[Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

highdarklord said:
I chuckled...


Well... Not really - And for the most part, I didn't find it funny, because I still don't get it. It's a Pegasus Stargate with R2-D2's retarded brother in front of it? How is that funny? I.. I don't understand!
hes a Dalek Guys, no sence of humor, the only emotion he knows is those related to the opression of others! Be ware the semi robot semi organic robot with the plunger of doom! ALL FEAR THE PLUNGER!
No, I'm not a Dalek, I don't even know what a Dalek is.

THAT'S RIGHT! I've never watched your stupid "Doctor Who" show!! Never-ever!

Well I've seen one episode, it had alien scarecrows or.. something..
I never watched it and I know what it is... not knowing what a Dalek is doesn't mean your aren't one you just happen to be slightly confused....
Oppression... extermination... :(


I know I've used that clip before, but so what- It's nebulatastic!
Well guys, I know I've just kind of been lurking in the background for the last month, but in a couple days I ship off to do my entry-level training for the US Army. Mid-July I'll be able to justify going full active on shit again! Possibly sooner even! Who knows?!
Ohh good we need some one to fill this empty void. Dare I say it, i am missing Beli's evil conniving.
You should be, I am coming after you. Building my mighty Dwarven Empire and then I shall strike at the Gods themselves!!!
Is there any restriction on what kind of tech your race has to use? The one I want to use specializes in extreme biotech i.e: Living ships of all shapes and sizes and highly advanced genetic manipulation tech. Want to make sure I can use them before I start getting it together.
soulpelt said:
Is there any restriction on what kind of tech your race has to use? The one I want to use specializes in extreme biotech i.e: Living ships of all shapes and sizes and highly advanced genetic manipulation tech. Want to make sure I can use them before I start getting it together.
It is possible for you to make a race that utilizes biotechnology and organic matter in their technology (such as, Wraith Hive Ships), however it will all have to be equivalent to that of the other players - Also, having completely organic vessels and technology wouldn't work in the case of sublight propulsion or FTL drives and weaponry might get a bit iffy as well, so I'd recommend you'd have your race use conventional technology as well, to avoid certain big issues.

It's kind of hard for me to say what's ok and what isn't, without knowing exactly how your race works. So you should just create the nation thread and once completed, I'll review anything and we can hammer out the details and adjustments. Of course, you'll first have to make a claim in the Signup Thread, before posting a nation/fleet! ;)
Oh, okay. Thanks. I can fit an technological FTL into their stuff. I'll be getting it up within two days. :) Woo this ought to be fun!
soulpelt said:
Oh, okay. Thanks. I can fit an technological FTL into their stuff. I'll be getting it up within two days. :) Woo this ought to be fun!
Remember to make a claim in the signup thread first.

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