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  1. GrayWatch

    OOC [Through the Years of Strife]

    Ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry to say I will be (more) absent from this. Real Life has decided free time is something that only happens to other people apparently. It doesn't help that I overestimated my own ability to cope either. I should be able to come back when things calm down but that...
  2. GrayWatch

    [OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    Ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry to say I will be (more) absent from this. Real Life has decided free time is something that only happens to other people apparently. It doesn't help that I overestimated my own ability to cope either. I should be able to come back when things calm down but that...
  3. GrayWatch

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry to say I will be (more) absent from this. Real Life has decided free time is something that only happens to other people apparently. It doesn't help that I overestimated my own ability to cope either. I should be able to come back when things calm down but that...
  4. GrayWatch

    Tamat Herd: One of These Nights [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    His grin relaxing now Tamat cocked his head and looked at her. What was he doing? Part of him still wanted to play the hero it seemed. Foolish. He should have learned by now that attracting attention rarely brought more than momentary fame and long-term trouble. Still...nobility. Every line...
  5. GrayWatch

    17 Ascending Fire(March) [Through the Years of Strife]

    "At check-out, thank you my dear." March replied warmly. "An' could you tell the innkeep that I chose the 3rd room on the left? The one overlooking the eaves. I'd do it myself, but I have to run. Got to see a man about some damn-fool transportation problem of his."
  6. GrayWatch

    17 Ascending Fire(March) [Through the Years of Strife]

    With a merry grin March took the sandwich plate from the girl and gave her a little wink. He wasn't that old surely, maybe he could take the night off, and see if he could spend it whispering sweet nothings and old stories into a pretty waitresses ear? Ah but he wouldn't be surprised if the...
  7. GrayWatch

    Tamat Herd: One of These Nights [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    "Gentlemen!" Tamat cried, as his grin ratcheted up another notch "Are you quite sure you want to continue with this venture? You do know what they say about throwing, after bad." he said, gesturing at the leader, who was busily foaming on the ground. "And you fellows do stand to...
  8. GrayWatch

    17 Ascending Fire(March) [Through the Years of Strife]

    "Haha. Easy now. I'll just store my things, then come down an see about that sandwich." March said. Climbing the stairs he wandered down the hall a bit and chose a room with a window. Leaving his pack and cloak in the room he decided it might be best to keep the "staff" and any other things...
  9. GrayWatch

    Scene 1, Act 1: How to Organize a Hunt [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    As Gebon turned back towards the rest of the group to explain about the penguins Gavarin's hands slowly stretched out and oh so carefully pulled the giant caterpillar off of the poor fellows head. With a startled look he blinked as it turned into a ribbon, colors shimmering up and down it's...
  10. GrayWatch

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Come on. Someone post. I need something to over-react to.
  11. GrayWatch

    17 Ascending Fire(March) [Through the Years of Strife]

    March blinked for a moment. He had expected this place to be a dive. "A room would be nice m'boy." March said still glancing around the common room. Perhaps it was just an off-hour. "Mayhaps a meal, if you've got anything on the spit."
  12. GrayWatch

    Scene 1, Act 1: How to Organize a Hunt [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Gavarin sighed. Screw it. They would decide on whatever it was they would, and they seemed determined to push their own agenda's whatever they were. He wasn't interested. Taking out a clear vial from a belt pouch, he broke the wax seal on one end and quickly downed the liquid inside. Inside a...
  13. GrayWatch

    17 Ascending Fire(March) [Through the Years of Strife]

    With a gentle smile March got up an headed towards the inn.
  14. GrayWatch

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Three people have breeding below 4. Gavarin, Lyrik and Gebon(3,2 &1 respectively). Gebon at least can waltz right in, more easily if he poses as a mortal aide de camp for Lyrik. Gavarin's got decent performance(though no instruments) so maybe as a singer...? Regardless we have at least one...
  15. GrayWatch

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Aww if you want internal conflict you just have to ask... Give me three posts to break out the ganja(and have it take effect) or some other, harder drug. I'll have the whole group furious at me within minutes. I had HOPED to save this behavior for on-board the ship, where they couldn't get...
  16. GrayWatch

    17 Ascending Fire(March) [Through the Years of Strife]

    March paused for a moment, considering his options. Here the Dragon-Bloods were either nobility or almost nobility. Likely that meant they had expensive or unusual tastes, probably both, and he didn't doubt that his target was no exception. Still....there was one vice that almost all men shared...
  17. GrayWatch

    Tamat Herd: One of These Nights [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    ====================================================== Results for 1 dice: 1 success [ 7 ] (TN: 7) So a total of 4 successes, Which goes to 3 rolling over. Final Damage is... Str(2)+Wpn(3)+Rollover(3)- 3 Soak=5B dice Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 4 8 5 7 1 ] (TN: 7) 2 hl...
  18. GrayWatch

    Scene 1, Act 1: How to Organize a Hunt [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    "You know you all seem to be taking it for granted that they will be in the village when we get there. Or indeed that the mortals will be a minor problem." Gavarin spoke up, finally tired of being ignored. "You've all heard the stories. Anathema attract followers like dung attracts flies. Who's...
  19. GrayWatch

    Tamat Herd: One of These Nights [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

    A wicked edge spread into Tamat's grin. Maybe it was time he stopped playing nice. Ignoring the assorted minions Tamats drew one leg back, his torso leaning forward, almost like a child winding up for a uselessly big kick on a ball. In his case he was preparing to deliver a blow to the felled...
  20. GrayWatch

    17 Ascending Fire(March) [Through the Years of Strife]

    March stretched and laid out in the sun. His old bones no longer ached and creaked, another gift from beautiful Luna, but he still had a fondness for soaking up the sun when able to. Lookshy...Lookshy...Did he know anyone in Lookshy? He didn't think so. Then again his memory wasn't what it...