[OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

Ladies and gentlemen I'm sorry to say I will be (more) absent from this. Real Life has decided free time is something that only happens to other people apparently. It doesn't help that I overestimated my own ability to cope either.

I should be able to come back when things calm down but that won't happen for at least several weeks and possibly not until late august.

So I'm sorry, but I can't participate for...quite a while. If you're willing to let me back in when I return, that would be great, if not, I understand completely.
So... since I have a hard time mastering all of the chronicles for the moment, I thought that we could launch a little "friendly" tournament soon, then get back to the individual chronicles as my agenda cleans itself.

Does that sounds like a good idea ? :)
Well, the ones willing to participate in such a tournament.

I need to speak with my ST mate anyway ^^
So I'm cleaning up the dust over this collection of games(got a new section where you'll find old chronicles).

I'll update the late chronicles this week end (3 days of week end yay :mrgreen: ), and I'll let one week for everyone to manifest their interests on the tournament / continuing with the chronicles, and to state if they're still alive, and I was thinking about letting in some one shots (for players who want to test some templates they thought about) to make things interesting for the tournament... what do you think ?
cyl said:
So I'm cleaning up the dust over this collection of games(got a new section where you'll find old chronicles).
I'll update the late chronicles this week end (3 days of week end yay :mrgreen: ), and I'll let one week for everyone to manifest their interests on the tournament / continuing with the chronicles, and to state if they're still alive, and I was thinking about letting in some one shots (for players who want to test some templates they thought about) to make things interesting for the tournament... what do you think ?
/me coughs conspicuously

I'm down... just don't let any of those crazy twink-chainsaw combat monkey's into the tourney... no telling what sort of mess they'll make O_o

/end cough
Updates to come this week, schedule is starting to free itself as our new assistant can fly solo now :mrgreen:
Okay things keeps getting worse on my end.... I have just received a message from my INTERNET provider that they will close my net connection from tomorrow and to the weekend :S

Not suer why but it has something to do with repairing a line or something.... I'm sorry :-/ but this time it's out of my hands. I'll try to post using my mobile phone but I won't be able to make any rolls. NPC if needed.
Oki doki so if players are still alive and interested here are the two options we're offering you:

1- continue your chronicles

2- participate in a grand tournament (most likely in the Republic of Chaya)... individual chronicles will be shortened / linked to this tournament so that every one of you has a reason to go there.

Wether you choose option 1 or 2, won't affect the game, if some people are not interested by the tournament, then they will go along with their chronicles.

Thank you for your patience and for sticking with us :)
I wouldn't mind a tournament, though I'm uncertain how my story might be 'shortened'.

so, tenative option 2 for me....
I'll be away from the 18th to the 24+th getting back to france and going to see my gramps for their 60th anniversary of marriage (try to beat that :lol: )

Will probably have access to internet though, but not sure I'll be able to post frequently between the flights trains and family meetings.
Guys, I am sorry to say this, but I am going to have to close this game on account of not being able to do as many thing as I wish I could.

This was a nice project though, and should I manage my time in a more appropriate manner I would gladly open it again.

I had a very nice time STing those mini scenarios, I hope you did too. :)
Thanks for the game, while it lasted. It was my first game on this site, and I've learned from it, and hopefully it shows in my other games... :mrgreen:
Yep good times, I'll happily come back if you ever have the time to run it again.....But I totally understand the pressing troubles of time available vs. game desired....

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