In these areas the Alchemicals meet stiff resistance from the Exalted and the spirit courts, thus forcing a stalemate in the Locust Crusade.  In order to break it Ender of All Conflicts, an Alchemical military genius, came up with the idea to design power armor and warstriders that continues to alter the perception of those captured Exalted.  Whenever the capture Exalted is inside the power armor, they believe they're still in the false reality and that whoever they're fighting are the enemies they made in that reality.  In this way, captured Exalted may be used in the field as warriors on the Alchemical's side.

Dreamer of Hope and his resistance cell freed the PC's from the false reality in hopes to use them to destroy this new armor and the factory-cathedrals that made them and hope that they join the forces of Creation to beat back the Locust Crusade.

(Inspired by The Matrix and Ender's Game.)
... Pretty cool idea. Be very sure that your players will be onboard with this before trying it though, as invalidating entire campaigns worth of adventuring might make some players a little ... annoyed.
I don't know about that...  I would like to see the look on their faces when they realize that the reason why I use every cliche from every story I know is because they're actually living in a story, which is ironic because that's actually what the players are doing.

The players are playing PCs in a game in which they're playing PCs in a game.

I think it might make their head explode rather than just annoy them.
I got really annoyed when Stephen King did that to the Dark Tower series   :cry:
the Matrix idea is an interesting one - and not just 'cause I'm an Alchemical freak.  The Solar underdog theme would work well with that plot, especially because Solars are ultimately more powerful than Alchemicals and should therefore be able to "unplug."

One of these days my 2E Dragon-Blooded game is going to make it to Nexus, and I need some ideas for random encounters/ side quests based there.  Any thoughts?
The Matrix idea is an interesting one - and not just 'cause I'm an Alchemical freak.  The Solar underdog theme would work well with that plot' date=' especially because Solars are ultimately more powerful than Alchemicals and should therefore be able to "unplug."[/quote']
To be honest, the whole Matrix adaptation was just so I could use what happened in "Ender's Game," which is much more awesome, I think.  I also didn't realize that the Exalted spending essence in those virtual battles could be harnessed by the Alchemicals, making them function as manses, which would be analogous to the machines using bioelectricity of humans to power them.  There's that if anybody wants to use it.

One of these days my 2E Dragon-Blooded game is going to make it to Nexus' date=' and I need some ideas for random encounters/ side quests based there.  Any thoughts?[/quote']
I'm pretty sure that most of the encounters on here could be adapted to fit into Nexus.  Seeing as how we all made them up, they should be very easy to adapt.
Hmm, Nexus. Well rip off things like the Godfather, families or brotherhoods in deep with crime :D One I've always wanted to do. Drug trade, crazy artifacts, the Guild, blah, blah.
You could also do the Grass Spider ninjas vs. the Lintha pirates in Nexus.  Other sidequests could include the Confederation of Rivers as the cities of the Scavenger Lands that are allied against the Realm are still enemies against each other, allowing some intrigue to go on.
The heroes are in Gem for whatever reason.  While their, some foes (the Wyld Hunt, the All-Seeing Eye, a mercenary company) has attacked and won over them and they are now detained in the deepest dungeons of the volcanic tubes that the people of Gem inhabit, shackled in artifacts that leech off their essence.

At that time, the First and Forsaken Lion has used a rather insidious scheme to finally make a shadowland in Creation.  He has had his most powerful necromancers fashion a virulent disease that kills too quickly to be cured.  Once they die, the corpses are then reanimated as zombies and their spirits naturally come back as hungry ghosts.  The entire city becomes devastated in a single day.

The PCs must now make their way up through the underground tubes of the city, including the bazaar where anything and everything can be found, search for survivors, find the source of this plague, deal with Abyssal Exalted servants, and stop the dark plans of oblivion that First and Forsaken Lion has to unleash his Thousand on Creation.

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