1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

828: ask random people what should you do if your belly button starts burning and hurting and itching

(Mine is actually doing it Right now and idk what to do)
829: Bark/scream at old people
830: replace all the jewelry with kid kind of jewelry and accessories.
834: repaint the building red and throw in a target for extra confusion.
836: walk up to random people and say “MAN I THOUGHT THIS WAS WALMART!” Then proceed to convince people it’s target
845: Make-out with the bicycles on the bike rack
846: be romantic with a Barbie and make everyone uncomfortable and when someone looks at you shout “STOP STARING AT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!”
847: make a group of people then bring them into a dressing room and say ‘your probably wondering why I brought you all here today’ and walk out, barricading the door.
846: be romantic with a Barbie and make everyone uncomfortable and when someone looks at you shout “STOP STARING AT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!”
848: once that’s done start the Barbie girl sing along.
850: before decapitating the Barbie’s pretend to have a break up that drove you mad and “murder” your girlfriend Barbie then give the limbs to children. And say “remember children! DONT BREAK UP WITH BOYS!”
851. Dressed in a loincloth and armed with a club admire all the wheels Walmart has to offer

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