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  1. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

    Got the history done(hope it's good enough) and got the basics of the culture down. I think I may need help with that though.
  2. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

    Bah. :P I'mma work on the history now and start on culture. Also I hope my species unique unit isn't too powerful. O.o
  3. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

    Thanks for showing me how to make spoilers.....why is there no button to make it easier on poor people like me? :P
  4. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

    How do you make spoilers on here? >_>
  5. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] [Q-5] Araxius Republic

    Military Decided by moderator Unique Unit Biomorph Adapter: The pinnacle of Araxius warfare. A large bio-mechanical creature that resembles a large ball of metal, organic spikes and molecular acid spewing geysers. The creatures greatest strength is that whatever damages it, the beast can...
  6. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

    Woot got two paragraphs of the history done! Time to finish it up and start on the culture.
  7. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

    ERM like putting my ideas into a coherent paragraph. I have an idea of what I want I'm just terrible at explaining things. :'(
  8. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

    Can someone help me with my races culture? I'm having a terrible block.....;~; I feel like an idiot.....
  9. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] [Q-5] Araxius Republic

    Home System Name Araxius Home System Coordinates Q-5 Celestial Bodies Sun: Araxius Planets: Rap-us: A medium sized world close to Araxius, the surface is a molten wasteland still rich with materials Araxius Prime(Capital): Home world of the Araxius barely larger than Earth and...
  10. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

    Woot got some of my race done! I suspect it needs much work but it's a start. owo Any and all suggestions will be welcome.
  11. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] [Q-5] Araxius Republic

    WIP Nation Name The Araxius Republic Flag Anthem Leaders Consul Pa’usiz Oz-Ix, A-ert Consul Al’zis Tu-yuz, S-ert Races Araxius: The Araxius are divided into two subspecies, one from the jungles that cover much of their world and were once the great leaders in the ancient past...
  12. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] Signup Thread

    I'll like to take Q5 for my race, The Araxius/Araxius Republic
  13. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

    Oh, okay. Thanks. I can fit an technological FTL into their stuff. I'll be getting it up within two days. :) Woo this ought to be fun!
  14. soulpelt

    [Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

    Is there any restriction on what kind of tech your race has to use? The one I want to use specializes in extreme biotech i.e: Living ships of all shapes and sizes and highly advanced genetic manipulation tech. Want to make sure I can use them before I start getting it together.
  15. soulpelt


    Ahhh, okay. I'm actually on a DnD forum so that could be some good practice....I'll look into the other genre thread things.
  16. soulpelt


    What is Exalted exactly?
  17. soulpelt


    I'm into any genre really. Though my weakness is Realistic ones. I'm up for any kind and pretty much any posting level.....I can get three paragraphs on a good day. X.x MY specialty, however is, 1x1's.
  18. soulpelt


    My, my. You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? Don't tell were expecting someone else?...You did leave the back door locked, didn't you? ( picks up the poor soul who first comes in and shakes them violently) You know what you have done? If you don't get me to leave soon...