1001 Exalted 2e Encounters

... and suspiciously reminiscent of the lay-up for the first Resident Evil movie (huge subterranean structure, Zombies and unknown vistas filled with incredible things galore).
Actually, I was more inspired by "Rising Dead."  The volcanic tubes used as bazaars would be like a mall.  Putting them underground is just a way of keeping them from easily circumventing the whole thing.  I have  yet to beat the game, though, and they seem to use parasites instead of a virus, which is interesting.

If I wanted to base it off or RE, I would have done something like this...

In the hinderlands of Lookshy, strange happenings are occuring in one of the woods.  Villagers are disappearing without a trace and the bodies of strangers are being found mangled to death.  Lookshy sent a special squad to investigate, but they have yet to return.  Thus, they have sent another squad to rescue them.  When they get to the area, they are attacked by pack after pack of undead omen dogs who refuse to let up.  The only place of safe haven they can find is manse hidden in the woods.  It is at this manse that the squad will find a disturbing secret that connects the dreaded deathlord Masks of Winters to a dark council within the Guild...
alohahaha said:
Actually, I was more inspired by "Rising Dead."  The volcanic tubes used as bazaars would be like a mall.  Putting them underground is just a way of keeping them from easily circumventing the whole thing.  I have  yet to beat the game, though, and they seem to use parasites instead of a virus, which is interesting.
If I wanted to base it off or RE, I would have done something like this...

In the hinderlands of Lookshy, strange happenings are occuring in one of the woods.  Villagers are disappearing without a trace and the bodies of strangers are being found mangled to death.  Lookshy sent a special squad to investigate, but they have yet to return.  Thus, they have sent another squad to rescue them.  When they get to the area, they are attacked by pack after pack of undead omen dogs who refuse to let up.  The only place of safe haven they can find is manse hidden in the woods.  It is at this manse that the squad will find a disturbing secret that connects the dreaded deathlord Masks of Winters to a dark council within the Guild...
The sequel will show a large city or perhaps Lookshy itself hit by a virulent plague turning all infected into the undead...and worse. Then the third one, which ties into the sequel will feature a main villain, construct or Abyssal with only one thing in mind:

Well, the whole thing has to be because of Masks of Winters, as he has spies near all the other Deathlords.  From the Dowager he has spies who was able to study her necromancy of pestilence from the Well of Udr and adapt it to not just kill but also zombify.

His spies near the First and Forsaken Lion, who has been seeking alliance with the Alchemicals, has let the Lion to gain Alchemical devices.  Masks' spies steals several of these and his necromancers try to adapt them to be implanted into the undead.  His greatest work in this area is the Nemesis of Light and Life, a massive undead who has several Alchemical weapons implanted into his body.

And when the plague spreads to Nexus, the only safe place the survivors can find are the barricaded bazaars and massive markets of the city, which lies in ruins as the Wyld zone in the city interacts with the sudden burst of death essence to create a necrotic essence storm that corrupts all use of essence, making the use of Charms or Sorcery to escape too risky to use.

How does that sound?

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