

*wicked cackling *
My, my. You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? Don't tell me...you were expecting someone else?...You did leave the back door locked, didn't you? ( picks up the poor soul who first comes in and shakes them violently) You know what you have done? If you don't get me to leave soon, something terrible will happen! Hehehe....

Hello RPdom. My name is Soul.....and I'm quite familiar with rping, having done it for more than six years now. I love Majora's Mask if the first little paragraph or my avatar wasn't a clue enough. xD I found this site via google and I hope to make this one of new main RP forums(and hopefully get my muse back....she left me rather suddenly.)

Any questions? xD
soulpelt said:
My, my. You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? Don't tell me...you were expecting someone else?...You did leave the back door locked, didn't you? ( picks up the poor soul who first comes in and shakes them violently) You know what you have done? If you don't get me to leave soon, something terrible will happen! Hehehe....
Hello RPdom. My name is Soul.....and I'm quite familiar with rping, having done it for more than six years now. I love Majora's Mask if the first little paragraph or my avatar wasn't a clue enough. xD I found this site via google and I hope to make this one of new main RP forums(and hopefully get my muse back....she left me rather suddenly.)

Any questions? xD
Welcome to the site!

If you ever need anything please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the other staff members or if you want to speak to use as a whole you can use admin contact.

What type of genres do you typically like? I may be able to recommend some games to you :) .
I'm into any genre really. Though my weakness is Realistic ones. I'm up for any kind and pretty much any posting level.....I can get three paragraphs on a good day. X.x MY specialty, however is, 1x1's.
soulpelt said:
I'm into any genre really. Though my weakness is Realistic ones. I'm up for any kind and pretty much any posting level.....I can get three paragraphs on a good day. X.x MY specialty, however is, 1x1's.
For Fantasy games I can personally recommend Amaranth and Athamar if only for the simple fact that I have not had to look at any of the other new ones. You can find the whole fantasy list here.

You can find our Modern games here(I have not checked out any Modern Games recently so I can't recommend any one at the moment).

For Sci-Fi you can check out Astrum: Heavens a nationbuilding game or my Fractured game and Sherwood's amazing Robotech game.

You can find all our exalted games here.

Let me know if you like anything :) .
soulpelt said:
What is Exalted exactly?
Exalted is a table top RPG like dungeons and dragons with rules and books and the such. One of our more experienced Exalted players would do a lot better explaining to you.
Ahhh, okay. I'm actually on a DnD forum so that could be some good practice....I'll look into the other genre thread things.
There are often quite a few homebrew games run here too, so if something catches your fancy the GM should be able to refer you to an online resource for the rest of the system and setting.

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