1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

597: set up an entire movie, and let everyone except the employees eat and watch! Make the employees clean up after the mess they’ll leave watching it, haha!
599: (almost 600 ways! I should maybe do these one day >=D ) learn a cashier’s name, come back the next day, REMEMBER THE CASHIER’S NAME! throw smoke bombs everywhere, fire fake guns, and scream “this is a robbery! A robbery for :insert Cashier’s name: heart <3
602: walk around in a shark costume and play the jaws theme on speaker.
605: Set off every radio, phone and computer to play different song at max volume
614: during the night stay in Wal-Mart somehow. And remove as many tags as you can from everything and anything. Also maybe drink a few of their drinks since it's supposed to be hot in the store that night

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