Scene 1, Act 1: How to Organize a Hunt [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]


Jihn seems unphased, but willing to get back to buisness. "Of course! The Anathema are terribly powerful. I heard they can tell your intent with a glance. We can't risk them seeing through your intentions for being there, Lyrik. Think of the danger being outnumbered by Anathema! You'd be much safer practicing your art behind the lines. Tell me, do you compose...?"

A thought crosses Jihn's mind. Momentarily ditracted from the bettering of his name, Jihn pauses to think with his hand on his chin. "Yes, perhaps it is best not to be seen at all, to give them no advanced warning of anything suspicious. Who among us has the best ability at Stealth? I must admit I'm only a novince."


Jihn may or may not be butchering and overstateing the power of the Solar Charms Mastery of Small Manners and Sagacious Reading of Intent. He might just be making things up from children's stories he has heard.

Invisible Street Performer Technique to the rescue?
Iselsi Gebon

The sorcerer nods, finally speaking up "Yes, I would be in favor of a more subtle plan....The fewer klaxons and banners the better, at least until after our victory" He smiles... "And the addition of a performer to our Hunt should then make the tale of our deeds the talk of the Realm. Right, Good Bard?....But as to combating the fiends in the first place, when the time comes I shall dedicate myself to neutralizing the sorcerer......I have a few tricks with which to fight it's foul magics...."


sorry, got distracted by other things both on and off site.....Will be more active henceforth....
Cathak Setod clears his throat, and once he's got your attention says "I'll it up to you to brief your newest addition regarding the mission, but before i go, there is one thing that you need to know. Since this mission seems to be of some import, once you are ready to embark, you will have to see Ledaal Eronelia, who will provide you with a fast transport across the Inner Sea." With that, he leaves you to fill in the new guy.

The new guy bows his head to Cathak Setod, and waits until the Hero of the Realm leaves before turning to the group. To Jihn in particular. "Oh. That's right. I'm only a musician. Obviously I can't do anything but play music. Of course. Then we'll most certainly have to abandon my suggestion."

Now Lyrik moves to the others gathered in the room, turning his back to Jihn. "We have some planning to do here, swordsman. Why don't you go over there and swing your blade whilst those of us with intelligence make our plans? When there's killing to be done, we'll call you."

His gaze falls on Gebon. "Our tales will, indeed, be known far and wide, if I have anything to say about it. And, being a performer, you can bet I will have something to say about it. You mentioned sorcery. Am I to assume we have an exalted member of the Heptagram amongst our number? What fascinating stories you must have...."

Smart enough to see a jab at his intelligence when he sees one, Jihn smolders a bit and his skin darkens to a burnt red.

And here I was trying to be nice.

"That won't be how this song is played, piper. I'm part of this Hunt and will sit in on the planning of it! I shall reconsider. I support Lyrik's attempt reconnaissance and suggest the guise of an Immaculate itinerant minstrel, swaying the people with the compassion of Sextes Jylis."


This will be fun.

The bard turns back toward Jihn. His face is neutral, but his eyes are not inimical. "Oh. So you have more talents than just swinging a sword, is that what you're saying? That you are not defined by only one skill? Good. I would hope that all of us on this Hunt are multi-dimensional. We would fail otherwise. Please don't assume that playing music is the only skill I have. I doubt the Hunt would choose anyone who had no combat capability." Now his gaze does become serious, and there is a strong smell of loam in the air as he speaks his next words, clipped and precise. "And if you ever suggest I cower in the rear of the Hunt again, Mnemon, we will have more than words. I don't retreat to the rear of the line only to sing your praises. I am a Prince of the Earth, and a member of the Wyld Hunt. My place - all of our places - are at the forefront, bringing down the Anathema and making Creation safe for the Realm. That is our duty."

Lyrik holds Jihn's eye for a second or two, and then a dazzling smile breaks his countenance. "Now that that's over, shall we commence our planning? We have glorious tales yet to tell. Yet to create. I suggest we start with this foul monster. With our assembled might - not the least of which is your sword, brave Mnemon - our victory is assured. So. Are we going to send one or two scouts into the village?"


Yes. This will be fun!
Iselsi Gebon

"The Heptagram, while surely a fine school, is overrated..." Says the sorcerer, some slight emberessment evident in his voice.....Having been effectivly 'home-schooled' by family sorcerers.....

"But yes, on with the planning......In case you missed it, our mission is to confront and 'remove' a duo of anathema from a small southern town. One is a archer, the other, according to some sources," here he pauses to give a nod and grin to Yugo "Is a sorcerer....So...who are our scouts...? Minstrel and Monk...?"

Ojaih shakes his head in disgust, both at Lyrik's plan and how it destroy's his schemes, and his blatant insult to the sorceror's kinsman;however, as always, the Memnon is finding ways which he might twist this to his own ends.

"At the very least, don't give any hints that you're from the Realm. We all know that Anathema aren't exactly what they seem-these ones may have prodigious powers of oracle or farsight and if they see one Immaculate coming they may expect many more, leaving the exact wrong situation for attacking them. Surprise, surprise, surprise is the way of battle.

However, I commend you on the brilliance of your plan, and it may be the best we can do in the situation we have. I'm Memnon Ojaih, and if you think all of our House are halfwits like some of those in a few other houses, I must correct you- no one who has an ounce of Memnon blood in them reaches the level of idiocy that is apparent in some people.

Pleased at the apparent turmoil provoked by the appearance of a new ally against the Mnemon, Yugo tried to "ease the minds".

"It seems obvious that though our divine heritage does speak for us, when considering infiltration, it does us no good.

The more dragon blood runs through our veins, the more easily recognized we are as Princes of the Earth.

I strongly suggest that our new companion goes there alone, as we wouldn't want to raise suspicions displaying several of our exceptional lineages to the commoners so they could warn the anathemas... only one should be just enough."


Yeah guys, Breeding has that counterpart that it does give your nature away...
Iselsi Gebon

The Sorcerer sighs discreetly to himself, contemplating propping himself against the wall, gem in hand, and resting against his forehead and taking one of the henchmen out for a beer while the posturing and preening continued....But then, inevitably someone would notice he was seemingly out of it......That would hardly do.....

He re-focuses on the moment at hand as another of his 'allies' speaks up...." I dislike the thought of sending in one alone, clever and stealthy or not. Especially if he has no means of contacting us......"

Jihn seems puzzled. "No means of contacting us? I thought you fancy sorcerers knew a spell for long distance communication. I remember reading it somewhere as a tactical advantage." Jihn looks at Ragara Inirlan, and the other sorcerers he knows are present.


The Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier mentions sorcerers and some of their abilities. Jihn certainly doesn't know the spells by name and he doesn't understand different sorcerers know different spells or which spells each of you know.

I know Ragara Inirlan let on he's a sorcerer but I forget if the other sorcerers did, so I left it vague as to who Jihn's looking at.

I was joking about the Immaculate monk infiltration plan, Lyrik. That will likely get you killed.

You are right, cyl. Breeding is just one more reason Jihn doesn't like being part of the spying option.
Iselsi Gebon

"Heh, actually, now that I think about it.... There is a way, I'd need to pick up a live and preferably small raven though......Or perhaps one of those parrot-birds, the southeastern things that sort of talk....." says the sorcerer, stroking his chin contemplatively.....
"You know you all seem to be taking it for granted that they will be in the village when we get there. Or indeed that the mortals will be a minor problem." Gavarin spoke up, finally tired of being ignored. "You've all heard the stories. Anathema attract followers like dung attracts flies. Who's to say that these things won't have two villages, or three, or, Dragons forbid, a town or even a city under their sway when we get there?"

He glared around at the circle dispassionately. He didn't want to do this, any of it, the planning, the chasing, the hunting, none of it. But if it was to be done, he might as well see if he could wrangle a little fame out of it, maybe get out from under his families thumb.

"I still say posing as a caravan is best. A cautious group of merchants, uneducated in the truths of the dragons would naturally want to appease a new power in the area. Maybe offer him a gift. It would not be too heavily remarked if they went searching on their way through. As for some of our appearances well, perhaps a little sorcery...?"


Gavarin is drawing his "stories" from both tales of legendary hunts as well as the famous battles with Bull of the North (not that he knows any details. Just that the dispatched legions were defeated.)

As for sorcery he knows less than nothing, and assumes with a few weeks to figure out how a sorcerer can do more or less anything.

Lyrik bows to Mnemon Ojaih. "My veiled threat of idiocy was only to illustrate a point. Your esteemed cousin figured that, because I am a musician, that is all I can do. I am a Prince of the Earth. My talents are many and varied. Something Jihn seemed to forget. I know he has many more talents. I know he can contribute to our planning. He is a Prince of the Earth. I just wanted to make sure he doesn't take my interest in the arts as weakness. We have all been chosen for this task. This Hunt. We must make use of all of our skills and abilities in order to achieve success. My plan was not to go in as a Prince of the Earth. The plan was to go into town simply as a musician. Not an Immaculate. Not a Dragon-Blooded. Simply a musician."

The bard turns to Gavarin. "I'm not above using a trade caravan, but doing so puts others, innocent traders, at risk. There's a very real chance they will be killed, and their caravan stolen or destroyed. If the rest of the Hunt decide the caravan is the way to go, then I will accede to their wishes. But I think knowingly endangering others - particularly when we have the wherewithal to do this ourselves - is a needless risk we don't need to take. And below the skill we wield as Dragon-Blooded. But, again, I will gladly step aside if that is decided to be the best course of action."

The Memnon returns the bow, and simply says, "Of course. I'm sorry for any offense which I might have caused."

Examining all possible angles which this discussion might lead, he simply listens to what the others have to say, figuring each of their words and ideas into his plans, both for the Hunt which they are about to undertake and his little set of ulterior motives.
Gavarin sighed. Screw it. They would decide on whatever it was they would, and they seemed determined to push their own agenda's whatever they were. He wasn't interested.

Taking out a clear vial from a belt pouch, he broke the wax seal on one end and quickly downed the liquid inside. Inside a few moments he heard a dim rushing sound, and the faces of those around him began to take on strange aspects.

He sat back and grinned, waiting for the show to begin.


Has just consumed 1 dose of Rasp Spider Venom


10 hours of intense hallucinations

-4 Dex, -4 Perception, for 10 hours.

By spending 2 wp may make craft actions with +2 successes to craft rolls. In such a case may act as though no penalty to either dex or perception.

I won't be doing much crafting but w/e.

And now, to cement my reputation as a useless waste of space.
Out of the corner of his eye Ojaih notices the Cynis' action and turns, asking softly, and to no one in particular, "Did he just do what I think he did?"

Walking over to Gavarin, Ojaih examines him briefly, grabbing the vial to see what exactly was imbibed.


rolling intelligence+medicine, as I assume that would be what he would use to identify. If not, I'll reroll with the correct attributes.

Memnon Ojaih rolled the following in his 5 dice:

1, 5, 10, 9, 2

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 3 successes.

The bard looks at the Cynis and shakes his head. "Looks like the Cynis has checked out on us, boys. Might I suggest we devise our plans without including him in them? If we have to rely on him for anything, it will only get us dead. I'm not one to question our Elders in the Hunt, but why was he put here? I'm of the opinion that you have to trust your Hunt mates in order to take down an Anathema. This isn't a picnic in the park. We're talking straight up monsters here. If this guy is going to be drugged out and not take this seriously, then I'm not going to take him seriously. What say the rest of you?"
Iselsi Gebon

The Iselsi sorcerer contemplating means of comunicating, looks up at the surprised and disbeleiving tones of his fellows.

Looking to the Cynis, partaking of chemical pleasures in the midst of planning...The sorcerer sighs shaking his head either in exasperation or in response to the bards suggestion of removing the wastrel, it was not clear. "It is a poor sign so early in the endeavor to strike any from our roster. Hopefully this one bore at least enough forsight, to use a plant based intoxicant....."

Here he turns to the subject of everyone's sudden attention.. "You there, call upon the favors of Sextes Jylis and rejoin the conversation.......Was it not you, mere moments ago, that was coaching /Us/ on not underestimating our foes, and yet you've decided to skip our planning...?" The Air caste's words were adamant, lent a bit of extra force after his contemplating a similar escape mere moments before.

The Memnon shakes his head in disgust, putting the Cynis down before saying, "He's taken a dose of Rasp Spider venom. I doubt there's anything plant based about it." His face slowly widens into a smile, and he continues, "He'll be having hallucinations for about ten hours, unless one of you can cleanse him. Really fun stuff, though I don't suggest drinking it under these circumstances. To truly enjoy its effects without harm, you should take it in a really soft, padded space. Like a bedroom, for instance."

He stares off into the distance, remember a few of his experiences, before shrugging and saying, "There's nothing we can really do but hold him on a tight leash and hope that the hallucinations don't turn dark."

In all seriousness, Jihn suggests "Perhaps this would be a good time to start our travel, then. Let's find Ledaal Eronelia. We can tie the good Cynis up in the carriage once we have it, surround him with pillows and tell him stories of all the silly things he babbled about when he comes into his right mind."

If he has a right mind...

Smarmily Jihn continues "And we can continue this lively discussion on who looks least like a Prince of the Earth in transit."


There's a bit of land travel from the Cloister of Wisdom to the Inner Sea, correct?

yes there is a fair distance, but you are all to report to Ledaal Eronelia, who is supposed to provide you with transport.

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