1000+ Ways to get kicked out of Walmart

547: steal all the items out of the customers carts and replace them with rocks
548: randomly put items in carts of parents who have kids and keep adding stuff waiting to see if the parents notice and when and if they do see if they blame the kid
554: Shake all of the carbonated beverages and open them onto people, effectively spraying them with the beverage
563: clone one thousand Simons and let them roam around doing Simon stuff everywhere.
564 Clone 999 Gatos and 999 Simons and number them them 1 through 1000, missing a random number for both, so people will think there are still two clones loose after rounding them all up
565: Clone 999 Venchis and Simons and number them 1 through 1000, missing a random number for both, so people would think there are still two clones loose after rounding them all up.
569: Dress up as a wicked witch, hang out in the candy aisle and offer to trade favors to anyone with a child in exchange for said child

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