Scene 1, Act 1: How to Organize a Hunt [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

Iselsi Gebon

"Yes, I suppose we shall have plenty of time to finalize a plan on the way, if we can find that parrot I mentioned it would be nice." He pauses a moment "Also, I would rather like to swing by one of my holdings, for sorcerous supplies and the like, I have a better idea of what is required now that I know what we're up against....Provided our transport is not /too/ unconventional it should be on our way..."


Need to grab my copy of the black treatsie if I'm to pick up emerald countermagic on the trip......

The bard bows to the collected members of the Hunt. "Of course. We should get moving. Visiting Ledaal Eronelia seems the next course of action. As for the Cynis, I can make sure his journey is of the utmost comfort. I know just the right tune to play to make sure most interesting."

Lyrik pauses, then turns to Jihn. "After that, I would be happy to play you a special tune. It's called Belgar's Lament." Lyrik winks. "Just for you...."


Just so you know - Belgar's Lament tells the story of a DB of exceedingly high breeding who falls into disgrace by showing cowardice. It's used as a cautionary tale in primary school..... :-)
As Gebon turned back towards the rest of the group to explain about the penguins Gavarin's hands slowly stretched out and oh so carefully pulled the giant caterpillar off of the poor fellows head.

With a startled look he blinked as it turned into a ribbon, colors shimmering up and down it's length, twisting of it's own accord. Laughing delightedly he let it go, where it split into hundreds of tiny dragons, which twisted and twirled their way to the ground, where they curled up and fell asleep.

Crouching down he poked at one of them, but it's sleep was deep, and it only moved a bit


In real word terms: Gavarin just tugged on Gebons hair and laughed, then let go off what came away in his hands and poked it.
Iselsi Gebon

The Iselsi sorcerer moves away from the disoriented addict, a look of disdain on his face as he fixes his hair back "Hmm, yes, Do make that ditty a double for our friend here......"
Mnemon Jihn

Jihn doesn't rise to the bait of Lyrik's song, but does put on a chilly look and turns away from him. Jihn heads off to where he believes Ledaal Eronelia is. He doesn't look behind him, trusting the others will obviously follow his excellent leadership.


Jihn's off, hoping to get going for glory. Yes he did just leave you (plural) to carry out his suggestion of tying the Cynis up. He'll come back with a carriage assuming he finds one from Ledaal Eronelia and you all aren't there with him at the time.
"Hello, Mnemon Jihn I presume?" You hear a voice from your right, where a rose garden is in full bloom, but it's hard to see who the speaker is. "I assume you're looking for me."

At that moment a woman steps from between the roses, though you swear there was no gap there, but immediatelly her looks betray some of her secret. She is tall, and lean, and her movements bring to mind the word Willowy. Her skin looks more like bark, and her greenish-tinged hair seems to sway with her movements.

She extends her right hand to you. "My name is Ledaal Eronelia, and I'm to provide you with transport. Where are the rest of your Wyld Hunt party?"

Arriving a minute after Jihn, Yugo was wearing his crimson and gold war robe.

Bowing before his elder he said:

"My name is Cathak Yugo, my men will arrive here in two days. I had to... clear my head and give the mobilization orders. Nice to meet you." he said while looking straight at her.


still up 8)

Jihn takes her hand and kneels before her, then plants a formal kiss on her knuckles. Standing back up he addresses her: "Ledaal Eronelia, I had hoped to arrange means of transport with you, but I must revise my plans! I couldn't possibly accept a ride away from such beauty." Faintly smiling he continues: "The rest of the merry band is a few minutes walk the way I came, but you can see Cathak Yugo here. His news is the best I've heard all day. I'll have two days to solve the problem of this transportation separating us." Jihn bows and lowers his hand in a downward motion indicating the way he came in the manner of a fine waiter leading a special guest to a table at the best tavern of a large town. "Tell me, have you ever been on a Wyld Hunt?" Then starts walking, inviting her to do the same.


Jihn is shamelessly flirting in a non-sexual, non-committal manner. She could be a celibate monk for all he knows, but everyone likes a compliment.
Ledaal Eronelia laughs lightly at your words "My, I wasn't told that you are a charmer, but alas, if I were younger I might have considered your words more seriously, though even then my husband might have taken offense at them." Her face grows more grave as she speaks, but her eyes never lose the mirth in them.

"You won't have two days. if you have any minions you wish to accompany you, you will leave a roster of names and we'll send them to you when they're ready. You will have to just go ahead without any help, unless you think you might need mortals to keep you safe from Anathema?" She winks at you, as if drawing you to bite on her words.

"Don't worry dear, I have vanquished my share of Anathema, and now devote myself to other stuff. But you do return, maybe we can explore some common hobbies." At that point you reach the hall where the rest of the group is assembled, whereupon she turns to the rest of them.

"Hello, my name is Ledaal Eronelia, and I will provide you with a transportation. If you have, like Cathak Yugo here, any minions you wish to have along, and they are not present here, give me a list with their names, and when all of them are ready I'll arrange for their transportation. Once you are all ready, we'll get you clse to your destination."
Yugo frowned. Such light attitude for a sacred war from the depth of time he thought.

"Here's the list of my soldiers. I expect them to be treated as soldiers of the Legion, patriots, leaving their homes and families for a holy crusade from which they'll probably not return." he said holding the list containing the information on his unit to Eronelia.

His tone was cold yet respectful enough not to be considered a direct offense to an elder retired member of the Wyld Hunt.

How can one stop devoting oneself to anything else than getting this world rid of evil ?

The musician executes an elaborate bow in Ledaal Eronelia's direction, holding the bow as he looks up at the lady and graces her with a dazzling smile. "Any assistance you can provide, Graceful Lady, the frosty demeanor of some of my comrades notwithstanding, will most assuredly be the crux upon which our mission hinges. Your aid is exceeded only by your beauty. And I, a mere singer of songs, will be vigilant in spreading your name, your actions, and your beauty across Creation." Lyrik rises and gives a quick wink in Eronelia's and Jihn's direction. "I have but one man, and he is ready to ride. Or sail. Or frolic. Whatever the case may be. As for myself, I, too, am ready. So whenever my compatriots are ready, I do believe we will be set to go."
Ledaal Eronelia looks around the room, and then starts chanting. She raises her hands and begins to make intricate motions with them, and she does so, her anima banner begins to glow, going totemic very soon, and she is wreathed with thorny vines.

Meanwhile, the essence of her spell gains momentum, and begins to take the shape of a corona of energy encircling the lot of you. This process takes some time, but at the end of it there is a burst of energy, and you find yourselves in a forest glade, surrounded by mighty oaks and cedars...


Will post the new act tomorrow

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