1001 Exalted 2e Encounters

Samiel--Posted up The Whisperer in the Artifacts section today.

I expanded it a bit, and allow it chances to engage the user in Social Combat to get it back on track, draining off Willpower, so that it could implant suggestions, that don't cost Willpower to resist, but up Limit towards a nasty break.  

Yes, there should be a few more nasty Artifacts out there...
Samiel--Posted up The Whisperer in the Artifacts section today.
I expanded it a bit, and allow it chances to engage the user in Social Combat to get it back on track, draining off Willpower, so that it could implant suggestions, that don't cost Willpower to resist, but up Limit towards a nasty break.  

Yes, there should be a few more nasty Artifacts out there...
You, sir, are a good man. I heartily endorse this event or product.
Let's go for really random encounters.

The PCs are travelling and find a fully stocked chuckwagon abandoned on the side of the road.
The Whisperer now lives in the Artifact section.

Be nice.  It doesn't bite.  Hard.


Back to the thread:

One of the PCs is walking along, feeling the Sun on his/her face, when quite literally a painting falls out of the clear blue sky, nearly crushing their wee haids with the heavy frame, that buries itself into the loam only inches from where they would have stepped if the whistling in the air hadn't alerted them.

The painting is the image of a lovely human--whatever sex the PC is attracteed to--sitting in a satin seat, next to an empty throne of gold and crusted with gems.  In the background is most recognizably a Manse, and the sigils of the Unconquered Sun are embroidered into the woman's dress, as well as the throne.  The painting is amazingly detailed, and appears to be on silk, in fantastic condition, and barely marred by its precipitous fall--perhaps an Artifact of the First Age?

Where did the painting come from?  Who lost it?  Was that speck in the sky a distant airship?  Where is said Manse?
Heh, the mention of the speck reminds me of the old 16th century paintings and tapestries that fanatics cite for UFOs in the background...
Once every single session the players come across the number 23 in some for or another.

23 silver pieces are found in bag on the street

23 people make a crowd watching a street performer

23 is the number of people that make up the Wyld Hunt that is after them

23 sacrifices a demon cultist requires for a ritual

23 times they see a particular bird and then never see it again

23 wounds have killed a man in an alley

23 miles they must travel from one place to the next

23 years is how old all of them are when they Exalt
Amazing, I thought up a horror plot for L5R today and all else seems to be pointing toward horror stories. Intriguing, love it alohahaha. Using it *yoink*
AH!! I coulda sworn I had heard something about 23 before. Kick ass idea then!! Any ideas as to whats behind the occurance? Maybe a small god? Or perhaps some kind of link to Calibration...
Personally, I wouldn't attribute it to anything.  When there's no rhyme or reason to an event it becomes that much scarier because it's a reminder of the things that we have no control over.  Another thing you could do is try to have the PCs investigate the occurance only to find it's all a coincidence.  Just because there's Fate doesn't mean there aren't coincidences.  It would also leave an unsolveable mystery to the PCs as well, a red herring to always bring up something that is in essence a truly random encounter.
True, but some people might just get irrated by that kind of thing and spend every moment searching down a cause no matter what you say. And yes I speak from experience, we're just that kind of people.
It might be nice if a Sidereal eventually shows up, after a Focault's Pendulum sort of quest to discover the meaning, with a whole cult dedicated to learning the "secret" and it turns out that one of the pattern spiders just likes the number...
Or maybe it's because Lt. Commander Data received a subliminal "23" command from a previous time loop.

It might be nice if a Sidereal eventually shows up' date=' after a [b']Focault's Pendulum[/b] sort of quest to discover the meaning, with a whole cult dedicated to learning the "secret" and it turns out that one of the pattern spiders just likes the number...
PERFECT! *steal*

(edit: stillborn slipped in a post and i wanted it be clear which idea i liked)
It could also be the god of 23 trying to become more powerful than all the numbers.  How else can he beat 1?  He's number 1, after all...
alohahaha said:
It could also be the god of 23 trying to become more powerful than all the numbers.  How else can he beat 1?  He's number 1, after all...
Damn... the Bureau of Numbers must have a LOT of gods.

So, who are you?

-I'm the God of Imaginary numbers.  

How come you get the cool house? You'd think the really high numbers would get some respect.

-How often you use 47,785 billion?  Me, I'm the God of Bazillions and more.  See that glow? Some idiot just called out how much he's going to win at the table in Nexus.
Given that most of Creation's denizens have no formal education whatsoever, I'd bet that the gods of 10 and less have all the power.

If Wikipedia is to be believed, the God of 7 must be hot shit.

When asked to choose a number between 1 and 10, most people will choose 7. It is the most common number thought of off the top of one's head.

Then again, this being Creation, I bet 5 gets the glory.


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