Search results for query: *

  1. MisterComedy

    Act 2 Scene 1b - Seven of one thing half a dozen of another [Broken Memories]

    "Forgive me then but I could not help but see your ID back in the room. What should I call you if not the name we know?" Aaron remarks smiling to soften any sting in his words. With quiet deliberateness he walked the room checking the books and people alike while listening to Mark and the...
  2. MisterComedy

    Act 2 Scene 1b - Seven of one thing half a dozen of another [Broken Memories]

    "This is getting tiresome." Aaron say shielding his eyes as he surveys the room. "Mark. Jessica. Are you both alright?"
  3. MisterComedy

    Act 1 Scene 4b - First Dawn First Day [Broken Memories]

    Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day Aaron follows suit quickly with an awkward loping run but - despite the obvious if vague danger of the situation - his curiosity was still in command. "Who are these people that we are running from?" his words like his breath came hard and fast. "And what...
  4. MisterComedy

    Act 1 Scene 4b - First Dawn First Day [Broken Memories]

    Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day Aaron's head jerks up quickly startled. "Was force really an option here?! I simply meant we ask the girl some questions when she comes back." He glances in the direction the waitress had taken as if half expecting her to be listening. "We really must...
  5. MisterComedy

    Act 1 Scene 4b - First Dawn First Day [Broken Memories]

    Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day "Regardless of the origin of our current situation we have the same avenues of research ahead. We find out what that attractive young woman knows when she brings us our breakfast and then we investigate the addresses on our IDs. That would seem the most...
  6. MisterComedy

    Act 1 Scene 4b - First Dawn First Day [Broken Memories]

    Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day "I think the most likely answer as to the why of our memory loss is a who." Aaron speaking softy tilting his head towards his companions. "The odds of us all suffering this malady at the same time is astronomical. That rules out any real form of accident. I...
  7. MisterComedy

    Act 1 Scene 4b - First Dawn First Day [Broken Memories]

    Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day "Apparently we are not the only souls to have experienced such an awakening." Aaron muses resting his chin his hand. "Which leads us the questions of how and why such a thing could or should be done. There are few good reasons I could see for such."
  8. MisterComedy

    Act 1 Scene 4b - First Dawn First Day [Broken Memories]

    Re: Interlude - First Dawn First Day Taking a seat beside his fellows is a man tall and bright eyed adorned with a grin that belied the seriousness of the situation in which they found themselves. "You two must forgive my general rudeness as I found the most fascinating book on astrological...
  9. MisterComedy

    [OOC] On Discussions Held Elsewhere... [Broken Memories]

    Hello all. Looking forward to actually getting a chance to play Exalted again after all this time.
  10. MisterComedy

    New Game - Broken Memories

    Judging by Coyotekin's location I would be that friend from CoV and I'll be tossing you a PM as soon as I work out an idea. That probably won't take too long.
  11. MisterComedy


    I fear no place will ever truly be safe from their kind but I can dream that someday we will be a more enlightened people...sigh. You'd think that with 4e D&D that they would leave the good games alone. :) I'll keep an eye open.
  12. MisterComedy


    Making my not so grand entrance here on the forums. Literally just found out about them today from a frequent user and a mod I believe but I could be wrong as I was beating things with a large stone mallet at the time. I am a long time fan of Exalted - though I have yet to play 2nd Edition - and...