Tamat Herd: One of These Nights [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]


...I understood relatively little of that.

Do you want me to roll for something? I can roll for something.

I kinda assume it's not my turn again as the people I just pestered haven't all dog-piled on me, nor has Sawami taken this excellent opportunity to run away yet.


Let me do this again:

- when you fight extras, you do not need to roll damage.

- you take your final damage (raw damage - soak) and divide it by 3 (rounded up) and apply it to the health levels of the target.

- in your case, your final damage was 6-6-5, so that is a -1 -1 -1 HL for all the guy you hit (broken noses and ribs).

Come to think about it... I forgot to check for balance

- whenever raw damage of the attacker exceeds the Stam + Resistance of the target he hits, roll Stam or Dex + Athletics or Resistance diff 2 (this is what happened to the leader when you hit him, he fell).

3xD10: 3 2 8 : 1 suxx so the three guys you hit all fall to the floor.

Be updating tomorrow :)
The leader frowns and gets angrier:

"You bastard, I won't let you ridicule us like this" he says drawing a short sword out of his back and trying to hit you with it.


T13: leader attacking :

6xD10: 3 7 8 3 7 1: 3 suxx your DV is at -3 from your flurry so he hits unless I missed something.

T14: Tamat/ goons getting up

T17: leader attacks
With a relatively narrow dodge Tamat grinned as he spun around on one heel, utilizing the momentum to lend weight to his blows and drove an elbow into the fellow's face.


Accuracy:9. I think.

Results for 9 dice: 5 successes [ 3 9 3 4 6 7 8 0 4 ] (TN: 7)

Go! Stunt Dice Roll!

Results for 1 dice: 1 success [ 7 ] (TN: 7)

Totals up to 6 successes on accuracy.

A hit.

Sans 2 DV gives me 4 rollover

Dmg=4 +2 +0=6 dice

Results for 6 dice: 4 successes [ 4 0 0 3 5 3 ] (TN: 7)

That sound about right?

Now I THINK you said he had 3 bashing soak so...

1 health level?

Am I getting better or worse at this?

Slightly better, except that damage is rolled after the comparation with soak.

Formula's : raw damage - soak = final damage (what you roll).

In this case: 6 - 3 = 3.

Now I'd advise you to roll again to be fair with you (else how can I determine which dice I have to remove ? :D )
Thankee. Sorry this is genuinely my first RP that had actual mechanics.

Results for 3 dice: 2 successes [ 4 4 0 ] (TN: 7)

Woo! Net increase!
You can feel the leader's nose crack under your elbow and his body follows the direction of his face in a turning spiral that takes him down to the ground... again...


3xD10: 4 3 5 failed check for knockdown.


T19: Tamat / goons now up

T22: leader is up again.
A wicked edge spread into Tamat's grin. Maybe it was time he stopped playing nice. Ignoring the assorted minions Tamats drew one leg back, his torso leaning forward, almost like a child winding up for a uselessly big kick on a ball.

In his case he was preparing to deliver a blow to the felled leader that... Well no, his children wouldn't feel it. That was the whole point really. There wouldn't be any.


Accuracy:7. I think

Results for 7 dice: 3 successes [ 4 5 7 5 7 9 5 ] (TN: 7)

+1die stunt

DV is 1

Let's see if you have learned my previous lessons my young padawan :mrgreen:

Results for 1 dice: 1 success [ 7 ] (TN: 7)

So a total of 4 successes, Which goes to 3 rolling over.

Final Damage is...

Str(2)+Wpn(3)+Rollover(3)- 3 Soak=5B dice

Results for 5 dice: 2 successes [ 4 8 5 7 1 ] (TN: 7)

2 hl?

That better?

Also I don't remember if it's possible to just "cancel" damage, but I'd prefer to leave this fellow at incapacitated. Also as I seem to recall Bashing damage stops just before Incap and then has to roll over as lethal to get there, I suspect I have a while before I get there.
The man screams as your foot finds his groins and the pain is apparently killing him.

Yet he is still conscious and screaming insults at your... but has more pain in the voice now.


Yes you can "pull your blows", it imposes a -2 penalty on your roll, but when you're doing bashing damage, it's not really important, you can knock people out, they regain consciousness rapidly... unless you continue smashing their head against the ground, or vice versa. :lol:


The goons are getting up but seeing their leader being beaten to the ground, they have a long moment of hesitation as fear of failiure and indecision now wrap them.


T22: Leader tries to get up

T23: Tamat

T25: goons

T27: leader is up
"Gentlemen!" Tamat cried, as his grin ratcheted up another notch "Are you quite sure you want to continue with this venture? You do know what they say about throwing good....money, after bad." he said, gesturing at the leader, who was busily foaming on the ground.

"And you fellows do stand to lose, oh, such a lot if this turns out poorly for you, and I would just feel so bad about it. Oh my, whatever can be done to resolve this?"


Social Attack, playing off their probably unwritten motivation: Attachment to ones own genitalia. Attempt is to get them to break and run.

Since there's multiple I assume it's one roll of Cha+Performance?

Results for 6 dice: 6 successes [ 8 8 3 5 0 0 ] (TN: 7)
Without concern for their fallen leader, the men scatter and run from the bridge. Two even jump directly in the water out of fear before your martial prowess.

The man is still holding his groin and twitching with pain on the ground and Sawami almost faints.

Catching her breath against the edge of the bridge, she turns her beautiful face towards you and elegantly bow before you.

The white and red colours of her kimono, and the cherry of her umbrella only underlines her blushing, but her delicate smiles says enough:

"I thank you honorable knight. I don't know what these men wanted with me, but you have saved me from an undesired fate. I cannot repay my debt to you, but I am sure my father would compensate you for your bravery."

Her face is as white as porcelain, her eyes are brown with soft spots of green and her traits and silhouette are so delicate she must be from a noble bloodline.
His grin relaxing now Tamat cocked his head and looked at her.

What was he doing? Part of him still wanted to play the hero it seemed. Foolish. He should have learned by now that attracting attention rarely brought more than momentary fame and long-term trouble.

Still...nobility. Every line of her face screamed it. The waylaid daughter of a nobleman, rescued by a nearby traveler. It sounded like something out of a bad children's story, but then, given what he was, it wasn't that surprising. He was something out of many stories used to scare children all throughout the Threshold.

Regardless, there was potential here. A grateful father could grow extravagant in his rewards. Tamat doubted any mortal had what he was seeking, but even a clue to where to find it would be worth the risk. And if not, well the traditional rewards weren't bad either. A little money could go a long way for him right now. Some patching of his clothes, a nice hot meal, and if there was any left over, perhaps some of those "ration" things the caravans all seemed to carry. Who knew real food wouldn't last on a journey?

"A knight I'm not ma'am" Tamat said with a merry twinkle in his eyes "But at this point I think I have a duty to see you to your door. Lead on milady!"


Beginning to see what I meant about going through money like a hot knife through butter?

Definitely. :mrgreen:


Sawami is still shivering from the ambush at first, but your presence and arm seems soothing enough and as you walk the paved clean white street of Marita. The sun is finally setting down and thousand of lights are lit and dance under the orange and violet of the skies like a ballet of fireflies.

People are no longer walking and the city is boiling with night activity, people dining, walking, laughing... even in those times of trouble, people can still actually enjoy a peaceful evening.

An hour later, Sawami having been silently polite throughout your walk you arrive before a magnificent mansion, 10 stories high and a hundred yards wide, a little palace within the city of diplomats.

You've been here before, it's the house of Kuchiken Ishimatsu, the 3rd councilman of Marita, dealing with economics policy within the city and a influent advisor of the Confederation.

Kuchiken is known for his sophisticated parties, and being a man of great power and influence. You've tried to approach him once or twice, but never could reach him before.

Sawami enters the mansion greeted by a horde of servants trying to politely seperate you from her, thinking that you're just another pretendant to be driven off, but she tells them to leave you both and that you're an honored guest of hers.

She then takes you to a complex elevator system built within the mansion to reach the top floor of the mansion. Each floor is a totally different atmosphere as you remember, and the last floor gives directly on an open luxurious garden you've never been before.

Here a man walks alone by an exquisite floral composition of white blue red and orange whose beauty is only underlined by the light emitted by the lanterns of the garden.

Kuchiken is a tall man with long black hair falling on his back up to his hips, he seems to be in his forty but you know for a fact that he is one of god blooded sons of Maeteru, the city god of Marita, and is much older than his body lets think. He has a perfect face, strong jaw, fine nose, deep black eyes and a dense black moustache, and his presence is inhumanly overwhelming, leading everyone in his presence to respect him as a man of important status.

"Father" Sawami starts "Some men tried to kidnap me today, and this brave knight came to my help and saved me !" by the tone of her voice you can sense that she's almost hesitant and definitely nervous.

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