17 Ascending Fire(March) [Through the Years of Strife]


Ten Thousand Club
You must liberate this Terrestrial from his own kind

Your mentor's words weigh heavily on your mind as you observed the gates of Lookshy. It has only been about a month, give or take, since you left her enclave, but still, you remember clearly the task given to you.

An ally of the Silver Pact, a lord among the Gentes of Lookshy, wishes to leave his life, so that he might benefit the Pact ever more, and you were the one given the task, maybe as a test, or maybe as just a way to get you out into the world so that you might have quests of your own.

Out, this close to the Realm's enemies, you should be protected from the Wyld Hunt, your master said, but that also means that you are about to infiltrate the largest gathering of Dragon-Blooded on this side of the Realm.

From your little hillock, you are invisible to the sentries on the walls, and you notice that that the gates are opening for the passage of some type of caravan or convoy.
March stretched and laid out in the sun. His old bones no longer ached and creaked, another gift from beautiful Luna, but he still had a fondness for soaking up the sun when able to.

Lookshy...Lookshy...Did he know anyone in Lookshy? He didn't think so. Then again his memory wasn't what it was.

After a time napping in the sun he decided he might as well go in. He would be recognized, or he would be ignored, and that would be that. Climbing to his feet he took his travel staff in hand, wrapped the light dust-cloak about his shoulders and shouldered his pack. Setting off down the road he tried to join onto the tail end of the travelers ahead of him.

He wasn't too worried. Getting into a city shouldn't be hard at all. It was city. Even a small city had to take in hundreds of carts of industrial supplies every day, to say nothing of spoilable food. He regarded it as a minor miracle that any city managed to ever close it's gates.
You blend in almost perfectly with the travelers around you as they shuffle through the gate, ready to be on their way. Unfortunately, the trip through the gate is slow as the caravans and their goods are being processed, but no one really seems to notice the people, as the carts seem to be taken more precedence over, more than any mere mortal.

Eventually you find yourself in the city, surrounded by numerous people of many different nationalities, with not a one paying any attention to you. It becomes apparent that if you are going to be going about the business of finding this Dragon-Blooded lord, you're going to have to find those who know him first.


Heh, I realized that I forgot to give you a name for the DB lord- Karal Onop
March paused for a moment, considering his options. Here the Dragon-Bloods were either nobility or almost nobility. Likely that meant they had expensive or unusual tastes, probably both, and he didn't doubt that his target was no exception. Still....there was one vice that almost all men shared, and if his target didn't, well surely his friends and enemies did.

He needed to find a high-end wine-house. Somewhere the rich and powerful drank.

Stooping down by a beggar, he dumped a handful of small coins in his hands, and asked for directions to such a place, along with an inn.
The beggar, covered in sores and smelling of dried pus and worse, smiles wide at the sight of your donation, overenthusiasticly thanking before saying, "Aye, there's such a place all the way ov'r at the end a' town. Called the Golden Cornucopia. It's where all the rich folks go to drink and fulfill a few of their other urges. As for the inn, you can get an affordable room at the Dragon's Paw. Ain't got no fleas nor nothing over there. It's just a few blocks thataway. You can't miss it."
After a short trip through the streets of Lookshy, under the watchful eyes of the guards positioned at every street corner, you eventually find yourself at the Dragon's Paw. A nondescript place, indistinguishable from every other inn that you might find in any town in the Scavenger Lands, it seems be a bit worn from use. As you enter, you see that the crowd inside isn't what you might expect inside of an inn, mostly composed of one or two loners wishing to get away from their normal lodgings in the city. Veritably empty, nevertheless, the innkeeper asks cheerfully, "How may I serve you today, kind sir?"
March blinked for a moment. He had expected this place to be a dive.

"A room would be nice m'boy." March said still glancing around the common room. Perhaps it was just an off-hour.

"Mayhaps a meal, if you've got anything on the spit."
The innkeeper gives you a big, stained-teeth grin, and says, "Coming up right away sir. The room is up the stairs. Take any one you like, and just tell me which one you took when you come down. As of now, none of them are filled."

He motions towards the kitchen, saying, "We ain't got anything cooking now, but we do have leftovers from last night, and we can always make sandwiches."


Don't know if they've even heard of sandwiches in Creation, but in this inn, in this corner of Lookshy, they sure do.
"Haha. Easy now. I'll just store my things, then come down an see about that sandwich." March said.

Climbing the stairs he wandered down the hall a bit and chose a room with a window. Leaving his pack and cloak in the room he decided it might be best to keep the "staff" and any other things the overly inquisitive might find strange.
The room is of a good quality, clean and of solid construction. Everything within is made of some unnamed wood that seems to be native from these parts, and while there aren't any frills, nothing like pillows or drapes, you have a bed, a chair, and a blanket which should serve your needs marvelously. After dropping off your items you head back downstairs, and as soon as you reach the main hall you are confronted by a young waitress bearing your sandwich.
With a merry grin March took the sandwich plate from the girl and gave her a little wink. He wasn't that old surely, maybe he could take the night off, and see if he could spend it whispering sweet nothings and old stories into a pretty waitresses ear?

Ah but he wouldn't be surprised if the Pact had someone watching him. Which normally wouldn't discourage him from taking a night off, but he was in no mood to please some voyeur. Not tonight anyway.
The girl returns the wink, and you are left wondering if, whether you like it or not, she might soon turn up at your door late this night.

The sandwich is nice and fresh, made with a variety of assorted trappings along with the meat and goat cheese which you can taste inside. It does fill you up, and soon you are left with only crumbs and a small craving for more. If their leftovers are this good you wonder how delicious their meals might be fresh.

The waitress soon comes by again, and asks in a gentle, melodic voice, "Would you be paying for that now or before you check out?"
"At check-out, thank you my dear." March replied warmly. "An' could you tell the innkeep that I chose the 3rd room on the left? The one overlooking the eaves. I'd do it myself, but I have to run. Got to see a man about some damn-fool transportation problem of his."

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